"Dirty" Dan's Ethics Committee Application [US]

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"Dirty" Dan

Active member
May 16, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:563217576
Discord name: DirtyXin#6619
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 1 W 13 HRS (Broken V-Time, approximately 2 MONTHS (Not logged))
Age: 20
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: CST
Character name(s): "Dirty" Dan // Kraosh
Civilian name: Dongnald Jr.
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA

Do you have a mic?:
- Yes, I do indeed have a mic.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- My current whitelists include the following:
-O-1/O-1 Commander
-IA Ambassador

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- I have unfortunately received a ban a while back for LTAP. At this time I cannot recall the events at which took place by myself, only the meaning behind the phrase "LTAP".

What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why:
- I am applying to become an Ethics Committee member. Why this application you may ask? The reason behind this astounding transfer to become apart of Ethics is purely based off of professionalism. I have guarded the Ethic Committee for quite some time, overseeing how their professional standards of upholding morals and protecting the SCP Foundation to prevent the Foundation from going into shambles. It would be of great honor to become apart of a branch in which respect and responsibility of others well beings is a key fundamental. I believe that upholding Ethical morals are a key stone in my fundamentals as a person. Thus concludes my reasoning in which I would be overjoyed as to joining such an outstanding committee.

What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee?:
- Guarding the Ethics Committee as O-1, now O-1 Commander, has been a pleasure for me to have the responsibility of taking part in. With that being said I believe I have the responsibility, discipline, and respectable image needed to join the Ethics Committee. Not only am I very versatile at my job to make sure Ethical standards are being put to work on and off my job as O-1, but also to uphold these standard practices when Ethics are not on site. On top of being led by the Ethics Committee, and Assistants in their practices, I also had the privilege of becoming an IA Ambassador, in which Ethical standards are a general practice. As an IA Ambassador, upholding the morals, standards, and will of the Ethics Committee to keep the SCP Foundation safe, are key fundamentals of that job set, thus gives me a lead in experience with Ethical practices. Becoming an IA Ambassador also led me to gain experience on how to deal with unethical situations, such as unethical testing and unfortunate cases of murders in which did not need to take such action. Unethical situations is a strong suit in which I know how to handle in the upmost professional manner. Understanding, along with being familiar with the Code of Ethics was a huge factor in becoming an IA Ambassador, in which gave me the knowledge of how to better serve the SCP Foundation and its unethical doings. To top this all off, I have experience in 2 Level 4 Clearance roles, as I mentioned/stated earlier, I have held the IA Ambassador role and now current O-1 LT+ for about 3 weeks - 1 month time and counting.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:
- Ethics Committee is responsible for upholding the trust in everyone who perform tests on D-Class personnel, and the trust in General Security in which to make sure they can handle unethical situations within the Facility. However, if personnel named breaks the Code of Ethics/Code of Conduct, they must be held responsible for such actions that have occurred. That is where the Ethics Committee come into play with their professional mannerism and practices to make sure which action(s) was placed unethically. In lieu of these parameters that are entrusted into the Ethics Committee, they are also responsible for the actions taken place within the Facility. Such as spectating certain research, D-Block, general stationary areas in which unethical procedures take place most often, are being managed in the law with the Code of Ethics and Conduct. The biggest responsibility above all else, is to enforce the safety of all personnel within the Facility, in which comes in many forms. This goes to include an SCP Breach getting out of control, therefore many lives are at stake, thus being dealt with in a professional fashion; I.E. Code Black protocol. Such responsibility can only be held by ones truly worthy and of sane mind. Such responsibility I am willing to obtain and uphold, for the better of the SCP Foundation.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
- The current applications that the Ethics Committee mainly control are as follows:
- Site Affairs applications
- Research applications
- Medical applications
With these applications, The Ethics Committee must come to a vote to state who is best fit for a higher clearance application to each department. Each application must show a well formatted application. Each application must also show the desire and passion to be in that respected position. Hoping to give great pleasure in welcoming anyone to their new respected role in that department.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:
- "Dirty" Dan, while discovering an anomaly identified as SCP 323, stumbling across the woods of Pinewood; Dan found an interest into said SCP, thus joined the SCP Foundation after questioning of his encounter. After joining the SCP Foundation, Dan went into the research department to further his studies in these extraordinary and exotic anomalies. After researching on various anomalies, to include 939-2 and 076-2 (His favorite SCP files), Dan found a new passion in the Site Affairs department. Dan wanted to join the Internal Affairs department after 10 years of his continuous outstanding research on SCPs. During his training in the IA department, Dan found a new, fond passion for learning the Code of Ethics and upholding the Code of Conduct within the Facility. Within the IA department, Dan grew his reputation by upholding the moral practices of the Ethics Committee, thus becoming an IA Ambassador. After obtaining the honor of IA Ambassador, Dan was sought out by the unknown [REDACTED] Omega-1 regiment. Dan was set onto an amazing path in life during his expanse into the foundations top class departments, and now climbing up the ranks of [REDACTED], becomes the Commander of [REDACTED] Omega-1. Through trust, responsibility, and discipline, Dan proves himself, time and time again... When all of a sudden he is called to a higher responsibility yet again... The Ethics Committee. Dan then uses all of his experience and puts it all into one single pivotal strike in his life! With the knowledge of Clearance 4 [REDACTED] and Clearance Level 4 knowledge on the Site Affairs department, Dan strives to uphold the morals of the Committee at all costs, even if it means sacrificing the lives of others for the better cause to the Foundation.

Thank you for taking your time to read my application!
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Well-known Member
May 24, 2022


+ Well done application with well-explained answers.
+ Good lore!
+ Responsible member of the site, both as a staff member and as a roleplay participant.
+ Enjoyable to talk to.

He's ethical! I can't think of apps without "Dirty" putting his two cents down. You just have to respect the man's hustle. Not to mention he's in O-1, so he's already worked closely with Ethics.

Let the man in!
+ Massive Support

+Great work ethic
+ Great RP
+ Good guy overall
+ Quick and a smart thinker

Mr. "Dirty" has worked as an ambassador in IA and he helped the department out a great amount so he knows about the CoC, CoE, and is O-1 which works with Ethics. I would trust this position to him, he's a great guy and would be a great fit! Good luck.

- Best Wishes
Dalton Bruno "The Enforcer"


Well-known Member
Apr 24, 2022
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The Ethics Committee Verdict Report
REGARDING: Dirty's Ethics Committee Application.

Thank you for showing your interest in the position of Ethics Committee Member, the committee is in agreement that you are suited to be a Member. Please contact me on Teamspeak once you are available. You will be closely looked at by the committee.

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