Diederik 'Malice' Meijer's Chief of Medicine Application

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May 4, 2022
Steam ID: Steam ID: 76561199270404514

Discord name:
Diederik 'Malice' Meijer#4172

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
I know my forums account is todays old but I never knew about this forums thing, Also I have played for a fair few weeks, maybe months.


In what country are you located?:
United Kingdom

Time zone:

Character name(s):
Diederik 'Malice' Meijer

Civilian name:
Diederik 'Malice' Meijer | CI

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:

Sadly no I don't have much money to get one.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:


Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

2 warns and 2 bans. Cannot remember what for but they were shot bans, About 3 days is my max ban.

Why are you applying for Chief of Medicine?

I am applying today because I believe that I can set a good example as a Chief of Medicine, I can guide my medics to the right direction in RP, I also have good leadership skills and I can use them to my best ability in RP and OOC.

What makes you suitable for Chief of Medicine?:

- What makes me suitable for the Chief of Medicine job is that I love to help others no matter what they need, I

Please explain an in-game medical procedure of your choice:

The most common of them all is of course The Electric Shock Therapy [EST]. It is used for either

1. Helping others with virus's who are infected with virus's

2. Helping others with SCP attacks such as SCP 330, SCP 099, SCP 3078, SCP 1025, SCP 513 ect.

2. Undercovering people who are disguised such as CI or D Class.

3. It can also be used to get rid of someone's weapons (It's useless because IA or Gensec/Security can handle that)

Before using EST on someone you shall make sure that the person is wearing armour so that you are prepared for the Armour Removal Equipment and that you must ask for the person's consent doing shock therapy (Only a few rare MTF or IA situations you don't need the persons consent)

What are the responsibilities of the Chief of Medicine in RP?:

The responsibilities of a CoM are:
1. Make sure all medics are on task and are professional at all costs
2. Make sure all my medics are healthy
3. Make sure all my medics are trained, we do not want dodgy medics that have no clue what they are doing
4. Make sure to punish them when need be
5. To make to help others if needed.

Please give some lore about your Chief of Medicine character and what storylines they would be involved in:

-Diederik 'Malice' Meijer, He is a 22 year old man, He lives in North England of the UK and he was first sent to the SCP Foundation Facility in January 2022, Diederik 'Malice' Meijer used to live in a town named as 'Pinewood' but was blindfolded and gagged and brought to the facility, they tortured him to get him to spit out information about the Chaos Insurgency and work in their Facility as a medical trainee, Diederik 'Malice' Meijer would be paid a salary at the end of the week, Diederik 'Malice' Meijer gave some information on the Chaos Insurgency from when he was on the Surface ground such as They are an Armed Organization and their mission is to learn more about the SCP Foundation Facility and get as MUCH D Class out their as possible.

[Diederik 'Malice' Meijer arrives at the facility still blindfolded and gagged]

[MTF Nu-7 - *Sprays amnestic - Class A | on Diederik 'Malice' Meijer * ]


Agent - Do you know why we brought you here today sir?

Diederik 'Malice' Meijer - Wha- WHAT? Who are you?!! Why am I in this WEIRD place!!?

Agent - We are the SCP Foundation Team and you are here to assist us as a part of the Medical Staff, We will train you how to become a very efficient Doctor. The Chief of Medical shall meet you in 2 and a half hours at 5pm. We will also pay you a total of [] per day. Also that, You show no emotion when someone gets shot and no fear at all when someone is at gun point with you which is what we need in this facility since there's not many Medical Staff like you and many people who have emotion and fear get fired from the job everyday, Sometimes even KILLED. We have seen you on Video Surveillance footage when you were on the surface and you seen someone get shot and when CI came by they held you at gun point saying "DO NOT USE MEDICAL ASSISTANCE ON THIS MAN, THEY ARE FROM A DIFFERENT ORGANIZATION! YOU WILL BE SHOT DEAD IS YOU DO SO!" Turns out it was one of out Agents investigating the place at the time for CI to kill.

Diederik 'Malice' Meijer - I am up for the job. I shall stick to my job as part of The Medical Team sir!

Agent Great! We MUST see you at 9 AM tomorrow then on the job.

[End of the Interview]


Well-known Member
Jan 18, 2022
+Great RP
+Funny guy
+Serious when on the job at all costs
+Rarely has any breaks on the job unless writing documents
+Overall great guy and deserves the role.
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