Executive Researcher Apllication

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Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 26, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:520934849
Discord name: ejmartinez04
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 5 days 8 hours
In what country are you located?: America
Time zone: UTC
Character name(s): E Martinez
Civilian name: E Martinez
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: MTF Nu-7 SPC
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: No
Why are you applying for Executive Researcher? To be able to research on higher class of SCP that D class wouldn't usually be tested with. Giving them a new experience instead of the same SCP's over and over again.
What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?: I remember to credit people and turn in my reports
How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent? I turned in a good amount, a excellent document is one that highlights important details rather than having a lengthy unnecessary amount of pages.
What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?: To research the dangerous SCP's by being one of the top researchers the foundation has to offer.
Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what story lines they would be involved in: My character was a only child growing, not able to get many friends in school. They were known to sit in the library for hours at a time, reading about science and mathematics. While attending a top university, he created amazing technological devices that revolutionized the modern world. He was approached by foundation staffed that acknowledged his potential and offered him a spot in the SCP research team. He then went on to impress the foundation, earning him the title of Senior Researcher.
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Reactions: cawmrade
Mar 31, 2022

I'm not from the USA but this application is vague, try to give more information.
On the question "What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher" You only wrote 10 words + This is not a acomplishment, a Jr. Researcher has the capability to remember to credit someone.

Uberon Macfoi

Active member
Mar 8, 2022

From the office of Uberon Macfoi

Application Declined

Thank you for taking the time to apply for Director of Research. unfortunately i can not accept this application. I wish you the best of luck in the future. You will be able to apply again with in 8 days

Director Macfoi

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