Director Of Medicine Application Noah Svensson

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Dec 9, 2021
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:90131809
Discord name: Nalleput#9002
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Dont remember but prob a couple of months or something
Age: 15
In what country are you located?: sweden
Time zone: Gmt+2
Character name(s): Noah svensson
Civilian name: Noah svensson
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): Uk
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
CI -Beta Current holding E-11 Mtf nu-7
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- Yes I have recived aloot of warnings but last warning was 2nd march And i havent gotten any more i have changed and i want a real chance to step upp to something i want to do and dont post verdicates here unless you seen me in rp you can but dont post verdicates thats 2 weeks old of something i have done i want neweley freshly comments about the new me i dont care if its support- or + or neutral actually i just want verdicates on how i could change and things
Why are you applying for the Director of Medicine?
Theirs a lack of rp in the medical department and in my eyes im the right candidate becuse i have made documents for the medical department that they still use i have helped the department aloot and i know how to bring some real fun rp in medical and i want to expand this further i want other people to do more medical rp like taking them in to the medic center and doing a actual checkupp if somones been shot or something like that And i got changes comming if i get the chance of this spot so yeah and theirs no seniors to accept The documents thats one more thing i want the medical department to start writing documents
What makes you suitable for Director of Medicine?:
Well i know how to act as a doctor I know funny scenarios im bringing out on the people that wants to rp i know how to get people to actually change and carry out the rp scenarios instead of just healing them on the spot And in my eyes im suitable becuse I have the experience I know people in the department that wants to do rp but its impossible becuse theirs minges and i know how to change a department And in my eyes I know how to write documents in medic just check data base i have gotten good rated documents
What are the responsibilities of the Director of Medicine in RP?:
To Ensure the medical department runs smoothly to ensure The Doctors Chiefs and all do their daily work to work basis To train the trainees to doctors and more
Please give some lore about your Director of Medicine character and what storylines they would be involved in:
So My characters name Is Noah Svensson Hes Age is 40 years old and when he was a kid he wanted to so bad become a medic and the years passed by whit him playing whit hes toys and being out in the garden playing as a doctor and then the years go by and he graduates from The Medical Highschool Whit top Grades In hes class and Then he started working as a doctor on the hospital years passed by and he got offered a spot in the foundation He wanted to test something new so he accepted the offer to start working as a doctor in the foundation He Helped meny patients and Became a Good rated doctor Years passt by Whitout getting noticed by site adminstration then the day comes and Site adminstration notices him and he got so happy so He Decided to make a application for Director Of Medicine And waiting for Response from Site adminstration
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Dec 9, 2021
I dont know if this is enough but ye So you guys know why i havent been on doctor for a while its becuse something glitched and i havent had my doctors license but im getting it back now And if you want proof i havent gotten a warning on 10 days pm me on discord

Just got a warning for Nlr so everyone knows And it was a missunderstanding from me thats why i got it
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Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 8, 2022



  • Active IG.


  • Unsure on TS activity.
  • Application has little to no depth.


  • Extreme amount of warnings.
  • Has made applications on literally every single role. Shows lack of actual interest.
Good Luck.
Dec 9, 2021



  • Active IG.


  • Unsure on TS activity.
  • Application has little to no depth.


  • Extreme amount of warnings.
  • Has made applications on literally every single role. Shows lack of actual interest.
Good Luck.
Hello To asure you i have only made a application for the roles im intressed of and i know i can handle thats why and ye Ts activity i can asure you im on ts everyday


Civil Gamers Expert
May 31, 2021
skype headquarters

Application Denied

Good morning @Noah. I've discussed the possibilities of you receiving a senior position with:
- The Ethics Committee
- The Overseer Council
- Senior Foundation Staff

However, the overwhelming verdicts from people are negatives.

There are a few comments that will be sent to you via Discord. These are valid criticisms that I know aren't just negative comments, but are genuine criticisms.

You may re-apply in 1.5 weeks - this accounts for any senior position (26/03)

Once again, don't re-apply as soon as the cooldown is over.
Improve your behaviour and prove people wrong.​
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