Executive Researcher Application (USA)

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Aug 20, 2022
Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198811555710/

Discord name: Unreal#6666

For how long have you played on CG SCP: About 20 days, though I have spent a lot of hours in the server.

Age: 17

In what country are you located? Mexico

Time zone: (GMT-5)

Character name(s): Dr. Schwarz

Civilian name: Maximilian Schwarz

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA

Do you have a mic? Yes, I have a mic.


List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

I currently just hold RRT role since it is not a lot of my interest to be a combatant unit.

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?

Warnings, my warnings have been earned because of me trying to hack a door at CI entrance with a friend of mine which resulted into toxicity, and a verbal warning for talking as SCP-2295, my warnings had been applied and I accepted them and haven’t committed the same mistake since.

Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?

-Since I started on SCP-RP it has been of my interest to perform unique test on various SCP’s, I have even asked for a permission to perform various test that will allow me to write reports, which most of the ones I’ve written had been rated excellent, alongside with the opportunity to interact with Jr. Researchers that need orientation and support while writing reports and performing tests. As a person who takes RP seriously and have the chance to help other researchers to do excellent reports, I think it is a very suitable position for me.

What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?

-As said before I consider myself as a responsible person who learns about his mistakes without being toxic and having the ability to remain calm in stress situations alongside with my speech that leads people to perform an excellent job I think this position is suitable for me since not only will I be responsible for my actions, but I will have a communication with everyone who may need it, guide new researchers to a successful path and contribute to make the research department to become one of the most respected departments is one of my main goals.

How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?

-Currently I count with 3 Excellent-Rated documents, and to answer the question.

An excellent document is the one that has all the principal formats, which will allow us to acquire knowledge of the SCP subjects. Having a good grammar is as well one of the main characteristics that make a document excellent in quality, not only that but to properly follow the stablished rubric, the originality of the study will represent our method as a researcher, our goals and our reputation among other researchers, not only that but it will represent a major part of the foundation progress. It is important to mention that an excellent document will not only be used to acquire a reputation, it will also be used to understand the foundation purpose alongside with our findings, which will be important for people who want to learn more about our subjects.

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?

-To supervise the Research personnel and answering doubts personnel may have. Training new researchers who are interested in doing tests and following the departments goals. Not to forget Executive researcher will still perform more advanced tests.

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Maximilian Schwarz a 34-year-old male who graduated from the University of Paris as one of the top students has started working at the SCP foundation about 6 years ago, his experience and his charisma have leaded him to become an Executive researcher, which has allowed him to study the nature and the behavior of the SCP subjects and interacting with them, it is well known that Maximilian was always interested in the pandemic and virus subjects, one of his major obsessions is SCP-008, Maximilian’s goal is to study this subject to find the origins of the disease and a potential cure for it. Maximilian is also very interested in SCP-049 since he finds interesting the way SCP-049 deals with the disease, he has performed various interactions with this individual leading to interviews and tests.

Maximilian is looking forward to become the best researcher the foundation has ever received


Well-known Member
Jun 13, 2022

Application Denied

Thank you for taking the time to apply for Executive Researcher. Unfortunately, we have decided to deny your application. If you are still interested in this position, we recommend that you shadow some Executive Researchers to get a feel of what really goes on and what they do day to day. I strongly encourage you to start practicing some of these skills on your own time as a Senior Researcher like helping and shadowing Junior Researchers, writing more excellent documentation, performing some lectured (we have approved ones you can use just let us know and we can give you one), and interact with the head of research.

You can re-apply after 2 weeks from this post, thank you.

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