Elijah's third ECA application! [UK]

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:225975605

Discord name: elijah_kamski

For how long have you played on CG SCP: I have played on this server for about a year now. 921 hours on the server.

Age: I am currently 16 years old.

In what country are you located?: I am located in
Czech Republic

Time zone: my timezone is GMT +1

Character name(s): Foundation: Elijah Kamski, GOC: Edward Kamski, CI: Charlie Kamski.

Civilian name: Elliot Kamski

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
I am applying for UK

Do you have a mic?: yes I do have a microphone of solid quality.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
-E-11 SGT [Held]
-E-11 PVT 3x [Held]
-E-11 CPL [Held]
-E-11 LCPL [Held]

-NU-7 PVT [Held]
-A-1 SPC [Held]
-CI-A [Held]
-GOC PVT [Held]
-GOC SGT [Holding]

you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- Yes, I have received some warnings (7), but I am under the impression that they all expired as they were given to me a long time ago (in the year 2022.)
What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?:

-I have a decent knowledge of the site, people, duties and generally about the SCP foundation.

-I can be and maintain a certain level of professionalism which is really required for such a position.

-When it comes to communication i am very decent, the role of ECA requires a lot of communication, not just with ethics commitee, but also the people that will require ECA's presense during some events.

-I am mature enough to not make dumb jokes, mistakes and mainly to take responsibility with mistakes.

- Time is power i like to say, i have a lot of free time (about 5-3 hours daily) that i am willing to spend on this position to just not improve myself as a person, but to improve the RP with the players around me.

-I have an extreme dedication when it comes to learning when making mistakes.

-Documents. I have to point out that in my past i have made some really good documents. Such as: GOC RECON REPORT, Equipment guide book, and more.

-Loyality is another key trait of mine, i am extremely loyal to the ethics committee and wish to server directly to them and assist them.

-My traits such as fast learning is another thing i have to mention, i can learn with ease and i am fairly independent

-My confidence is not over the top, yet not too low, i am confident in what i do, but not overconfident.

What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?:

-ECA should ALWAYS represent the ethics commitee when they are not on site or currently busy in the moment.

-Approve of testing. I would add this to the category "represent the committee" since the ethics committee won't always have the time to approve all sorts of testing, so that means the assistans are responsible for making sure that the tests are done properly.

-Maintain a level of profesionalism. The position of ECA is a very high ranking position therefore its necessary for its holders to be profesional at all times and be able to maintain that level of professionalism.

- Assistans have to observe the other personnel around them, making sure they don't break the foundation legal codex (FLC). This also involves making sure that they don't practice any unethical actions such as: Termination of a Class D personnel without giving them 3 warnings before the termination, Researchers testing on SCPs without a valid reason (basically just for fun) and etc.

-Approve the usage of Advanced armoury, in case that there is a breach or any other emergency. Assistants should give the green light for AA when its needed and not just for fun.

-Oversee other departments. This involves observing the operatives themselfs, but also a high ranking members within the department to avoid any future corruption.

-ECAs have to always obey those who are above them (ECC,ECMs) this is an absolute top priority and every assistant has to follow this at all time!

-Attendence of meetings is also on this list, either for the behalf of ethics commitee (they are busy or not on site) or with someone who requires the assistant, this can include when someone asks for ethics commitee member, but he is not on site so ECA can take over the meeting if its they don't require ethics commitee members directly.

-Like i mentioned, assistants should create extra roleplay for those around them, no matter the ranking, even for class Ds.

-Improve the public perception of the ethics commitee, this is deemed extremely necessary as poor public perception could couse a serious harm to the foundation.

-Ensure the smooth operation of day to day duties not just in Core sector, but in the foundation as a whole.

-Make documents about importnant events, log incidents.

-Keep up a good amount of activity on ECA and not be active a few minutes a day,

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Greetings, the members of ethics commitee! Here i have send you my personal file in case you would like to look into it.

(I apologise if i made some grammar mistakes in my application, i am not from English country so its a bit hard. Tho have a good day random reader!)
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New Email Received
From: The Ethics Committee

>>Open Email

Attached: Position Request Results

A Letter from the Ethics Committee

Good Day Mr Kamski,

The Ethics Committee would like to thank you for your interest in becoming an assistant to the Committee. We can see you have the initiative, drive and ambition to make such a bold request. Becoming an assistant to the Committee requires dedication and hard work, something we see in you.

After deliberating with the Committee regarding your request, we have come to a unanimous agreement. This request has been denied . You may seek elaboration by reaching out to an Ethic Committee Member. We feel that there are certain aspects missing from your application or curriculum vitae that would bolster a better standing and result in this request. The Committee does not want any upset or offence from this result, you may re-apply in no less than two weeks time.

Have a lovely day,
Ethics Chairman Oisín McKenna
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