Denied Engineering Combat Division

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Well-known Member
Feb 8, 2023
I want new department in the SCP foundation that will have logistics and supporting role with some combat roles but mainly with supportive roles. i even have a doc set up for it.
Anomalous Engineering and Combat Division" or "AECD
Their will be tryouts for it and the test will be hard you can only have 2 wrong out of 19 correct, kill house 17 or 16 secs, and cross fire.

About the department
Commanding Officer: A senior
engineer with experience in both combat and anomaly containment would lead the AECD.
Combat Engineers: Specialized personnel trained in both combat tactics and engineering principles. They would be responsible for designing and deploying specialized equipment to contain and neutralize SCPs.
Field Technicians: Support staff responsible for maintaining and repairing equipment during field operations. They would also assist in setting up containment procedures and fortifications.
Research and Development Team:
Engineers and scientists tasked with developing new technologies and strategies to combat anomalous threats. They would work closely with other departments to analyze SCPs and devise effective containment methods.
Logistic and resupply Team:
This team will be the ones running round and resupplying areas with items and gear.

Key Card Lvs
Card Level 1: Entry-level personnel with basic engineering knowledge and combat training. They would assist senior engineers and technicians in field operations and equipment maintenance.[none tryout lvl only test)
CardLevel 2: Mid-level engineers who have demonstrated proficiency in both combat and engineering tasks. They would lead small teams on missions and contribute to research and development efforts. [try out lvl]
Card Level 3: Senior engineers with
extensive experience in combat engineering and anomaly containment. They would oversee major projects, coordinate with other departments, and provide expertise on complex SCP containment procedures.
Level 4: Exceptional access granted to department heads, senior command staff, and individuals involved in top-secret projects. Allows access to classified research facilities, experimental anomalies, and strategic planning rooms. (white list lvl)

Basic Training: All AECD personnel undergo rigorous basic training covering SCP protocols, basic combat skills, engineering fundamentals, and logistical procedures.
Specialized Engineering Training: Engineers receive specialized training in designing, constructing, and maintaining anomalous containment structures, as well as adapting technology for containment purposes.
Logistical Training: Logistics personnel undergo training in procurement, transportation, inventory management, and supply chain logistics, with a focus on handling anomalous materials and equipment.
Field Operations Training: Field operatives are trained in tactical combat, emergency response procedures, field logistics, and teamwork for efficient containment and neutralization of anomalous threats.
Anomaly Response Training: Personnel receive training in recognizing different types of anomalies, assessing risks, and implementing appropriate containment and neutralization strategies.
Advanced Training: Senior staff and specialists undergo advanced training programs tailored to their specific roles, including leadership training, strategic planning, and advanced anomaly containment techniques.

Structural Reinforcement: AECD teams would reinforce existing containment facilities and construct specialized chambers to contain SCPs with unique properties.
Field Engineering: During containment breaches or anomalous incidents, AECD teams would deploy to the site to set up barricades,
fortifications, and other defensive measures.
Anomalous Technology Analysis: AECD personnel would analyze recovered anomalous technology and artifacts to understand their properties and develop countermeasures.
Weapon Crafting would be part of the department to make new weapons to combat the breaches and new tools for other jobs.

Equipment and weaponry
Specialized Tools: AECD personnel would have access to a wide range of specialized tools and equipment for constructing containment chambers, reinforcing structures, and neutralizing SCPs.
Mobile Workshops: Field teams would be equipped with mobile workshops and fabrication units to quickly deploy and repair equipment during missions.
Fob would be able to be built buy commanders and captains in the unit of the combative engineering core with
some officers being able to help in it.

For none whitelisted people they can run around and resupply some thing around the facility with crates and
items for different things.


Interdepartmental Cooperation: The AECD would collaborate closely with other Foundation departments, such as Containment and Research, to develop comprehensive containment strategies for SCPs.
Joint Operations: In some cases, the AECD may collaborate with external organizations, such as military or engineering agencies, to contain particularly dangerous or complex SCPs

By establishing a Combat Engineering Department or the AECD , the SCP Foundation could enhance its ability to contain and neutralize anomalous threats by combining expertise in engineering, combat, and anomaly containment.

How i was thing it would be formed in the F4 menu.
They will need to pass a test before getting their key cards all so they can't have weapons until
they get into the other jobs.
here is the ideas of the roles
delivery man/mail man: they will get grave gun,Gestures, lvl 3 key card and will spawn next to cargo docks and be caring boxes on their back to places. (no guns allowed)
Engineering researchers: they will get
a grave gun,Gestures, level 3 key card and a clipboard. they will be making new weapons and equipment at a crafting bench and they are the
only that can do it. (no guns allowed)

I am down to discussion to hash out the details with you and give you more of the department details and ideas behind it.
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