Denied Forbid SCPs camping in cells

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Adds a server rule where SCPs cannot enter another contained SCPs cell other than their own unless it's during an official cross-test, they intend to use the breach tool on them, hack them out, or otherwise immediately breach the SCP.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
+Prevents constant camping in cells
+Less prolonged breaches (unnecessary)

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
-SCP Slight Nerf

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
While SCPs are and should be allowed to team with each other, allowing SCPs to simply run inside another SCPs cell and hide there anytime they want is not helping anybody. If an SCP is trying to breach another SCP in that moment of going into their cell, that is perfectly acceptable, however allowing SCPs to camp there or retreat into another SCPs cell simply to avoid being contained within a reasonable timeframe is simply unfair and not fun for anybody. Here's why;

1. The contained SCP can easily protect the SCP hiding in their cell, without consequence. The contained SCP is effectively in god-mode and cannot be killed or moved out of their cell, and no one can enter their cell or damage either SCP without immediately dying to an unfair and overpowered advantage. Even if an entire ERT force got there, it's much more likely that they would just die. It's not fair to the players to have to deal with this, as there's little to no counter to it if the contained SCP is protecting the breached SCP retreating into their cell in such a small space with essentially infinite power.
2. This type of method where the SCP retreats or camps into another SCPs cell will prolong breaches by an unreasonable amount of time. This could make breaches become twice as long, or extended by 30+ minutes. And it's not like this extension is because of that SCPs power, or because they're strong or having good tactics. They're just abusing a system that no one is having fun fighting. In nearly every situation where this happens, people simple give up and leave the SCP alone until they finally get bored. During this time, no tests or passive RP can occur wherever the SCP is hiding, or in whichever zone the SCP is hiding in,

3. Player loss. Whenever this method is used, I have personally seen quite a few people get so irritated by it and how unfair and unfun it is to fight, that they simply left the server entirely until they decided to come back later when the SCP is gone.

Overall, allowing SCPs to camp inside other SCPs cells is unfair and an abuse of the breach system. Obviously, no one can contain the SCP that's protecting the breached SCP as it's already contained. If the SCP can even die (which most typically don't), they'll simply respawn seconds later and resume protecting the breached SCP, despite not being breached themselves.
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