False ban/reason wasnt under gunpoint nor did i glitch abuse?

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Well-known Member
Jul 14, 2022
Your in-game name: Darren
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:536990847
Your steam community link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199034247422/
Date of ban: 27/01/2023
What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): Minor glitching Fearp
Who banned you: @Captain ‘The Vigilant’
Ban length?: 1 day
What server were you banned on?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP RP UK
Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the url): https://www.civilgamers.com/community/threads/scp-rp-rules.2244/
What will you do to stop this from happening again: I was just playing the server i came back from a 1 week + LOA where my computer was broke and i was just playing the server having fun rping i get captured by ci all is fair they put me in a vodnik and a few ci get out and i shoot them i dont know how that was minor glitching since i was under the impression minor glitching would be me going under the map stuff like that you know i also havent been banned since september proving i can play this server and to be banned for this i was unaware using a vodnik turret while cuffed was abusing gltich since i asked about this lawliet however didnt give me an answer and was sorting out the ban
Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned? Yes i have my last ban was in september
Why should you be unbanned: the reason i wish to be unbanned is i have prooved i can play this server legit and rp and not break rules/get banned proof of this was i havent been banned since september i dont wish to break rules and i was unaware i was under gunpoint either from my pov i was alone in a vodnik with a driver and some ci got out the car i was in the turret and shot them also i was blindfolded at this so i couldnt even see who i was shooting i requested a hmod+ to escalate the sit however i was refused this and was told its minor glitching but according to the staff punishment guidelines which i just read minor glitching is shit like going under the map i was unaware using a vehicle turret while cuffed was minor glitching and i am sorry for this i enjoy this server and intend to keep playing on it im not interested in getting people banned i dont wanna minge i just want to play the server and have a good time even after what seems like from my pov me being betrayed by ci since they have literally told me to shut the fuck and leave the ts when i joined it saying i was a snitch ? when a week ago we were friends anyway back to the point

i never broke this rule knowingly i was unaware using a vodnik turret while cuffed was minor glitching or even fearp cause from my pov no one was actively aiming a gun at me but that doesnt matter im sorry for breaking this rule
How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?: be more careful about my actions i was told in the sit that when im in the vodnik that in ''RP'' im under gunpoint therefore me using the gun would be fearp i was totally unaware of this rule nor staff rulling if it exists and im sorry for breaking this rule i never intended to break this rule and i just joined back the server from my computer being broken cause i wanted to play and have fun and do some rp and interact with who i though were previous friends of mine i was playing b1 at the time i accept what i did and used a turret while cuffed i was unaware i was abusing a glitch nor was i aware ''In RP'' i was under gunpoint from ci or something in the back of the turret
Why do you want to rejoin this server? cause ive been having fun recently ive went off for a bit and i come back and i wasnt aware of this that i had no clue that using a turret while cuffed was abusing a glitch and i never intended to break this rule i havent been banned since september so i dont do stuff like this on purpose i want to join back so i can continue playing however i believe before a verdict is given the timer will run out im still sorry for this action and was unaware using a turret while restrained was minor glitching nor was i aware of the ''in rp'' rule that ci are holding you at gunpoint im sorry for this rule break and dont wish to repeat my actions also i believe i was on the turret the entire time


Well-known Member
Jul 14, 2022
i was under the impression that using a turret while cuffed was allowed however i didnt know that it wasnt allowed and that it was a bug abuse.

i genuinly had no intention to break this rule and i just came back to the server after a long time of me being gone on LOA

CI Lawliet Marauder

Active member
Sep 9, 2022
Hello @Darren
During the sit, I explained to you why this was going to happen even tried getting SL for you but SL was unavailable and so I proceeded with the ban, during the sit Darren would talk over me not letting me talk and demanding SL even though I had told him they were unavailable and that he would be getting a 1 Day ban that he can appeal and if he deemed it necessary he could make a complaint against me to. Darren was a ci prisoner as b-1 they were transporting and getting him in a vehicle he hopped on the turret of the said vehicle while cuffed and gunned the ci down. This is is a breach of the rules and should have not been done.

Thanks for making a Appeal
@Captain ‘The Vigilant’


Well-known Member
Jul 14, 2022
Hello @Darren
During the sit, I explained to you why this was going to happen even tried getting SL for you but SL was unavailable and so I proceeded with the ban, during the sit Darren would talk over me not letting me talk and demanding SL even though I had told him they were unavailable and that he would be getting a 1 Day ban that he can appeal and if he deemed it necessary he could make a complaint against me to. Darren was a ci prisoner as b-1 they were transporting and getting him in a vehicle he hopped on the turret of the said vehicle while cuffed and gunned the ci down. This is is a breach of the rules and should have not been done.

Thanks for making a Appeal
@Captain ‘The Vigilant’
Understandable however to me it seems like you are making my actions out to be worse then they were i dont recall ''Demanding to speak to sl'' i simply requested their opinion on this situation i also dont recall you explaining what was going to happen however neither does this change the situation im stating my POV here i also wanted to ask you a question on the minor glitching thing i wasnt trying to resist you i was simply wanting the rule clarification as i was under the assumption minor glitching was abusing underground out of bounds glitches either way thank you for giving your side

the reason i believed this wasnt a rule break was due to the fact that this has happened to me before where a intel agent cuffed got into a ci btr and shot me and klilled me while i was playing ci i was told this was in the rules i also was under the impression i could use a turret since the cuffs were elastic restraints stuff i was not aware of anyway i have accepted what i have done wrong its a shame i will be more careful next time i also wish stuff like this can be clarified more in the rules i hope this doesnt ruin future interactions that i will have with you

have a good day
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Community Supervisor
Community Sup.
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Group Moderator
May 23, 2022
Appeal Denied

Hi @Darren,

Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.

After speaking with the banning staff and hearing both stories, I have decided to deny your appeal due to the fact that you're not suppose to use the turret while cuffed, which makes sense because you shouldn't be able to do it with your hands cuffed, nor it's intended for it to happen.. For that reason, the Minor Glitching ban is valid.

You may re-appeal in 2 weeks.​
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