Fredo's Executive Researcher Application

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Well-known Member
Dec 30, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:438140711
Discord name: Fredo#2322
For how long have you played on CG SCP: About 1-2 months
Age: 23
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: CST
Character name(s): Fredo
Civilian name: Frederick the Bean
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- MTF Nu-7 "Hammer Down" PVT Fredo (Current)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- I have received warnings on RDM before, which occurred on D-Class. Due to not understanding killing rules when it came to Class-D on Class-D violence, I unfortunately earned myself those warnings. I also have one for entering the facility as a civilian on my first day of the server. After a look at the rules, it hasn't occurred much since.
Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?
- Personally, I have been having loads of fun when it comes specifically to researching on the many SCP Objects the server has to offer. From instructing D-Class to offer specifically Organic food to SCP-860-2 to see if it would react kindly or hostile towards personnel, to studying the effects SCP-099 has on a Class-D Personnel when injected with two hundred millimeters of SCP-860-2's blood. That isn't even including the many cross-test ideas I have in mind and have already conducted to see if there are ways to benefit the foundation, combat normally difficult SCP Objects that are noncompliant, improve foundation operations, and even introduce new developments to the human race utilizing anomalous means. That's just the beginning too, I'm also particularly helpful to those seeking a hands-on approach when it comes to understanding their role within the facility as a researcher and demonstrating ways on how they can move up the experience tree in our department according to their respective clearance level. This includes but is not limited to showing them every SCP that they can currently test on without needing approval from higher level clearance personnel, proofreading and making mock examples of documents based off what study goal they give me to work with, ensuring they understand proper sampling restrictions and guidelines to avoid a meeting with IA, making sure their research proposals are following Code of Ethics and Conduct guidelines, and much more! Basically, I like research.
What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
- I plan on being a busy body, and a public face for the department if given the opportunity of Executive Researcher. I wish to allow researching personnel the opportunity to do some bigger things they have thoughtful ideas on if they are needing approval for such things. In that same scenario, I also wish to oversee many well planned tests from bright minds waiting for the chance to grow and give them constructive feedback on their current studies, I also want all researchers to understand there are many divisions available at their disposal as researchers that will allow them a plethora of opportunity when it comes to testing and even sampling in some cases. I like to take a different type of approach when it comes to disciplinary situations. Rather than making the suspect feel as if they are on a thin line that takes the enjoyment out of such a roleplay heavy role, I instead use empathy as an approach as everyone has been in the new blood shoes several times in their lives that insludes this server. Understanding a situation before acting upon it is one of the biggest tools a researcher and someone in authority can have in his arsenal, as it will make people want to gravitate you and involve themselves in the things that interests you. Such as the researching department.
How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
- I believe all the documents I have written from my time as Junior Researcher have been graded excellent, to my knowledge anyhow. As for the exact quantity I have no clue, but if I were to estimate the amount I would say it around ten. As for what makes a document eligible for the grading of excellent quality, I believe it must meet the requirements listed below:
- The proper formatting was used in your research studies
-Format includes: An Index Glossary, SCP Info, Goal of Study, Methodology, Participants, Hypothesis, Findings, and a Conclusion
- Document was detailed enough to avoid looking brief/vague in nature
- Had little to no grammatical and spelling errors
- Was clear and concise in it's point to the research
- All required information is present and not lacking from the document
- Proper authorization is present if needed
- Plagiarism is avoided in other's work
What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
- To my understanding, Executive Researchers are the overall supervisors of lower clearance level researching staff in the foundation as well as the next new generation of bigger minds of the foundation. These responsibilities range from:
- Overseeing lower level researchers' studies, cross tests, and sampling test
- Assisting Junior Staff in understanding their role and what they could exactly do to kick off their researching careers
- Reviewing and approving all corresponding documents according to the respective department
- Occasionally holding lectures on the basic fundamentals of researching to ensure all personnel are on board with foundation standards
- Approving all credit to ensure Junior Researching Staff, D-Class, and Security are awarded for their time in researching
- Ensuring all Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct regulations are being followed in researching studies
- Studying higher clearance level SCPs and conducting studies for the higher foundation staff utilizing your knowledge, tools, and opportunities you did not have before.
Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:
