Content Suggestion Fix D-Block and my solutions.

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New Member
Mar 27, 2025
D-Block is an absolute nightmare to play in.

Today, I played for around 5 hours and couldn't even do 2 tests or make it past D-Block in my attempts to escape. The way it's set up allows way too many MTF guards to stack up on every door, having 5 people body blocking them without being able to slip by as D-Class. The only way to get around this is to use the vent and go to the left or have a grenade thrown in each doorway, which takes forever to do. It requires a level 3 biometric scanner, which requires a hacking device to open. The hacking minigame is stupidly difficult than, it has to be. The only way to get the hacking device is to kill a guard and have a random chance to drop a keycard to buy it at the vending machine, but at that point there is a riot, or you die from the crossfire, which will make me lose everything I have.

(Not all to be taken into account but some ways that could relieve this pain.)

-What does this suggestion change/add/remove-
1. Make a second entrance to D-Block besides the 1 door that everyone has to squeeze through.
2. Make the biometric keypad in the vent a normal tier 3 keycard reader.
3. Make the already small door at D-block way wider and open it up permanently.
4. Limit the number of guards assigned to D-Block and have a timer for how long they can stay before being teleported back to barracks. (Unless its a code 2 and above and its not in the designated waiting area for escorts.)
5. Scrap dealers should be open more often/permanently for the guns or make the items cheaper or add more scrap piles to salvage through. This is because the weapons in the dealers are super underpowered.
6. Make D-Class Scout less reliant on achievement percentage and more towards higher D-Class Level
7. Lower the barrier in the airlock a tiny bit so D-Class can shoot more accurately with their very inaccurate weapons.
8. Remove/shrink the window at the catwalk to allow more stealthy approaches that way in.
9. Move the item dispenser further away from the airlock.
10. Remove one-way windows or make it more apparent that they are one-way because people just get killed thinking they got RDMd when they didn't.

-Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?-
I don't believe so since I haven't seen these in the forums since I recently joined but nothing along what I've said.

-Possible Positives of the suggestion-
It allows lest congestion at the testing and medical lines while also allowing the facility to be more filled out with guards. It allows D-Class have a slightly higher chance to escape and expand the Chaos pool of people.

-Possible Negatives of the suggestion-
It makes it too easy to escape (which I don't think it will.), D-Class interrupting tests, It makes it harder to escape.

-Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted-
I think it should be accepted because it makes it different than most roleplay servers and adds a lot more roleplay scenarios that can play out while making it more enjoyable to play.

If you have any questions, you can message me on my discord @Oldmangamess
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Community Manager
Community Manager
Group Moderator
Mar 20, 2022
Hello @Oldmangames

Thanks for taking the time to make a suggestion, however please could you edit your post to follow the format please

Kind regards
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+/-Support leaning- as of now

Most of this suggestion only deals with ond part of the issues you listed in the worst way possible, that being escaping, and from the sounds you just kept ranming the wall and expecting it to move.

When escaping you have to evade the enemy. That's part of the fun. You AREN'T strong enough to take on MTF in groups. You aren't supposed ro be able to. You pick them off in close range 1 on 1s, kill run, kill, run into two? Keep 1 between you and the other and run or kill, etc.

This is good because a escaped 914 disguised D-Class basically has no rules other than no breaching scps. They can (and HAVE) ruin server health for everyone else, and can completely destroy a RP senerio. So escape NEEDS to be hard.

But a big issue I do 100% agree with is the lack of testing. I have said it before, waiting for a test is like a worse DMV, because at least then you can go walk around while you wait for your number, but instead you get to stand there and watch as there's 15 guards on and only 2 in D-Block with a screeching D-Class behind you. Then if a code hits it's another stall. Being brought on a test is like pulling teeth.

