Accepted Downtime Hacking Alerts Improvement

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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Trial Moderator
Trial Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Sep 16, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Basically two changes around the SCP hacking alerts that E-11 get - I'm fine if only one gets accepted, as they're both helpful:
  • If no E-11 are online and not marked as AFK, other jobs get the hacking alerts.
    • E.g. SCUs, other GSD, CL4s, that sort of thing. Specifics up to devs/Content Team.
    • Ideally also take into account if nobody is on those other roles either.
  • Depending on the overall playercount, make the hacking alerts more specific.
    • E.g. it goes below X, the info includes general location ("in Lower HCZ"), and then if it goes even further down below Y, it specifies the exact SCP like it used to.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
There was a suggestion to return the hacking alerts back to the pre-nerf state, which this partially does, but this is only for downtime and not intended as an overall buff to Foundation outside of that. Other than that, I am not aware of any and couldn't find any with a search.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
  • Balances SCPs much more during downtime, as they are currently OP/very annoying even with health nerfs during downtime.
  • Provides an actual chance to catch hostiles doing this even if no E-11 are currently on, or there aren't enough people on to search the entirety of LCZ and HCZ for hackers.
  • Overall makes dealing with SCPs, D-class and hacking during downtime a lot less annoying.
  • With the re-balancing from this, it makes it a lot easier to do actual RP during downtime (and even during mid-levels of playercount it can be hard).

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
  • Makes it harder for D-class to do whatever they want and breach SCPs super easily during downtime (not really a negative, but D-class mains would complain).
  • Makes it harder for SCPs to breach during downtime (not really a negative, but SCP mains would complain).
  • Dev time.
  • EDIT (as mentioned by Emilia): This would also essentially nerf CI during downtime, too. Though (at least on UK server), CI usually try not to do things like Code Black scenarios all the time in the interest of server health, so potentially, this would actually allow them to try breaches during mid/downtime without it sharply affecting server health.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
This would make downtime and mid-level player counts much less annoying to deal with. As it is, any escaped D-class or minge can just breach any SCP they want easily, because there's not enough people to find them, or there's no E-11 on to receive the hacking alert. Even at mid-level player counts, this sort of thing can easily ruin RP for hours.
Last edited:
Jul 15, 2023
  • If no E-11 are online and not marked as AFK, other jobs get the hacking alerts.
    • E.g. SCUs, other GSD, CL4s, that sort of thing. Specifics up to devs/Content Team.
    • Ideally also take into account if nobody is on those other roles either.
fun thing about hacking alerts, when they were originally added, it was like all CL3 (which i agree with the staff decision to change it from there, it was pretty overpowered - also becomes like a unique thing that just e-11 has)

one thing you neglected to mention that it would affect is CI/GOC - the way things are right now iirc, is basically they can only raid if there's 4 MTF (CL4 DEA count towards this, too) online at that time for a CI CO to auth it - which can in situations, be zero E-11. just all/any mix of Nu7, A-1, O-1 or DEA. which right now means no-one would get a hacking alert if they raided to breach an SCP. with this change, they would be alerted, so it's a nerf to them. however it might be more justification for them to do a breach raid since it would be less potential for code black shenanigans. plus an improvement to server health since CI right now can just cause a code black like that anyway because they took advantage of the information vulnerability. admittedly, CI raids succeeding is more of an IC thing that is a Nu7 problem, but this would and probably should be taken into account when making this alteration.

one potential idea that might make things better here is to just make like an alert jammer that CI could deploy. it'd have to be placed in the site and when it'd be placed, no-one gets hacking alerts while it's up - but it makes sounds, so people nearby could find it (but then what about abusable placement? idk could be iterated on) and also figure out CI intention to hack something

but yeah if it's possible to make this happen, then i'm all for it.


Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Dec 20, 2023
Defending hcz with any less than 3 e11 is genuinely half impossible if the CI are half decent and there's little I can do to stop them ninja breaching like 3 scps back to back not to mention no one is really gonna come down to heavy to assist in downtime so imo this is needed cause heavy is far too big for any less than several people to patrol

Mark Belgrum (Dutch)

Active member
Oct 5, 2022
The Netherlands
to be honest i dont get why hacking alerts would be stuck for E11 to see only, if all combatives were able to see them it'd be a bigger challenge for CI and encourage cross dept. cooperation (no RRT will help in a breach if t hey never know one is happening)
It used to be ALL CL3 and the exact location but changing it to all CL3 and not specifying wich one it is could be a good idea
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  • Depending on the overall playercount, make the hacking alerts more specific.
    • E.g. it goes below X, the info includes general location ("in Lower HCZ"), and then if it goes even further down below Y, it specifies the exact SCP like it used to.
this yes.

  • If no E-11 are online and not marked as AFK, other jobs get the hacking alerts.
    • E.g. SCUs, other GSD, CL4s, that sort of thing. Specifics up to devs/Content Team.
    • Ideally also take into account if nobody is on those other roles either.
this no.

(although for CL5 getting a notification that would be fine since they oversee everything)


Well-known Member
Jun 23, 2022
+support, with stipulation
I would agree to other regiments getting alerted ONLY if they make it less specific, I would be fine with specifying lower or upper HCZ but remove it specifying which SCP it is, as it stands even a few E-11 can immediately shut down the raid, because everyone immediately knows where they are at and it makes it a headache for small raid parties.
Jul 15, 2023
+support, with stipulation
I would agree to other regiments getting alerted ONLY if they make it less specific, I would be fine with specifying lower or upper HCZ but remove it specifying which SCP it is, as it stands even a few E-11 can immediately shut down the raid, because everyone immediately knows where they are at and it makes it a headache for small raid parties.
...i mean right now it's just "an SCP is being hacked out" and that's it.
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