What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Remove E-11 as a standby force
Adjusted Role Alignment: E-11’s role would be taken over by GSD, and E-11 would only show up on site after a breach has been reported.
Rank and Numbers: E-11 as a response force would still have rank and larger numbers than the current ERT implementation to fulfill both the need for rank and the disparity of their standby numbers on site.
Rank Transfer: This suggestion would also provide a road to rank transfer for E-11 under the current system to the expanded GSD to allow retention of progress.
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
I do not believe so, however I may have simply not been able to find it
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Role clarity and consolidation: Currently E-11 takes away from a position that should be fulfilled by GSD, E-11 is a response force and them being in heavy all the time does not make sense. The MTF units are meant to be the elite for special circumstances, having them always around reduces the scope of what GSD can do. GSD should be the ones to report SCP breaches and the first responders while E-11 arrives. GSD should be the ones escorting in HCZ. Perhaps its a position in GSD requiring certification, such as the containment unit currently partilay does. That would make sense, and still keep site security in the hands of GSD
Enhanced Gameplay: As an SCP having an elite force always around partorling that is specifically trained to deal with breaching kinda makes it a bit disheartening. This new system would require GSD to attempt( and possibly fail) to contain the breach before E-11 could be called.
Improved Checkpoint and Patrol: Currently E-11 is required to when not on patrol stand still at a checkpoint unable to do really anything fulfilling. Making this a GSD position. With the larger numbers of GSD, it would be easier to have a rotation on a checkpoint instead of having the few onsite personnel forced to be there instead of partoling. Lower clearance personnel could be stationed at checkpoint during their shift so that it is never, unlike it often is with E-11, and patrolling members could be called out to escort when required.
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Regimental Backlash: Removing a regiment even partially is going to make people mad and anger a lot of people for the progress they have made even with rank transfer.
Removal of ERT:. ERT provides players not in a regiment a chance to feel powerful and do real damage to SCP
Departmental Bloat: GSD would have expanded duties
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I do think based on the positives and negatives this suggestion should be accepted. It provides both a chance for personnel not in a regiment to more directly interact with SCP containment. It removes redundancy, enhances gameplay for multiple factions and provides a more interesting experience.
Remove E-11 as a standby force
Adjusted Role Alignment: E-11’s role would be taken over by GSD, and E-11 would only show up on site after a breach has been reported.
Rank and Numbers: E-11 as a response force would still have rank and larger numbers than the current ERT implementation to fulfill both the need for rank and the disparity of their standby numbers on site.
Rank Transfer: This suggestion would also provide a road to rank transfer for E-11 under the current system to the expanded GSD to allow retention of progress.
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
I do not believe so, however I may have simply not been able to find it
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Role clarity and consolidation: Currently E-11 takes away from a position that should be fulfilled by GSD, E-11 is a response force and them being in heavy all the time does not make sense. The MTF units are meant to be the elite for special circumstances, having them always around reduces the scope of what GSD can do. GSD should be the ones to report SCP breaches and the first responders while E-11 arrives. GSD should be the ones escorting in HCZ. Perhaps its a position in GSD requiring certification, such as the containment unit currently partilay does. That would make sense, and still keep site security in the hands of GSD
Enhanced Gameplay: As an SCP having an elite force always around partorling that is specifically trained to deal with breaching kinda makes it a bit disheartening. This new system would require GSD to attempt( and possibly fail) to contain the breach before E-11 could be called.
Improved Checkpoint and Patrol: Currently E-11 is required to when not on patrol stand still at a checkpoint unable to do really anything fulfilling. Making this a GSD position. With the larger numbers of GSD, it would be easier to have a rotation on a checkpoint instead of having the few onsite personnel forced to be there instead of partoling. Lower clearance personnel could be stationed at checkpoint during their shift so that it is never, unlike it often is with E-11, and patrolling members could be called out to escort when required.
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Regimental Backlash: Removing a regiment even partially is going to make people mad and anger a lot of people for the progress they have made even with rank transfer.
Removal of ERT:. ERT provides players not in a regiment a chance to feel powerful and do real damage to SCP
Departmental Bloat: GSD would have expanded duties
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I do think based on the positives and negatives this suggestion should be accepted. It provides both a chance for personnel not in a regiment to more directly interact with SCP containment. It removes redundancy, enhances gameplay for multiple factions and provides a more interesting experience.