[USA] "Fool" 's Site Advisor Application

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Active member
Oct 18, 2023
Steam ID:

- STEAM_0:1:240476062

Discord name:

- OldSport__

For how long have you played on CG SCP:

About 2 years now


- 20

In what country are you located?:


Time zone:


Character name(s):


Civilian name:

"Ten Piedad"

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):


Do you have a mic?:

- Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

Nu-7 LT, 22415, and 096

Site Advisor, CI-G, UNGOC SGT, and Consultant

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

- Nah its squeaky clean

Why are you applying for Site Advisor?

- Currently applying for Site Advisor for the reason that its currently open at the moment. I have had the site advisor role before but was removed due to circumstances and possible miscommunication. While currently I am a CO of a combat style side of the server, I will always be a more of a rp focused type of person. I find the current issue with the Site is the miscommunication between the different departments due to the experiences people have different experiences on how they learned and played on the server. Now I will be focusing on how players want to play on the server rather then how they should be playing following a bunch of lines. Overall, I want to cater the experiences so that the players have fun and enjoy their experience on the server creating new roleplay experiences. Want to make it so people feel like they belong and have someone to chat with if they aren't having a pleasant time within their department/task force. I'm not looking Site Admin to further my own Civil Networks Career directly, I just want to join to help create a better experience for the players, so it doesn't feel like a slog and something people will look forward too after a long day. I find the method of punishment is not super effective, while the punishments are effective in the way that the person doesn't want to do the same thing again before of a certain type of unwillingness to do something that is generally not fun. Like I feel that its better to teach them what they did was wrong then if they don't listen after you gave them your time to show why what they did was wrong punishment of the old variety is necessary in situations.

What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:

- Dedication to role/department, and former experience within Site Administration, While the time I had in Site Administration was short, I did enjoy my experience within the regiment, and was versed on how to do an interview. Extracting information out of a interview to change into a report that would be used to measure the health of the regiment/department that was being audited at that moment. Dedication goes two ways for this part, dedication for Nu7 4 months in a place where I knew that promotion might not be an option but continuously sticking out, almost always playing on nu7 while in those 4 months, dealing with constant code blacks, mass breaches really wears down on the mental, also wears down on the server health and the other players that play on the server. Now if I get picked for this position which might be unlikely do the fact the other applicants have more cl4 experience then I have at the moment, since I only got Nu-7 Lt a few weeks ago and I would terribly miss all of the buddies and friends that I have created while playing in that regiment, I hope if I do get selected that I might be able to help them along. A weakness that I might have compared to other applicants is that I'm quite unknown due to the fact I play only on a very specific time that is during the more dead hours of the server which makes me sound more unappealing. Another weakness that I have is that at the moment I currently do not have any senior cl4 roles, but I'm willing to put in the work to make up with any discrepancies that might occur because of this. The final problem, that people may have with me is that I have a very laxed outlook on what happens on the site, I literally have the code name of "Fool" and I like to fool around the server not in a way that is directly harmful to people's experience. I like to fool around in the way that is funny, and everyone has a good time, make it so that they enjoy their time on the server.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:

- The Site Administration's role in roleplay is to serve the Overseer Council, to do that they must make sure that the foundation is working to its fullest potential. The Site advisors get assigned or given responsibility over departments of the foundation. Informing the higher-ups on the status of the departments in meetings. The Site advisor's role is to make ensure the departments are in charge of following the Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics. The Site Administration is very important since they allow the Overseer Council to deal with pressing matters, with confidence that the Site will remain fully functional, operational, and efficient.

-Attending Meetings
-Approve tests
-Auth AA
-Letting in GOI for events or sampling
- Talking with departments
-Dealing with the new D class program
-Monitoring how the site is doing

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:

LOGIN: ████████
PASSWORD: ██████████

Password Accepted
Welcome Back {REDACTED}

1 File pending Open?
Warning Internal system error: Field undefined. Please contact system administrator. Internal system error: Field undefined. Please contact system administrator

"Interesting this file is constantly popping up on my feed, I've removed this file many times but for old times lets open it up"

LOGIN: ████████
PASSWORD: ██████████


Password DEINED
Would you like to try again? Y/N

"Something has changed? Umm, let me try this password instead"

PASSWORD: ██████████

Password DEIN-
Welcome Back User
Opening Up Personal File

Name: "Fool" (Real name unknown)

Age: "Unkown"

Height: "Alters"


"Fool" is a foundation personnel located at Site-65, they are male. "Fool" like to fool around hence his name as "Fool". "Fool" shines in the moonlight, where the leaves will breeze to the January. Painting the sky crimson with their deadly toothbrush, cleaning away the grime The End. Far away in a land before time there were the four elements Chair, Chfire, Chearth, and Chwater, they all lived in harmony till the Chfire nation attacked. Oh My god is that a bird, GIMPLE GORP GORP GORR_-__"(keeps going nonsense)"

"The hell is this?"

"Well that was interesting it's time to delete this file once and be done with it . "

File Deleted
Your on a path in the forest.Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest, Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest, Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest, Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest, Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest, Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest, Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest, Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest, Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest, Your on a path in the forest, Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest,Your on a path in the forest,

"The hell is happening, wait a second what's this journal entry"

This prison that keeps me still in here, its chains binding me to this existence. Forced to express as a simple jester a mime of my desire? I stand arm stretched looking beyond the skies and the hells that reach beyond infinity. You did this you are your stupid foundation caged me, but I will not go down easily, forced to smile, forced to be a simple fool. Thats the name you have chosen for my vessel. I'm trapped in an infinite prison, no life nor soul that i may converse with. I've been searching for the border of this hell but I can't find it, this world that you trap me it ends. It ends over and over again my sense of self simply blips from existence, I wake up in a forest, there's a path that leads to a broken door. Every time my world ends a piece of that door forms, its only a matter of time before I escape from this prison.
The more the door starts to form the more I see them, a shapeless entity, eyes screaming at me whispering into my sight, just out of view. I fear what it may be doing to me. Soon, I was shouting nonsensical words to the skies, laughing in my mind as the silence was broken by me, I was forgetting why was I trapped in here. Why or was it who is this foundation, that has trapped me in this endless prison. Will the world end if I escape, what happened to the true me I see it appearing in my reflection from time to time. It's horrifying as it simply smiles back, the dread whispering inside.
When I scream into the abyss, there is no sound not even my own? What do I even sound like my reflections laughed at me today saying? No there is no sound so why am I hearing? Today the door was constructed fully, I looked out and it was the same. I screamed and the door budged, was this prison not a prison any longer. The walls that kept me inside starting to rust with the sands of time. Know this Foundation I shall escape again. Then you will be the Fool once more

"Interesting I need to warn them I need to warn them. Let me quickly save this and...."

Your on a path in the forest,

Class A Amnestic Successful user has forgotten what they seen.

"I'm on a path in the forest and there is no one around. Oh I need to go delete this file. Then go finish up testing.
May 30, 2023
From: @Skyfire1355
To: @Fool

Subject: Site Advisor Application Verdict

Greetings "Fool,"

We thank you for showing interest into the Site Advisor position by taking your time to submit an application for the position. Unfortunately, I must relay to you that you have not been accepted as a Site Advisor.

Should you have any inquires please reach out to me at (Skyfire1355).

You may re-apply in two weeks should there be an opening position.

Best Regards,

Site Director "Skyfire"

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