Ethics committee Assistant Terible application [USA]

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Jul 17, 2023
Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:487808542
Discord name: terible
For how long have you played on CG SCP: A year and a half. I have 600-700 hours on the server
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: UTC-5
Character name(s): "Terible"
CI characte name(s): "Unravel"
Civilian name: "Teribly Good"
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?:
What are your total levels?:1704462056633.png

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

Holding: MTF O1 PVT, Special agent, SCP 096, SCP 22415, CI-G

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?:
- I have senior and junior CL4 experience and i wanna try a more non combative role. When i first joined the server, i used to play research a lot and as a very roleplay based player, i love those types of roles. I also know a lot about the COE and the COC and i will do my best to ensure that everything related those codes is used on site. I also have a lot of leadership experience by being a NU7 LT and a Special agent. I love working with people and help them with their tasks or problems. I also like to write documents OOC and in character.

What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?:
-Make sure the site is running well and smoothly.
- Authorize acces to Advanced armory during intense events such as a mass breach.
-Authorize the use of KOS past airlock when there isnt a Site advisor+ on site.
-Approve research experiments and any other documentation related to ethical concerns.
- Be professional at all time to represent ethics at it's worth.
-Authorize D block sweep if needed.
-Help and assist the Ethics comitee in their everyday job.
-Be a role model.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:




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- Security clearance adequate. Accessing file...

Location: Algeria, Algiers 1999.

Operation "Karantika"

Abdel Brahimi was a scholar in Antonio "Lefebrve" university, an university of psychology in Algeria. That university was known worldwide as one of the best in the entire earth for subject related to Psychology and the Human mind. One day, the government gave that university a test. That test was related to Human morals and ethics and had more than 200 questions. After 8 hours of the doing the test, Abdel finally finished, the thing he didn't know is that this whole room was gonna get amnesticize. Abdel, after getting amnesticized woke up in a dark room. He was cuffed to a chair and gagged. the only thing he could see in the dark room was a table infront of him. Someone entered the chamber.

Ethics comitee member [Redacted]:
Hello, i know you don't remember about this but you took a test in your university and you scored all the question right. Are you looking for a job ? We need more psychologist like you, you are the only ones who can understand the human minds and their morals

*abdel was still shocked by what was going on but his mind told him to accept that offer instantly, he then shaked his head to accept that offer.*

Abdel then got blindfolded and transported by private jet to Canada. He arrived to site 65 the 05/26/1999 and got a job as a psychologist. During his time in Site 65, Abdul now called "Terible" focused on the cognitive realm since it was a very approached psychology trend during that time. He also focused on behaviorism by talking with multiple d class. One day, "Terible" got assigned to work on memetic kill agent. A memetic kill agent is like an image, that image, if seen by an individual, will deliver a "mental death" of the individual. Terible tried doing testing on D class. The experiment turned wrong and Terible got traumatised. During all his career, Terible never wanted to do anything bad to anyone, not even a D class. He heard a lot of bad stories from d class about how they were treated in D block but never thought what they said was really that true. Terible couldn't let humans get treated like laboratory rat like that, he then got the idea of creating a document to give D class and SCP foundation employees right and rules that they should respect to be able to all live together in a relatively "safe" environment. He forwarded that idea to the Ethics comitee which ,with his knowledge of D class behaviorism, made a Code of Conduct and Ethics.

After making that document ( it took him more than 6 months) Terible got kidnapped by Omega-1 and put back into the same dark room that he first got recruited in.

Ethics member [Redacted]: We appreciated your work for making the Code of Conduct and Ethics. Thanks to you D block has never been better. Well, we think you could still be a good asset to keep close. That's why we are gonna give you a whole new role in the foundation. You are gonna work under us and ensure that everything related to our codes is up to date.
You are now an ethic comitee Assistant.

Good job.
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Aug 8, 2022
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A message has been received from the Site-65 Ethics Committee

To: "Terible"

Hello. We appreciate you taking the time to apply for the position of Ethics Committee Assistant. After careful consideration, we believe that your skills, experience, and qualifications make you suitable for this position. Congratulations and we look forward to working with you.

Please contact me (via discord @bogitos) with any further questions or concerns regarding your new position.

-From Ethics Vice Chairman "Peasant"

Application Accepted
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