FullMoon's Overseer Assistant Application [USA]

Nov 29, 2022
Steam ID:
Discord name:
not Blixer
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
Over two years
In what country are you located?:
Time zone:
Character name(s):
Mark "FullMoon", Jay "The Salesman", Mark "Flames"
Civilian name:
Jay "The Salesman"

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:​
Chaos Insurgency:-Beta
Server Staff:-Gamemaster

Chaos Insurgency:-CI-Gamma
MTF E-11:-MTF E-11 Sergeant
Research Department:-Executive Researcher
Global Occult Coalition:-UNGOC Lieutenant
- Ethics Committee-Ethics Committee Assistant X2
- Medical Department:-Medical Consultant

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
-8 warnings, (All expired)2 is for rdm self-defense mistakes, 3 frp, 1 mic spam for a song, 1 job abuse for switching on 939 while 7722 was nearby.

What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:
I have a lot of knowledge of the Code Of Conduct, how the facility operates, it's staff, departments, as well as how the O5 Council operates on site. I have an extensive amount of experience on being an assistant already, as I've been an Ethics Committee Assistant two times before and even becoming a coordinator for all the assistants. I have had multiple clearance four positions, including being an MTF MAJ, Executive Researcher, Ethics Comittee Assistant, and Medical Consultant, this shows that I know and understand the responsibility of becoming a clearance four position such as OSA, and showed this multiple times before in other departments. This also shows that I know how to manage departments and oversee them to make sure they operate cleanly.

What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:​
  • Handling work permits
  • Authorizing AA if necessary
  • Make sure personnel follow the COC
  • Finish and report back completed orders to Overseers
  • Follow orders given by the O5 Council and do them effeciently
  • Make sure operations run smoothly throughout the facility
  • Work and communicate with MTF Alpha-1
Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:


WELCOME Fullmoon

*Mark goes to email and starts scrolling*

Mark: what's this? *opens email*

Email: Hello Mark the site has seen your work and is pretty impressed with it, keep up the good work. Keep up the good work and something good might come your way very soon!

Mark: I wonder what he means by some good might come your way soon? Well, it has to be good so I'm not complaining!

*Mark gets a message from his friend Jason*

Jason: Hey Marin how have you been?

Mark: Hey, I've been doing good,

Jason: I noticed you've been quite tired lately, what's been going on?

Mark: I've just been very stressed out, I've been very busy working on documents and helping site personnel like usual, non stop.

Jason: I'm sorry man is there anything I can do to help?

Mark : No It's fine

Jason: Alright well let me know If you need anything, also it seems like the ethics commitee are in need of some new assistants maybe you'll get the position, who knows? after all you deserve it.

Mark: Thanks Jason

*Fullmoon closes his messages and flips open his diary*

* He starts to read over his past pages, Diary: It's another long day working on the site, helping personnel, writing documents, the normal, sometimes I wish something could change, I like my job but it's the same thing over and over and I feel like I'm not getting anywhere. I miss my kids and wife, I remember them but I forgot what happened to them, all the friends I've lost, for what cost? I do feel like I serve an important purpose as well because the things I can do will improve the Site and have it progress but my emotions can weigh me down. I've started my life somewhere I cannot remember but I do remember the school I used to go to and all the friends I made and the people that said I will never succeed, perhaps this is my chance to prove those people wrong and to really make something out of my self. I've always been a sociable type for my whole life and perhaps that's how I've gotten this far, by showing my talents and my dedication to what I do. *
*closes Diary*​