Accepted Dissallowing usage of the inventory while arrested.

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Addition, Adding some sort of way to either dissallow people using guns, knives and/or chemicals while arrested. Whether it is a rule or a change within coding is not up to me but I highly suggest dissallowing usage of the inventory (Dropping/equiping stuff).

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
To my knowledge no, surprisingly.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
1: It adds to the roleplay, seeing as we strip away all equipment when people get arrested/put in jail.
2: Limits the possible RDMs within the cells while arrested.
3: On the chemical part, if they use SCP-106 while jailed they could easily escape.
4: There is no way to "re-arrest" someone if they escaped, the only way is to unarrest, go to the individuals bunks and detain them again.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
There isn't a lot of things that are negative about this, the only thing I can think of is that it limits the amount of RP potential when the person is in the cells.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Based on the amount of players having access to SCP-106 chemicals there's really no way to stop them from escaping. When a person is arrested the RP situation is considered stopped/ended, therefore there shouldn't really be a way for them to continue the situation.

(Keep in mind this could also be considered a rule suggestion).
1: It adds to the roleplay, seeing as we strip away all equipment when people get arrested/put in jail.
2: Limits the possible RDMs within the cells while arrested.
:(I get why - But I like the idea of spending your arrest duration having zero-stakes knife duels with your cellmate (Which is a realistic thing to happen while arrested... Maybe not the zero-stakes part, but)
3: On the chemical part, if they use SCP-106 while jailed they could easily escape.
This is directly FailRP, but there's no reason not to mechanically prevent this and frees up staff for other purposes/more pertinent sits.
4: There is no way to "re-arrest" someone if they escaped, the only way is to unarrest, go to the individuals bunks and detain them again.
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
There isn't a lot of things that are negative about this, the only thing I can think of is that it limits the amount of RP potential when the person is in the cells.
So - We know that achieving this mechanically is possible because D-Class have this limited inventory interaction - But I think (based on nothing other than "It's D-Class jobs only, and other jobs within the faction can use inventory items, so it's definitely not faction-specific") this functionality is specifically tied to job, so having it conditionally apply to anyone who is arrested (Fairly certain surface arrests will and should? Be using the same logic) may be the snag when it comes the actual technical implementation of this. It may be too much effort to be worth the change.


Doug 'TrippleD'

Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Apr 19, 2024
I'm not sure if this is possible, from what I know its job based flags for not being able to equip weapons/access inventory stuff & use comms so I would assume the only way to do this without taking ages and lots of code is to create a new job that people are set on when they are arrested, which would cause a lot of issues as if somebody was to be released from jail or escape it, they wont have access to a lot of essential features such as stashes etc for rp.

Regardless, if this is possible without loads of downsides or code, +Support
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