Denied E-11 Containment specialist job

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Add a scranton reality anchor to the E-11 Containment specialist job

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

Makes the role more specialized
Makes combating the type green easier

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Abuse of the scrantons
Could make it unfair to the type green player

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Its a quality of life change that will make fighting the type greens less tedious for E-11, Its the only specialized equipment to fight the type greens. The loadout for the job is already small with just an added containment beam and decontamination foam


Community Supervisor
Community Sup.
Content Team
Group Moderator
May 23, 2022
You have provided no reason or whatsoever on why this should be added, other than "quality of life" change (which seems that people just use this as an excuse to any suggestion now.)

Give an actual reason on why this is so needed, that it needs to be added. I shouldn't have to say this, but if you are making a suggestion, you should put actual effort into it so it can be considered.
You have provided no reason or whatsoever on why this should be added, other than "quality of life" change (which seems that people just use this as an excuse to any suggestion now.)

Give an actual reason on why this is so needed, that it needs to be added. I shouldn't have to say this, but if you are making a suggestion, you should put actual effort into it so it can be considered.
I already listed 2 reasons but ill add some more, the scrantons aren't too overpowered for the type greens so it will still be a healthy gameplay environment, The normal containment specialist already has a scranton and this job is basically the same as the containment specialist job. The change is small so not many more reasons other than "Easier to contain but not too easy" or "add more but not too much more". This will make the job have more purpose since most e11 just flag on bio or breacher. The bio has a contamination foam like the E-11 CS so the only difference is the E-11 CS having a beam which can very easily be picked up in a dispenser. The existence of the job already doesnt make much sense since arent all e11 supposed to be containment specialists? so this will make the job have more meaning than not wanting to wait for the cooldown on your beam.


Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Aug 27, 2022

+/- Neutral
Don't think this will be a balanced fight for TG yes they are OP in some sitautions but think about it. TG breaching in non-spec ah 3 E11 CS have anchors you place 1 oh he uses his abilities to remove it we can place 2 more. breach will be over in ish 5 min especially if you corner him or in small spaces. . Respawn and repeat.​


+/- Neutral

Don't think this will be a balanced fight for TG yes they are OP in some sitautions but think about it. TG breaching in non-spec ah 3 E11 CS have anchors you place 1 oh he uses his abilities to remove it we can place 2 more. breach will be over in ish 5 min especially if you corner him or in small spaces. . Respawn and repeat.​

The normal cs job has 3 slots and its open to everyone but nobody is complaining that its unfair for type green when they have scrantons. The type greens will most likely kill the person before he actually places it down and there arent much closed spaces in hcz or lcz

Goondra "Sleepy"

Active member
Dec 9, 2022
Suggestion Denied

Hi Bash,
Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.
E-11 do not need another job and would imbalance the MTF Job Structure
Adding extra Equipment sadly isn't really needed

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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