Draven's Blacklist

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Blacklisted Player
Aug 7, 2022
Your in-game name: Draven
Your SteamID: 89074821780951
Your steam community link: https://steamcommunity.com/id/89074821780951/
Date of blacklist: It was in May 28 of last year, so almost exactly a year ago.
To the best of your knowledge, why were you blacklisted?: I remember the situation exactly how it happened, as you can see under my profile here, I have several reports made or appeals etc.. that were unsuccessful, back in the day, I broke a rule which led to me being overall unbehaved because of how unfairly handled my situation was, I even tried to appeal it, I always kept my grounds, I was doing research stuff etc.. and never got in trouble until that warning, I forgot what it was but surely y'all can check.
Anyways, there was a situation I had with this person named Cardinal, he literally felt like was above me, telling me to not speak over him, egoing me and just making me feel like my word has no room in the situation in which I just hit them with a 'ever heard of doxbin?', purely that, I never endangered anyone's personal information, looked for it, exposed/leaked it, nothing, it was purely that comment which makes reference to a website people know about, after that, I got banned and I used my main steam account (not for gmod) to try and play, but I obviously got banned..

Please list any times you have used methods to change or hide your IP (incl. game streaming, e.g. GeForce Now): Never tried any methods to hide IP or anything.
Please list any alt accounts:

from the top of my head this is the only one I recall, sorry if I didn't list any others, I can't remember since it's been a year.

Who blacklisted you? (if known): Luft
Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the url): What will you do to stop this from happening again:

I obviously can't promise an exemplar/perfect behavior since we all eventually fall to our flaws by accident, but I promise this exact situation where I get myself blacklisted won't happen again, it's been well over a year and a lot can happen in a year, which it did, not only have I stopped being toxic like I was, I've actually made a name of myself in another community which isn't related to Garry's Mod but it is known for it's quality RP, I don't fall into people's bait, attitudes, I don't threaten, talk as MUCH trash to people as I used to in a toxic manner, I've changed those aspects about myself because my consequences made me realize I can't keep doing those.

Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned/blacklisted? I believe I was banned for Toxicity or RDM, since they stacked up.
Why should you be unblacklisted:

If you check my posts, I've been clearly a rulebreaker, but I never approached the staff or anybody in a derogatory, toxic or offensive manner, ever, I always tried to get the best resolution and get my point across in which I need to say, most of the times it was unheard, especially due to how before my ban, staff would spectate me and pull me into a sit on the smallest unnoticed rulebreak such as a time where I messed up in the airlock and RDMed, as soon as that happened, they pulled the clip and they were exactly on my POV and just did me wrong because of that.
I believe I should be unblacklisted because I clearly do NOT want to endanger anyone or damage people's roleplay or playtime experience, I always enjoyed this server and every single aspect of it despite those staff situations, I'd still get on and enjoy the server everytime I played, doing research, starting medic stuff, Chaos Insurgency part of it too, hacking and just having fun, D-Class aspects, all of those, this server does complement my needs in what I look for in a server and I've waited a year (1 year in two days) to appeal, as I've also waited due to other things that have happened, I should be unblacklisted because despite the chances I was given, I expect this to be the last one if given, I won't repeat that offence, I do not have that issue where I talk so much stuff and realize how bad it was after my consequence was given to me.
I will try my best to actually play and live up to my word in here that I won't be committing the same stupid things I did, just a last chance.

How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?:

By avoiding scenarios that I used to relate to when it came down to my toxicity, I'll just avoid aggressive interactions or unnecessary thoughts that made me be toxic or just uncivil, I understand that what I said was bad, and I always was a person that couldn't control much of what I said once someone triggered it, but I've worked on it and I can ensure that I won't repeat the same offence, but as I said, I'm not an angel or a perfect person and IF rules are broken, they will be purely and strictly unintentional and not as heavy/severe as the one I was blacklisted for, I'll give my best effort to improve it.

Why do you want to rejoin this server?:
I remember buying Keter VIP because I enjoyed this server for well over 150 hours the first week, I can confidently say I put over 400 hours in a month or less because I enjoyed it a lot, the aspect of researching, writing stuff down, doing tests and going further than the mechanics, such as RP and putting effort into everything, the aspect of D-Class, breaking out, I remember breaking out SCP's for over 6 hours straight disguised, it was so fun.
Those little aspects that I enjoyed, in which I made 4 friends who I still play with just make me wanna play this again, I'd say there's no other server like this but that's a reason people usually say, but it is true though, there's no other server that can be as good as this, I want a second and a last shot at this, I really enjoyed it.
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