Exec. Researcher Application [USA]

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Dec 25, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:552147439
Discord name: imchizurin
For how long have you played on CG SCP: close to 3 years
Age: 15
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): Darnell Cummings
Civilian name: Samson Cummings
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: CI Alpha, MTF E-11 SPC
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: Not that I remember
Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?
As an Executive Researcher, I intend to make a substantial contribution to the Foundation's main purpose by carrying out outstanding research in the application of high standards of quality and innovation. By ensuring careful documentation, I hope to assist in the approval and maintenance of the integrity of quality documents as they pertain to the direction of our work.
What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
The time I have dedicated to this server has given me an understanding of the processes of each department. Over this long period of three years, I developed a strong knowledge of what happens in the foundation. Being here for a long time, with my approach towards learning constantly, has made me more than suitable for taking on the responsibilities of being an Executive Researcher. I have always shown an ability to assist others and provide guidance to others who need it. I have shown my work to others and helped the community function smoothly. My availability and readiness, with my patience, will be essential to my assistance in this foundation.
How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
I have created about two or three excellent documents regarding the inanimate SCPs, they are easy to understand, and they wouldn't need a lot to test on. I believe one of these tests I made a D-Class give quick and effective glances at the Laughing Picture; at the end, he could decipher the entire picture and describe to us what it looked like. He was not affected by the cognitohazard, but he was able to decipher all that was in the picture. This test showed that we could void the cognitohazardous effects of the picture by just giving glances toward the SCP. I believe what made my document excellent was the good length; it needed all of its information to be written down, with a preface and SCP background; it was formatted correctly, was easy to read, and had no grammatical mistakes.
What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
Executive Researchers must be professional and act as reliable figures for other people. It is important to lead others by example in your actions. Executive Researchers should offer clear and concise guidance and support others who may need help or guidance in their work. Even as researchers in our regard, our purpose as a team is to explore and test the boundaries of our knowledge within the foundation. This shows part of this responsibility in the foundation includes bringing forth an environment of intellectual curiosity and collaboration. This means everyone is equipped to be able to contribute towards the research of SCPs. By upholding the principles of an Executive Researcher, we don't only help ourselves but smash goals in the long run.
Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Cummings is a researcher with empathy and curiosity toward SCPs. He believes there is more to them than just their anomalous traits. Cummings works to find ways to communicate with SCPs and see how we can connect with them. Cummings usually tests whether we can make personal connections with SCPs. He tests to find out if they have emotion, their personalities, and boundaries. He treats an SCP as he treats another human, as just his own. Cumming's tests aim for seeing if SCPs have a capacity towards their human-like sides.

King 'Reaper'

SCP-RP Staff
Event Team
Jun 7, 2024
Good Evening @darnell
After reading through the application and taking the time to discuss it amongst the rest of the Executive team.
We have decided to DENY your application at this time.

Feedback from Executive team doesn't feel you quite fit the role at this time and need to take some more time within the department and strengthen relations with fellow foundation

Kind Regards - The Executive Research Team​
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