Elijah's ethics committee assistant application! [UK]

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:225975605

Discord name: elijah_kamski

For how long have you played on CG SCP: I have played on this server for about a year
now. 800 hours on the server (I will provide the V time when I have the time as I am currently not on my computer which I apologise for)

Age: I am currently 16 years old.

In what country are you located?: I am located
in Czech Republic

Time zone: my timezone is GMT +1

Character name(s): Foundation: Elijah Kamski, GOC: Edward Kamski, CI: Charlie Kamski.

Civilian name: Elliot Kamski

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): I am applying for UK

Do you have a mic?: yes I do have a microphone of solid quality.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
-E-11 SGT [Held]
-E-11 PVT 3x [Held]
-E-11 CPL [Held]
-E-11 LCPL [Held]
-NU-7 PVT [Held]
-A-1 SPC [Held]
-CI-A [Held]
-GOC PVT [Held]

you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- Yes, I have received some warnings (7), but I am under the impression that they all expired as they were given to me a long time ago.

What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?:

- I definitely need to point out my dedication. When I am dedicated to doing something I will do it well and without an error.

-My free time is also an very valuable resource. I can use this resource for learning and development of myself as a ethics committee assistant.

-I can be professional. I can keep straight face, is something I do quite often and it improves my professionalism. After I was kicked from A-1 for being unprofessional, I tried to understand what is professionalism and how to be more professional and I think I achieved the standard for Ethics committee assistant.

-Knowledge. General knowledge is the key. I believe that I have very good understanding of the foundation and all the information regarding this position.

-my traits such as fast learning or the fact I am good in communication are very good and needed on position such as this.

What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?:

- Represent the ethics committee if they are either not on site, or are unavailable at the moment. This gives them option to attend more important tasks such as meetings.

- Keep an eye on other departments to make sure that they are not actively engaging in unethical behavior.

- Take orders from the Ethics committee themselves and fulfil the duties. Such as: Conducting an observation on a whole site, making sure it's running smoothly.

-Approve documents, tests or usage of reality bending abilities. This is extremely important as Ethics committee members won't be always available to approve everything.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Elijah Kamski was born on June 8, 1998 in small town of "Otrokovice".. He had 3 brothers (Edward, Elliot, Charlie,). He spend most of his time around the oldest (Edward). As he was growing up he got a lot of love and support from his parents so he can get decent grades in school. He was always getting himself involved in some kind of trouble, he never really understood his other 2 brothers.

As he was growing up he was really getting interested into chemistry and engineering. In his teenage years, Elijah decided that he wants to work with something more dangerous like explosives which he got his hands in using his brother Edward as he was working in a demolition company, but unluckly his brother was busted and Elijah blamed all, but himself, aftet his incident they have stopped speaking to each other so Elijah went on his own way, not caring what his brother though of him. He wanted to keep this memory buried deep within him as he was feeling guilty for what he has done, but he didn't have the guts to go talk to his brother on his own.

Elijah first became aware of the foundation when he read some conspiracy theories. He didn't really believe them, but after they got shut downed he started noticing multiple things that were simply "out of the ordinary". Since then he became really interested in these "conspiracy" theories so he started doing research on his own. He though of this as his own small hobby. One night as he was walking home alone he suddenly blacked out, he felt his face hitting the concreted path below him and strange figure approaching.


<Elijah> W...- What is this place? Where am i?!

Elijah's heart was racing, he could not catch a proper breath and his eyes started filling up with tears as he realised he was abducted by some crazy scientist (or that is what he thought)

<////> Greetings, Elijah. Let me introduce myself. My name is Gavin and I am a executive researcher in one certain organization. Which will be named in a bit. Its safe to assume that i know a lot about you. So let's have a small chat. Shall we?

<Elijah> Why would i want to have a chat with you?!!

Elijah yelled across the dim lighted room with only him and gavin present

<Gavin> Lets keep a respectfull manner now, Elijah. I know what you have been doing in these past 5 months. Kinda a strange hobby isn't it?

Gavin proceeded to show Elijah some makeshift documents that he wrote himself on these conspiracy theories

This made Elijah even more nervous as he was more and more aware of the fact that he has been getting stalked for the past 5 months, this made him really stressed and he could barely speak.

<Elijah> I swear! If you are from the goverment! THIS EVIDENCE! Is completely fabricated.. you have no proof! No anything, so i would suggest you let me walk on my legs from here alive or i will call the police-

Gavin interrupted Elijah

<Gavin> I have kept a respectfull manner this whole time, how about you do the same, and then prehaps you could let me finish. I am not from the goverment, no. I am from the SCP foundation. The organisation that you wrote your documents about. I am here to give you a choice however, either. You can come back to your normal life and forget this ever happened, or you can work for us as a junior researcher. So what will you choose?

Elijah looked at gavin with neutral expression, thinking this was some kind of sick prank from his friends.

<Elijah> ...

<Gavin> Come on, Elijah. I need to hear a clear yes, or no.

Elijah decided that this is probably not a prank, judging by the fact that he has been drugged and kidnapped, but since he was under the infulence of the drugs, he could not think straight.

<Elijah> Alright.. i will take up on this offer.

<Gavin> Good, i am glad you made the right choice.

Gavin stood up to shake Elijah's hand

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New Email Received
From: The Ethics Committee

>> Open

Attached: Position Request Results

A Letter from the Ethics Committee
View attachment 11893
Good Day Mr Kamski,

The Ethics Committee would like to thank you for your interest in becoming an assistant to the Committee. We can see you have the initiative, drive and ambition to make such a bold request. Becoming an assistant to the Committee requires dedication and hard work, something we see in you.

After deliberating with the Committee regarding your request, we have come to a unanimous agreement. This request has been denied . You may seek elaboration by reaching out to an Ethic Committee Member. We feel that there are certain aspects missing from your application or curriculum vitae that would bolster a better standing and result in this request. The Committee does not want any upset or offence from this result, you may re-apply in no less than two weeks time.

Have a lovely day,
Ethics Chairman Oisín McKenna
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