Denied Give SCP-049 an attack that doesn't create zombies.

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Dec 25, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
- Gives an instant death touch-range ability to SCP-049, which kills without creating a zombie.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
- As far as I could tell, it has yet to be suggested.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- Allowing SCP-049 to kill someone without creating an instance of 049-2, which allows him to breach/kill without the site being alerted as quickly (049-2 often run off and alert people from what I've seen).
- Allows SCP-049 to specifically choose who he cures, allowing for more RP instead of 100% of the time turning people into 049-2.
- Technically more lore accurate, in the original document the instant touch kill 049 can do is separate from him turning the corpses into instances of 049-2.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- It obviously isn't necessary, as 049 can still act without it.
- Most likely wouldn't be used by people regular breaching (because killing and gaining a 049-2 is much better than just killing when it comes to mass breaches).

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
- It would overall increase SCP-049s ability to RP around killing people without summoning zombies, allows him to silently take out a person, allows him to choose who to "cure" or not to cure (seemingly not everyone is infected in the original document).
- Personally I much more prefer to roleplay SCP-049 in a more passive way, and creating zombies if I do kill as him instantly causes everyone to make a fuss about it - SCP-049 has shown that he can become angry and kill because of it and not always in order to create instances of 049-2, so allowing him to do just that would widen the RP that can be done.
- It also probably wouldn't cause any balance issues to arise around the character, as it wouldn't be any more powerful than his current "syringe of zombie creation".


Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Sep 16, 2023
I feel like 049 could be reworked to be a bit more interesting. Perhaps if it was similar to Secret Lab or something, where its touch kills and then it can revive the recently dead? That'd have to be quick though, lest people just respawn - possibly make it:
  • Work on all corpses that could be revived with defibs
  • Pretty much instantly works
  • Medium length cooldown on revives on doing it
Reworking 049 a bit like this could make it more interesting, for RP, for playing as it, and for playing against it. 049 is already powerful as it is, so it doesn't need to be made more powerful, but making it more varied with the same overall power is just good for everyone.

+Support on the rework ideas, would need balancing carefully
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I feel like 049 could be reworked to be a bit more interesting. Perhaps if it was similar to Secret Lab or something, where its touch kills and then it can revive the recently dead? That'd have to be quick though, lest people just respawn - possibly make it:
  • Work on all corpses that could be revived with defibs
  • Pretty much instantly works
  • Medium length cooldown on revives on doing it
Reworking 049 a bit like this could make it more interesting, for RP, for playing as it, and for playing against it. 049 is already powerful as it is, so it doesn't need to be made more powerful, but making it more varied with the same overall power is just good for everyone.

+Support on the rework ideas, would need balancing carefully
just make a entire 049 rework suggestion at this point, since this wayyyyy more different than the actual suggestion.
+/- Neutral


Super Administrator
Super Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Group Moderator
Jan 2, 2023
Suggestion Denied

Hi Muffin,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

We will look into adding new functionality to 049, but this is not the direction we feel is best to take him in.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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