discord ban appeal

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Well-known Member
Dec 18, 2022
-my discord is okay1#4259 (display is yogurt)

-This is for scp-rp server

-My perma id 837170237353754634

-dont remember date of ban

my reason of ban is saying in general free nudes then a link to another discord named Free nudes.

- ive never been banned on a discord server

The reason you should unban me is because at the time was saying this stuff i was hacked, there was a another person on my account posting this in almost every discord i was in, even to my friends. I realised this when i saw the messages in my direct messages, then i saw them in other discords i was in, i tried to delete them and i did but then the next day it sends it again to every server and to my friends. I deleted the account and made a new one which is the current one im on right now.
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