Denied EOC Rework

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Sep 16, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
A rework of the Emergency Operations Centre (CL4 meeting room in EZ) into a general Operations Centre. To my knowledge, an EZ rework is planned, and this is my idea for an existing part of it - the whole thing could be in another part of the facility and would still work, but this replaces the currently meh EOC with a more expansive set of rooms.

My idea for this is basically this MS Paint drawing of a floorplan:

The idea here is that this can be used for all kinds of meetings for/between different departments without individual departments all needing their own ones. SOP can use it for SOP planning, MTFs can use it for meetings, interdepartmental meetings can be held here, etc.

It is also a more neutral location for both parts of Site Command to use, for meetings between them, and for accessing CCTV. CCTV being in F3 screws over Ethics, because they have to go into A-1/O5 territory just to view cameras, which isn't possible/useful if e.g. Ethics is looking into stuff that O5/A-1 are doing/ordering. If both parts of Site Command can't have their own access to CCTV (which I believe has been denied before, due to the CCTV system being resource-intensive). Floor 3 CCTV can either be kept or removed/repurposed if this is still the case.

The current EOC also feels quite cramped, with the electrical panels being all around the conference table, and nothing else being in there. This expands those parts out into their own rooms, plus adds more rooms and functionality.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Not that I know of. Some changes around CCTV location(s) have been suggested before, but were denied - this addresses the denial reasons that I know of for that.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
  • Provides more meeting/planning space for any department/group to use, including interdepartmental or CL4 meetings. EOC currently is used for that, but is cramped and missing several features - it is also only a single room, so only one group can use it at a time.
  • Provides a neutral location for Site Command/CL4s to access the whole site's CCTV - the CCTV room can be either CL4 or CL5 depending on what makes most sense for this.
    • Currently, this is only available in Floor 3, which limits its use by EC massively, as it is further away from them and in territory entirely controlled and surrounded by O5/A-1. EC can't feasibly use CCTV in there to investigate O5/A-1 themselves, or anything else of the sort.
  • Separates the electrical panels and controls from the meeting room, as it currently makes the room feel cramped and cheap, and means the electrical stuff can't be accessed without interrupting potentially sensitive meetings.
  • Provides more varied meeting/planning space for departments to use. Instead of just a conference room, it has both that and a more open meeting/planning room. It should have basically every useful resource for any possible meeting, when permaprops are added like terminals/printers.
  • With the window shutters, closable CL4 blastdoor, and CL5 keypad behind a completely CL4 area, this layout and configuration provides a lot of privacy as needed.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
  • Mapper/developer time
  • Projectors currently apparently go through all walls, so this orientation would lead to the projector contents also appearing in e.g. the electrical centre from the conference room. This would need to be fixed first, or the layout of this would need to be changed to account for it.
  • Uses more room in the map, which we've been told before is in limited availability.
  • More complicated map = larger download size and load times

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
An EZ/F2 rework is already planned - making something like this a part of it, in this form or any other, would be very useful to all departments/regiments.


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+Support on the general rework, As the EOC has always felt very cramped.
But -Support for the Cl3 keypad, as EOC is only meant for Cl4 staff, and even then there'd be no reason for a Cl3 to need use of those doors, but that would be a SL issue as the keypads are permaprops
My interpretation was that's so it's just more meant to make it easier for CI to hack in? I could be wrong, but tbh I think hack difficulty should be untied from clearance level and made its own thing, so that hacking into an area could be balanced independently of its clearance if and where need.

But that would require a fundamental alteration to the way hacking works, which I imagine would be painful from a development perspective.
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Sep 16, 2023
My interpretation was that's so it's just more meant to make it easier for CI to hack in? I could be wrong, but tbh I think hack difficulty should be untied from clearance level and made its own thing, so that hacking into an area could be balanced independently of its clearance if and where need.

But that would require a fundamental alteration to the way hacking works, which I imagine would be painful from a development perspective.
The idea was actually to promote it being used for e.g. department/inter-department meetings, which may include CL3 personnel. When being used for that, a CL3 could walk up and open the door to get in the corridor, then just knock on the meeting room door or show ID through the window to be let in by their superiors.

If an individual room was being used by CL4, they could then close the window shutters to prevent infoleaks, and if the whole area was being used by CL4 (or something high-security, like SC, was in there) then the entire area can optionally be locked to CL4+. As long as you can't hear through the doors/walls, there's no need for that outer corridor to be CL4 all the time.
The idea was actually to promote it being used for e.g. department/inter-department meetings, which may include CL3 personnel. When being used for that, a CL3 could walk up and open the door to get in the corridor, then just knock on the meeting room door or show ID through the window to be let in by their superiors.

