Dr V. Valenheims Executive Application [V3]

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Well-known Member
Feb 26, 2022
Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:191124493
Discord name: Skem#0358
For how long have you played on CG SCP: over half a year
Age: 14[.5(I forgot how old I was in previous apps because quarantine messed up my perception of time)]
In what country are you located?: UK
Time zone: GMT
Character name(s)Dr V. Valenheim
Civilian name: Esther
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes I do have a mic
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
I have passed both the E-11 try outs and Nu-7 Try outs, however I didn't hold either position for long as I did them solely to see if I could pass them.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I have received a few warns and a single ban[For which I believe was a mistake as I was not online at the time and the reasons didn't make sense]. I received the warns for violating RDM and bug abusing, all of them occurred by accident as I have no intention to bug abuse or RDM.
Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?
I am applying for Executive researcher as I have been a member of research division for a long time and executive researcher is the next step up in my progression through the ScD chain, and with the greater resources and access I will be able to further some of my research, which could greatly help the foundation as a hole.
What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
I have worked on site for a long time and have seen 2 ScD directors come and go, I have worked with many executives and other members of ScD and am knowledgeable in many aspects of research. I have done numerous tests and worked well with members of other divisions and am overall very friendly. I have also taught many researchers how to test and even taught a few people who are now executives.
How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
I have written 6 excellent rated documents, with varying premises and ideas.
What makes an Excellent document is many things.
These things include; being over 4 pages long, Having a unique premise, Having the aims, method and results listed, and having little to no spelling errors.
What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
An executive researcher has many responsibilities in Rp, Such as teaching Jr's, Rating test papers and authorising crossests. 1 of the responsibilities that shows up less often is the responsibility to oversee testing on Event SCPs. The overall duty or Executives is to ensure the safety and security of ScD.
Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:
My character, Dr Valenheim, acquired immortality[The kind where you reappear when you die] in the year 1901, so naturally 1 potential storyline would be attempts to recreate the pill that granted him immortality so he could provide others with it.

Another potential story would be Dr Valenheims attempts to create advanced machinery, these include shrinking machines, Cryogenics and Cybernetic augmentations. All of the listed would be built with the aim of practicality, Shrinking rays can shrink or enlarge things such as food, which could then feed more people, Cybernetics could enhance people and replace lost limbs, lowering the loss of site staff during breaches.
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Bush von Mann

Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 12, 2022

+ Great researcher
+ Very ethical (unlike others)
+ Hasn't caused a code black (yet)
+ Great RP

Who is ":Dr V. Valenheim" btw?


Well-known Member
Feb 26, 2022

+ Great researcher
+ Very ethical (unlike others)
+ Hasn't caused a code black (yet)
+ Great RP

Who is ":Dr V. Valenheim" btw?
Thanks for the support! and i have no clue why there was an emoji


Senior Game Master
Senior Game Master
Mar 21, 2022

+good activity
+adequate maturity
+high quality work

-past infractions

overall, i think valenheim has learned his lesson since his removal from the position, and will be a very capable and responsible executive


Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 9, 2022

+ Support

+ Good activity
+ Mature
+ Serious Roleplayer
+ High Quality Work

- Past Infractions
Omega-1 "Macro"
Mar 24, 2022

Application Accepted

Hi Val,

Thanks for taking the time to make a Executive researcher application.

Congratulations on having your application accepted, poke me on teamspeak so we can proceed with the next stage of the process.​​
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