Dor's SCP RP Staff App

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Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): {Mercs}DoR
For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP: since the day after server launch but i was a player in the open beta.
Age: 14 years and 8 months
In what country are you located?: England
Time zone: GMT
Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): Dor (no rank but i was an A1 all throughout the beta)
Chaos name (include your rank): CI Dor (no rank as i haven't got round to learning the CI lore enough to then pass the tryout)
Civilian name: Civ Dor
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:23285241
Do you have a mic?: yes
Is this the first application you made? If not, link all previous applications:
It is my first application for SCP RP but I have made 2 failed MRP NHC apps and 1 successful MRP Staff App
Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:
not on this server only on the MRP back when i was brand new and didn't fully understand the rules
Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community?:
I have spent around 6 months as a staff member on CG MRP where i reached the rank of SM and was around 1 more TM away from reaching my requirements for getting HM
Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
I have over a years experience serving in the RMP on CG MRP with around half of that being a CO. I have also spent long amounts of time on both another SCP RP and loads of SW RP's
How many hours can you be on everyday?:
Im currently being limited to about 2 hours on a weekday due to having to use a computer at school but it is sometimes a bit over that and on weekends i can be on for like 4 hours minimum
Why do you want to become a moderator for our server?:
I have a deep enjoyment with SCP RP's because i can get into the lore more and i like to help people so i wish to be able to do it on a server
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
I will be able to assist in just the day to day matters along with assisting with events when required. I have a long history of playing on RP's ranging from DarkRP's run by 2 reasonably well known GMod Youtubers to playing on Several serious RP servers for a decent length of time so I can see most viewpoints in a situation.
-Unsure about rule knowledge in SCP-RP but defo had a lot of issues during MRP staff
-I feel like every time i had a sit that you werent really of a problem solver and more of a ticking bomb for other rules to be broken from a players prespective
-The Admins&Head mods usually handled on correct sits on which you failed to act upon
-During these lots of errors and mistakes ive seen a lot of people that you took the sits and the users asked for another staff member which already tells me on how you handled your past sits.

Dor you seem like a decent person but i feel like those mistakes are gonna get repeated in SCP-RP aswell. Being a staff member is not all about power but to handle sits fairly from both parties that broke a certain rule in the server. I hope my -support doesnt affect you too much but i HIGHLY suggest you start improving about the comments i gave to you. Good luck
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-Unsure about rule knowledge in SCP-RP but defo had a lot of issues during MRP staff
-I feel like every time i had a sit that you werent really of a problem solver and more of a ticking bomb for other rules to be broken from a players prespective
-The Admins&Head mods usually handled on correct sits on which you failed to act upon
-During these lots of errors and mistakes ive seen a lot of people that you took the sits and the users asked for another staff member which already tells me on how you handled your past sits.

Dor you seem like a decent person but i feel like those mistakes are gonna get repeated in SCP-RP aswell. Being a staff member is not all about power but to handle sits fairly from both parties that broke a certain rule in the server. I hope my -support doesnt affect you too much but i HIGHLY suggest you start improving about the comments i gave to you. Good luck
i know i had issues when i was staff on MRP towards the end of my time on it and i am working on fixing it and improving myself
Application Denied

Hi Dor,

Thanks for taking the time to make a moderator application.

Unfortunately the points raised by Lee Falzone are some good ones. As we spoke about before SCP-RP released, I think it would be good for you to take a month or so to show that you have improved and turned a new leaf on your maturity. Before we can accept you, we need to be sure that you are confident enough to take sits and have good rule knowledge.

You may re-apply in 3 weeks​
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