If an individual room was being used by CL4, they could then close the window shutters to prevent infoleaks, and if the whole area was being used by CL4 (or something high-security, like SC, was in there) then the entire area can optionally be locked to CL4+. As long as you can't hear through the doors/walls, there's no need for that outer corridor to be CL4 all the time.
interesting. then i think the keypad on the inside of the entrance should be CL3, so that they can get back out of the entire EOC. especially if they are told to leave for whatever reason. should also apply where-ever those CL3 might be allowed in, such as the keypad inside the meeting room itself
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Senior Moderator
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Sep 16, 2023
interesting. then i think the keypad on the inside of the entrance should be CL3, so that they can get back out of the entire EOC. especially if they are told to leave for whatever reason. should also apply where-ever those CL3 might be allowed in, such as the keypad inside the meeting room itself
Sounds like a good idea. It'd be up to SL to configure them, but I like the idea. I want to make it a very useful area, not just necessarily for CL4s
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Sounds like a good idea. It'd be up to SL to configure them, but I like the idea. I want to make it a very useful area, not just necessarily for CL4s
you know what fuck it, let's just have an entire underground section of the map that spans from somewhere under compound, to near GOC base, that's just back-to-back meeting rooms of random clearances (including GOC and CI). fuck it. more meeting roleplay can't hurt. i love conference anime roleplay!
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Sounds like a good idea. It'd be up to SL to configure them, but I like the idea. I want to make it a very useful area, not just necessarily for CL4s
oh i'm dumb, i misinterpreted the emergency quarantine blastdoor as like an actual door. yeah no, the actual entrance entrance to EOC needs to stay CL4 to get in - random CL3 shouldn't be able to just walk into it, if there's CL3 needed for a meeting, they should be escorted in.

imagine the following scenario - you're having an important meeting and then an assorted party of mingy thaums, sr. researchers and tech experts just decide to barge into the hallway. i mean yes, you can shut the shutters, but they're still going to be there and still potentially within earshot of everything discussed in those rooms. applies to any CL3, really - could even just be some lost rando that doesn't know what they're doing

i mean admittedly, a positive for that is that it's RP for IA, but still.


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Sep 16, 2023
oh i'm dumb, i misinterpreted the emergency quarantine blastdoor as like an actual door. yeah no, the actual entrance entrance to EOC needs to stay CL4 to get in - random CL3 shouldn't be able to just walk into it, if there's CL3 needed for a meeting, they should be escorted in.

imagine the following scenario - you're having an important meeting and then an assorted party of mingy thaums, sr. researchers and tech experts just decide to barge into the hallway. i mean yes, you can shut the shutters, but they're still going to be there and still potentially within earshot of everything discussed in those rooms. applies to any CL3, really - could even just be some lost rando that doesn't know what they're doing

i mean admittedly, a positive for that is that it's RP for IA, but still.
The outer blastdoor is open by default, but can be closed manually or by quarantine triggers is the idea.


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Apr 11, 2022
Some of these uses and ideas are cool, but wouldn't really change anything or push for its use, there's cams in HCZ and LCZ, Ethics can use those, what difference would an extra system in EOC do?
It can already be used for meetings, we could also just add a projector if people really need.
I feel like this change wouldn't really add anything extra or make it more useful than it currently is
oh i'm dumb, i misinterpreted the emergency quarantine blastdoor as like an actual door. yeah no, the actual entrance entrance to EOC needs to stay CL4 to get in - random CL3 shouldn't be able to just walk into it, if there's CL3 needed for a meeting, they should be escorted in.

imagine the following scenario - you're having an important meeting and then an assorted party of mingy thaums, sr. researchers and tech experts just decide to barge into the hallway. i mean yes, you can shut the shutters, but they're still going to be there and still potentially within earshot of everything discussed in those rooms. applies to any CL3, really - could even just be some lost rando that doesn't know what they're doing

i mean admittedly, a positive for that is that it's RP for IA, but still.
Yeah, that's the exact reason why I don't agree with Cl3 keypads being in the EOC at all. The EOC is meant to be a Cl4 area where people are able to discuss Cl4 info in peace, and having the possibility that cl3s could just dander on in would make it too risky to do so


Senior Moderator
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Sep 16, 2023
Some of these uses and ideas are cool, but wouldn't really change anything or push for its use, there's cams in HCZ and LCZ, Ethics can use those, what difference would an extra system in EOC do?
It can already be used for meetings, we could also just add a projector if people really need.
I feel like this change wouldn't really add anything extra or make it more useful than it currently is
Unless you simply can't access CL4 cams without being CL4 (I'll have to check), there's no way to access cameras in CL4 areas or EZ/F2 without going to F3, so areas like 008, etc. can't be seen. You also can't access the full site at once via the same screen like F3, which can make it difficult to e.g. search the whole site for a person, or monitor the site as a whole.

Also, no offense, but as one of the only people able to access F3 freely, your point of view on that specific part is likely biased.
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