Accepted Expanding Consultant slots from 4 -> 6

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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Nov 16, 2024
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This suggestion would increase the number of Consultant slots in game from 4 -> 6

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
I combed suggestions but, could not find anything similar

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
We have just accepted our 15th Consultant. 14 of them are extremely/regularly active in game, leaving too many Consultants for the number of slots we have at any given time. Many days they will be taking turns switching on and off the roles and not having enough time to devote to their role or complete their REQs when they are available play.

-We are an ever-growing department and allowing for more Consultant slots would almost guarantee that at any given time especially during peak hours we will have slots open for them to use
-More slots would allow for more flexibility in Consultants being able to complete their reqs and expand their fields
-Without more Consultant slots we would have a hard time being able to ensure those who get less playtime will be able to get a slot
-Myself and Sammy, the US DoMs, have started to feel bad accepting more Consultants and not being able to guarantee them the time to be on their role, this would ease the issue quite a bit should more people decide to apply in the future

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
-At this time, I don't see any negatives to this expansion

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I genuinely believe that Consultant spots should be expanding because of the sheer volume of Consultants we have now, coupled with the fact that most of them are peak-time players. Consultants are also tasked out to different departments on occasion so with more slots, we could always have one around med bay at the minimum. It would give them more of an opportunity to spend time in their roles and not have to go out of their way too much to do their job or constantly switch around when another Consultant needs to get on their role to do REQs or complete a project assigned to them. With medical usually being a high pop department, it will also allow for more CL4 staff to watch, mentor, and correct any issues at the CL3 and lower roles. 15 Jr. CL4's in medical is alot and the rate at which good applications are coming in has not particularly slowed. So, unless there was to be a cap placed on the amount of them, we sorely need the extra slots.

Thank you for your consideration, as always :)
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