Executive Researcher Application-Rogue Jwang

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Well-known Member
Jun 10, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:484898848

Discord name: roguejwang#0178

For how long have you played on CG SCP: My total time on SCPRP is 8 days and 13hrs total so around a week and one day.

Age: 14

In what country are you located?: U.S

Time zone: EST

Character name(s): Rogue Jwang

Civilian name: Rogue Jwang

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA

Do you have a mic?:
- Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- CI-B (Holding) E-11 SPC (Holding)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- ARDM (Didnt Know You Couldent Kill Class-D As Class-D) Failrp (Entered The Facility As a Cgtitv) Body Blocking (Stood In The Way Of A Gensec) All of these warnings are inactive currently.

Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?
- The reason why i am applying for Executive Researcher to because i havent really seen any Executives on late at night and early mornings as well my experience in researching. Another reason why i want to apply for Executive Researcher is because of all test ive done all the CL3 SCPS and would like to expand it into the CL4's. I also would like to supervise any Sr.Researchers that want to test on CL4 test as well decide if they prove any benefits or if they are ethical. As well my having lots of time on my hands.

What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
- Ive written long and detailed documents regarding test. It also takes me a while to decide what to do and see if it benefits. As well ive helped a few researchers learn how to do their job accordingly. I take time to think of a good test to run on any SCPS and not just want samples from them. As well my passion for researching of the unknown. I also am extremely active too as well even on school days i still have a lot of time to get on to deal with any researchers who are in need of help.

How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
- Ive written 8 documents total and sent uploaded to Scipnet 7 out of 8 got a excellent the other document got a good. What makes a document good from the details of the test, format, punctuation, good spelling, proper testing procedures and if its ethical.Documents ive written [ SCP-939 Hunting Instinct, SCP-049 Age Test, SCP-049 AKA The Plague Doctor, What Makes SCP-035 Sentient, Samples From SCP-096, SCP-079 QNA, SCP-106 Study 1, SCP-294 Liquid Test.

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
- Observe researchers test to see if their doing it correctly, decide if test are beneficial. Help other researchers engage in proper and safe test. Approve cross test that are safe and provide value. Help any new researcher research and guide them to be a more experienced.

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:
- Rogue Jwang was an average American man who dedicated his life to achieving being an astronaut and researching unknowns of the universe. During his stay at High school, he would only study alone and pass through all of his classes. He was mainly a loner and was often shy to anyone. After a few years of hard work through high school, he was at the top of his class and was declared a Valedictorian. After graduation from high school, he would then dedicate himself to a university. Years later Rogue Jwang had finally gotten his master's degree in biological science. He then went off to work for NASA after a few weeks of just getting his degree he was just about in his mid 20's. For a while, he loved working and he was good at researching. Just about a year later he finally got recognition for his work and his stay at NASA. A few people from the SCP foundation saw this and wanted to take him into the facility and make him a researcher. After several days Rogue Jwang was on break outside drinking an early morning coffee, out of nowhere he was suddenly bagged and kidnapped then transported to a facility. Around an hour later they got him into a chair and started asking him questions like, how old he was, how experienced he was, and if he would like to join the foundation. Rogue Jwang took deep thought into joining the foundation and agreed he would. That was when I officially joined the foundation as a Jr.Researcher. On his first day, he began to read about how to start researching properly and do safe tests on SCPS. He was just only a CL1 at this time. During his research on his first anomaly and studied it for quite a bit. After years of dedication and hard work, he was then finally ready to go from a Jr.Researcher to a Researcher. This time he had a CL2 card and was eager to research more of the semi-dangerous inanimate objects. during his 3rd test, a fellow Sr.Researcher came by and asked him if he wanted to go heavy containment zone to observe more dangerous SCPS. It was then time he made it his goal to get a Sr.Researcher role. After a couple of years go by he was then finally promoted to be a Sr.researcher throughout his test he made several documents on all the SCPS he tested on. Once he got done testing on almost all the CL3 anomalies, he asked permission from a CL4 cardholder to see one of the anomalies. That is when he decided to go further with his research to become an Executive Researcher.


Well-known Member
Jun 23, 2022

Main goal to becoming an executive seems to be that you just want to test CL4 scps

Effort put into App
Good amount of documents
May 31, 2022

- I have seen Rouge almost everysingle day im on he is very active
- A lot of effort was put into his executive researcher application

- His application has a lot of detail but it seems like he only wants to test on lv.4 scps


Well-known Member
Jun 13, 2022

Application Denied

Thank you so much for taking the time to apply for Executive Researcher. Unfortunately, we have decided to deny your application for the position. This is due to the lack of really pushing yourself to help other researchers succeed. I understand it is cool to be able to test on cl4 SCP's but I would like to see more of a want to better the department from you. Tests are very important, but they are not everything involved with being an Executive. Please work on writing more excellent documentation, being active in the department and helping researchers improve their skills. I would also love to see you interact with researchers more in the early night hours if possible and I would like to watch you host some lectures before re applying.

You can re-apply after 2 weeks from this post.

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