Denied Female Models for UNGOC Attache and Ambassador

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
- Adding female models to the GOC attache and ambassador roles.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
- There was a suggestion to blanket add female models to all roles, but my suggestion is just to port over the female models in suits to the GOC ambassadorial roles. Presumably they'd be modified a bit to match the current male models, IE one could have the GOC beret.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- Assists female characters in RP, as people would see you as the actual gender of your character.
- Adds a few more female player models without needing to fully rework a bunch of models in the game.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Load time, but since it's only an adding a beret to one and then just allowing the model to be chosen, I don't believe it would hamper performance.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
- I'm hoping that this won't be denied based on server stress, as I think unused models could be deleted to make space (if needed) for two extra models. I also (afaik) don't think modifying the models we already have to fit the GOC theme would be too difficult. It would be have a few more options for the ladies that do play the server.
If they want to, the modellers can have the beret just be a bodygroup for the base model and then they don't have to have two whole separate models and it won't bump up the load time basically at all. Probably. I don't know, all I've done is PAC3.
Same, and even then my experience with PAC3 isn't a lot. I'm operating under the assumption that they don't even really need to do that, they can just make the suited female models an option to be picked.
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This should be a thing for all classes (Other than d class maybe due to the toxic pool of people there)
check out the responses from yeke/past SL on why they dont add female models for everything

-eh its only 2 jobs so why not
check out the responses from yeke/past SL on why they dont add female models for everything

-eh its only 2 jobs so why not

If "It will bring more negatives than positives" is an issue

Let's come up with solutions for this issue.

1 - Remove 1 or two of the current male models for classes and replace them with the female models. That solves the adding model's issue.
2 - If "Sexism" is going to be labeled as an issue in adding them, maybe there should be enforcement of our rules to combat that issue (Not making a statement on how staff deal with sexism as every single report I have submitted to staff in regards to this topic has been dealt with above and beyond on the US server usually resulting in a ban)
3 - Too much work for the modelers? Hire some temp mods to help if it's going to be that much of an issue to add a female to jobs.

Hey but what do I know, I don't run a server, just some of my input.
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