- Born in South Texas, Fredo found himself to be a very fortunate young man to have an optimistic point of view in life despite being welcomed into the world inside a family that was below the property threshold. One faithful celebration of his fourteenth birthday, he received a telescope from his mother which intrigued him. It wasn't the usual gifts he was accustomed to, likewise for other kids, but he soon found beauty gazing into the unreachable that is the night sky. Stars burning for what seemed like miles to his eyes and planets that could be seen from where he stood although they resided lightyears away from him. That day, science became a very dominant interest in his life. After obtaining many degrees in different fields of studies and successfully completing his doctorate program, he went on to study biological life in a lab. Everyday was a new day to test on animals to determine what genetic makeup allows them to contain certain features, such as regeneration of missing limbs found in some amphibians/reptiles, and how it could be implemented in a human's anatomy. Upon making a breakthrough by regeneration a veteran's missing leg that resulted from an unspotted land mine while on tour, Fredo was approached by men in formal attire speaking vaguely and cryptic about a potential opportunity that offered seemingly infinite project funding. What pulled him wasn't the prospect of a higher pay grade, but the notion that he'd have the chance to do something bigger with his lifetime at the facility they had hardly mentioned. Things like possible cures to ailments that were thought to be incurable, or studying living beings that would make even the brightest minds at NASA stumped as to what or who they could be. The unknown excited Fredo, so naturally he accepted their offer. The men were nice enough, accommodating a hotel room for him to stay in before being shipped out to his new place of employment. Only he woke up in the facility that he was supposed to begin moving to the moment he got out of bed for the morning. Being handed his clearance level 1 card and sitting through countless lectures and seminars held by other foundation staff, the rest was history up until a remarkable achievement he made recently with the help of Executive Researchers John C. Smith and "Turncoat."
Upon requesting to see if chemistry of high caliber were to work against a more sentient entity, he was asked what specifically he had in mind as far as the test he wished to perform and the goal in his research of this subject was. What he said turned the heads of even the higher clearance level researching staff, some out of curiosity and some in disbelief in the nature of what he was asking for. His goal was to pacify and/or control SCP-076 through amnestics powerful enough to target higher functioning part of the entity's brain, by doing this he could either effectively give it orders it would feel compelled to follow or he could target instances of SCP-073 in SCP-076's mind to erase permanently to ease the ever growing anger SCp-076 harbors. After much debate on the project and the potential danger it proposed, Executive staff reluctantly took Fredo to propose the idea to the Department Directors of Research. Like the executives the directors had their doubts in the probability of success in this test, but they signed off on it regardless due to the promising words of Fredo listing all of the possibilities success could have for the Foundation. Ethics Committee Member "Espeon" was then presented the document in which he approved of the test after confirming it would not be a cross test of SCP-076 and SCP-073, but also needed Epsilon-11 CO signatures needed on the document to prepare for the case of a breach. Major "Kuma" would then later ecieve safety protocols outlining what was needed exactly from his unit in exchange for his signature on the document kicking off the start of the test. After utilizing SCP-409 to immobilize SCP-076, the Class-F Amnestics were then injected into the brain of SCP-076 and was left alone for two minutes to let the chemical sink in. Executive Researcher "Turncoat" then began a specific line of questioning that avoided any sensitive topics for SCP-076 to gradually work up the confidence to ask it more daring questions once the chemical was proven to take effect within SCP-076. The results were ground breaking, even allowing for the mention of SCP-073 in SCP-076's presence without enraging him. He went as far as to return to his containment cell during a Code 5 - Breach that occurred not long after the test after being ordered to do so by Epsilon-11. The test was documented as a success, allowing a pathway for more experiments to conduct on the more hostile SCP Objects located within the facility and a possible alternative in safely studying these entities up close that would result in less death towards Foundation Staff. SCP-076 now receives orders from Foundation Administration and Command, as well as Executive staff studying it's anatomy and why/how it's anomalous properties exist through experiments and interviews.
"Turncoat" and Department Director "Crow" then looked to Fredo in a private setting and stated "There will be need of you in a role more suitable for your skillset and mind, your potential is wasted here-" "I agree." A voice replied from behind Fredo.
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Crow Kalashnikov

Well-known Member
Oct 2, 2022
From the Research Directorate of Site-56


Hello, Fredo!

First of all, thank you for taking the time to apply for the position of Executive Researcher!
This is very much appreciated.

Upon review, your application has been accepted!

Unanimous Executive vote.

Congratulations on your promotion!
You may now request your Executive whitelist on-site from an Admin.

Make sure to Contact DoR Crow personally as well either on-site or via Email. (Crow is tiny#0003) so we can help you out!​
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