Denied Give ceramic armour on spawn

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Gives a modified version of the ceramic armour from MRP on spawn, making it so snipers don't 1 shot bodyshot for the first shot of the life, they should instead do a large amount of damage (150) and then cripple the person shot and reduce walk speed for some time (you aren't going to just shrug off a sniper round to the chest). This would obviously break the ceramic armour and any sniper shots to the body from then on would do the full 275 damage meaning even if you got full health and armour after you would still get 1 shot to the chest.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Fighting against sniper users is less infuriating
Rewards more precision shooting (headshots)

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Might be more complicated than it needs to be (snipers could just have damage reduced to something like 190)

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Currently sniper rifles are incredibly strong and make surface PVP generally not fun for the people without sniper rifles, they don't require a high amount of skill to use. Without taking stuff such as potent or pushing with a shield it is incredibly difficult to counter good snipers as all they need to do is keep distance and you have no chance to kill them without your own sniper rifle. All things considered this is not a major nerf and would balance the playing field between snipers and non-snipers slightly.


Active member
Dec 7, 2022
Broken leg is putting it a bit lightly, more like no more foot or leg depending on where you got shot...
in all honesty. it would be better for surface and CI vs foundation PVP if this was a feature.
not only would it encourage people to go for risky headshots therefore improving player skill because people would have to learn to aim for the head. but would also make people not feel cheaped out because they didnt see the ci marksman hiding behind a tree or the NU7 sniper hiding in a bush
it doesnt really matter if "oh well logically it would kill irl" because from a game design perspective rewarding players for going for headshots and giving players a opportunity to save themselves when they get body shot with a sniper would be great.
Massive +support
i want to see people get better at sniping with this
Aug 20, 2021

Getting snipers is quite hard, as you got to get to CSG and the license training. It one-shotting is fine, because its a sniper, and it has to pay off. I also recommend using grenades and pushing up, if it is so bad to counter. I would not say that this is something that is equipped by spawn, but have it like it was on MRP, which was you placing down the plates, and people able to get them if they want to.

Goondra "Sleepy"

Active member
Dec 9, 2022
Suggestion Denied

Hi Alpa,
Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.
As we Understand Sniper warfare is annoying
But reducing the damages of the sniper isnt the way forward
Plus as cloak mentioned - If a 50CAL shot at you- any part you would be dead

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.

Thanks again Goondra​
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