Alex/John Dingle

Civil Gamers Expert
Sep 7, 2022

Make a second entrance to D-Block besides the 1 door that everyone has to squeeze through.
Yeah just no, where would it even go to.
2. Make the biometric keypad in the vent a normal tier 3 keycard reader.
CL3s are relativly easy to get as a d class
3. Make the already small door at D-block way wider and open it up permanently.
Wider sure but open permanently hell no, CI would have field days just running in + having it open permanently makes it to easy to chain escape (Only one dude with a card has to open doors every time and just hide)
Limit the number of guards assigned to D-Block and have a timer for how long they can stay before being teleported back to barracks. (Unless its a code 2 and above and its not in the designated waiting area for escorts.)
So lets not allow gensec to do their jobs alr
crap dealers should be open more often/permanently for the guns or make the items cheaper or add more scrap piles to salvage through. This is because the weapons in the dealers are super underpowered.
The weapons are underpowerd??? Most guns in there can 3 tap a fully armord guard in the head. Lets not even talk about the deagle
. Make D-Class Scout less reliant on achievement percentage and more towards higher D-Class Level
Nah, Scout is to op to just make it rely on D class level, it gets a field kit, perma speed buf and extra health, the speed buff alone makes it insane
Lower the barrier in the airlock a tiny bit so D-Class can shoot more accurately with their very inaccurate weapons.
Inaccurate? Maybe learn to aim and then the weapons wont be inaccurate
Remove/shrink the window at the catwalk to allow more stealthy approaches that way in.
Semi, make it so you can see though from d block maybe, but no, making it removing it would ruin the point of the watch tower, shrinking it wouldnt help that much? You still have to run a long way from vents.
Move the item dispenser further away from the airlock.
This is already on UK (last time i played)
10. Remove one-way windows or make it more apparent that they are one-way because people just get killed thinking they got RDMd when they didn't.
If you are talking about the one on catwalk then idk what your yap is about, you cant shoot through it....

Overall this suggestion gets a solid 2/10, quick reminder: Escaping as d class is extremly hard and it is meant to be this way, you are a deathrow inmate in a MILITARY facility that contains probably the most dangerous things on this planet, if you think they can contain 682 but couldnt contain you then you are trippin. If you want a couple of tips here you are: 1. get a team of brutes/scouts (Strength in numbers), 2. Play smart, buy cheaper guns and try to get better ones, 3. Have good aim.
Dec 25, 2023
Today, I played for around 5 hours and couldn't even do 2 tests or make it past D-Block in my attempts to escape.

You mentioned the above "couldn't even do 2 tests" in your first line however the wide majority of your post is purely about escaping and not doing testing. Making me personally against your changes because I think testing should be pushed massively over escaping D-Class (which very rarely actually add to the RP).

9. Move the item dispenser further away from the airlock.
On UK however, this above one is true. The inner d-block dispenser is placed at the opening to the showers - although I don't think that massively matters as you cannot sure someone purely for using the dispenser.
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And if in 5 hours you only got 2 tests Makes me believe you dident stand in the testing door at all
Being fair (on US side), I have unironically stood in the testing line for a hour and thirty minutes talking to GSD because there's either: no test, not enough GSD in D-Block (5), a riot (normally 1 dude ironically), or GSD just doesn't want to do escorts.

This suggestion solves none of that but it's possible to just play worse DMV simulator in D-Block.
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Jun 24, 2022
2. Make the biometric keypad in the vent a normal tier 3 keycard reader.
There is really no reason for it being biometric lev 3 +Support on that
Being fair (on US side), I have unironically stood in the testing line for a hour and thirty minutes talking to GSD because there's either: no test, not enough GSD in D-Block (5), a riot (normally 1 dude ironically), or GSD just doesn't want to do escorts.

This suggestion solves none of that but it's possible to just play worse DMV simulator in D-Block.
ya us side either no d class wants to be tested on or researchers don't want to research
ya us side either no d class wants to be tested on or researchers don't want to research
Yeah what's really great is when there's like 3 gsd in D-Block and 15 of them on, so you go look and they're all in medbay playing Gmod VRChat. But MTF/ISD doing escorts get in trouble by SL or IC Policy for "taking GSD's job".

Being honest I kinda wish RSD could just carry a pistol and be semi combative when doing testing, that way if GSD is being sleepy they can do their own escorts. But that'll cause it's own issues.
honestly this just feels like a bit of a cope suggestion to which D-Class are being requested a straight buff with no consideration behind the effects of if this were implemented. i will agree that D-Block could be a bit more open as a whole though maybe adding a second door up the stairs leading to above Medbay. i also feel D-Block should be moved as i recall a mapper in the past even pointed out that D-Blocks current location causes alot of lag for the area espesially with medbay being right next to it which is arguably the second most populated area of the server.