Gian 'Carlo' Dpt. Chief (2)

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:125852918
Discord name: Blox#5815
For how long have you played on CG SCP: About 3-4 months
Age: 17
In what country are you located?: United Arab Emirates
Time zone: GMT+4
Character name(s): Gian 'Carlo'
Civilian name: KoPoLo
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

Current: MTF O1 Pvt, CI-Beta, Security Captain, SCP-096
Previous: MTF Nu-7 CPL
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

FearRP - did not know I was under fearrp
RDM 2x - Killed 2 agents
FailRP - dancing as 106
FailRP - giving guns to class-d

(2 weeks ago)
RDM - Killing a Class-D that was being extremely disrespectful and offensive (As Class-D)
RDM - Killing a Class-D that was getting ammunitions from the dispenser during a Code-2 (As Security)

Why are you applying for the Chief of Security?:

I would love to have more responsibilities as General Security and add new & improved policies for all GENSEC to use and also help choose new departmental captains that are fit for the job that meet all of the standards to it. Whenever I get on, I always seem to be the only Captain on-site and I'll be active for more than 2+ hours leading and managing both GENSEC and Class-D's.

I've helped in many situations that could've turned out worse or ended up happening for longer and for that, I'd like to have more responsibilities over GENSEC and D-block.
What makes you suitable for Chief of Security?:

I personally believe I am able to lead GENSEC and also help & improve their skills as General Security in many ways, whenever I first hop on as Captain I see that I'm able to make D-block less of a mess than it already was by possibly 43% or higher. That alone is extremely fantastic because usually, you do not see D-block completely perfectly quiet without everyone just walking around not knowing what to do or just class-d's opening doors and shooting GENSEC or foundation personell.
What are the responsibilities of the Chief of Security in RP?:

The duties of the Chief of Security are to oversee the entire D-block, GENSEC, and Class-D and make sure that researchers are getting escorted, Class-D getting medical attention and also assign GENSEC duties. The Dpt. Chief should also hold lectures on how to do things more efficiently or any tips & tricks on how to improve overall. The Chief of Security also chooses whoever he sees fits to become the Security Captain and also assist the Dpt. Chief.
Please give some lore about your Chief of Security character and what storylines they would be involved in:

After Giancarlo Esposito worked at the facility as a captain for about 3 weeks, the O5 council has decided that they want to give him more responsibilities and to oversee the entirety of D-block and for him to help out others & motivate them to do better.

Giancarlo accepted the offer and got his promotion later on and went on with his duties.
Dec 9, 2021
-Huge Support
Sadly somone needs to say it
-Not mature
-Just got kicked out of o-1 becuse of mingying
-Not a overall good fit
-Doesnt share things whit fellow captains
-Not great communication skills whit other captains
-Wouldent fit as Dpt chief if he couldent stay as o-1 why would he deserv a spot as Chief unless proved not mingy he changed to chef to minge around and the o-1 commander watched him minge so he decided to kick him of o-1 And this is not the first time he minged today it was the second time and he have done it recent days aswell
-Undetailed application and no depth overall

Some suggestions
-Give it a week before applying to prove people wrong about what happened today
-Stop minging Becuse even if you change your name its still falls on the regiment/Department
-Get more mature and understand scenarios instead of calling mtf every second you have gotten warned multiple times for doing that from the Ex Chief and same whit declaring code-2s over nothing

I would actually like to see a change on this as a department chief you shouldent change your name and job just to minge you shouldent minge overall I want to see a change on that on the next few days
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Jotaro J. K.

Active member
Jan 22, 2022
+ Seen Daily Very Active
+ Great RP as captain would be greater as Dpt Chief
+ Matured
+ A Competent Captain

Carlo I've seen you do great rp as a captain and seen you really get d block organized I think you'd be a great Dpt Chief.


Civil Gamers Expert
Feb 23, 2021
-Huge Support
-Minging as chef
-Not mature
-Kicked out of O-1 recently for minging
-Usually calls code 2 over very little infractions.


Well-known Member
Mar 24, 2022
+/- Neutral

+ Insanely Active
+ Experience in GENSEC
+ Great leadership
+ Amazing RP interactions
+ Is great at keeping control of the d-block

-/+ Needs a little bit of maturing
-/+ Seems to get frustrated easily
-/+ Needs to communicate more with his fellow GENSEC members
-/+ improve on showing respect to people
-/+ not a really great role model of what a Captain should be in terms of how he treats people

- Warnings

These are the things that I have experienced with you so far in-game, however, I personally believe that if you change your ways and improve on some of these things you will make a great Chief of Security due to your experience in the GENSEC department and just your amazing leadership that I believe you possess. I hope that my future interactions with you are more positive so that I can change my neutral opinion to a + Support.

I have nothing against you as I think you are a really fun and great person to communicate and work with so I do wish you luck as I personally think you are more than capable of running the Security department if you dedicate yourself and try to improve!
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Well-known Member
Feb 25, 2022
As a fellow Captain I can say he is very active and a fun person to be around in general. He is good at leading people and would certainly work well in a Dpt. Chief position.


Well-known Member
Mar 16, 2022

+ Quite experienced
+ Very active as GENSEC captain
+ Good communication when active as Captain
+ Has good organizational skills
+ Has good intentions

+/- Unsure about TeamSpeak activity

- Sometimes lacks maturity in leading others

markus abdullahi

Well-known Member
Apr 7, 2022
+ Huge Support
+ Mature
+ Polite and professional
+ Good organization skills

To write a longer paragraph on this, I'll take it from my personal experience.
I've seen D-Block being managed by noah svensson as captain and it was horrible,
no organization at all, people complaining, constant riots.

I've seen D-Block being managed by Gian, it was properly staffed, everyone was happy,
little to no riots, and if they occured, he handled them professionally, huge props
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