False Blacklist appeal

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Your in-game name: Fringbean/Change Greenmask
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:485639549
Your steam community link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198931544827/
Date of blacklist: 10/30/22
To the best of your knowledge, why were you blacklisted?: no clue my game crashed when I was just playing I relog and then it says "You have been Blacklisted. ERR_CONNECTION_1"
Please list any times you have used methods to change or hide your IP (incl. game streaming, e.g. GeForce Now): none
Please list any alt accounts: none I do play in the same house with box tho
Who blacklisted you? (if known): idk
Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the url): https://www.civilgamers.com/community/threads/scp-rp-rules.2244/
What will you do to stop this from happening again: I don't know... to be honest I didn't do anything wrong so I will keep doing what I was.
Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned/blacklisted? I think I was warned like 3 times in total I don't know how to get it tho
Why should you be unblacklisted: I didn't do anything
How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?: I haven't gotten warned in a while
Why do you want to rejoin this server?: It's fun.
Hi @Cloak
If you were unable to see my discord message allow me to explain here.
I apologize for not being clear in the alts allow me to clarify: I have a twin brother Box which I referred to in Alts. we play off of the same IP and both played this server until one of us got blacklisted banning our IP. If you believe this is bullshit I don't blame you. So I have proof that we are two separate players and I didn't just ban evade.
First. both me and box play actively in several servers together and separated as seen in the hours on each account: Mine:https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198931544827/
Box's: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198354320732/
both each easily have over 4000 hours in Gmod .
Second: We both have tons of active hours in the Civil gamers server and both have access to scout.
If you don't believe it and wish to keep me blacklisted can I at least be told the reason for the blacklist he said he had no idea why it happened and I don't either.
Thank you for taking time to read this, Fringbean.
I don't see anything that indicates your brother was blacklisted, at least not on SCP-RP UK. Your story also doesn't line up with what our blacklist evasion system detected. Put simply, unfortunately I do believe that your story is 'bullshit'.

Even if you were telling the truth, if your brother was blacklisted, we would unfortunately have to keep you blacklisted as well. Blacklists are only issued for the most serious offences, they are not just "IP bans". Examples of what would get you blacklisted are evasion of a permanent ban, repeatedly trying to crash the server, and chargebacking donations. If your brother really was blacklisted, he would know why - only a member of Network Leadership can authorise blacklists, they don't just happen out of the blue.
@Cloak Thank you for your response.
I didn't know it wasn't based off of ban evasion.
Before this thread is closed could I know the exact reason for the blacklist if possible I haven't donated before and I don't have any warns or bans for attempting to crashing the server. I have no clue why they would permanently ban me with the said reasons above.
To put it simply for me this was out of the blue and made with a reason I didn't know.
Can I be told reason or how to get it?
Thank you for reading again , Fringbean.
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