Denied GOC Loadout Change Suggestion (From Pvt. Lake)

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Well-known Member
Mar 14, 2024
What does this suggestion change?
This suggestion would change the GOC's load-outs, as the current weaponry make no sense in canon due to our location. Currently the GOC uses a lot of Russian-developed weaponry, which makes no sense to me as far west as North America. In my own opinion, these load-outs would seem more reasonable.
Soldier- Primary:AR-15, CZ-805, MK18, or M4 Sopmod
R&D- Vector, Fang-45, or the MPX
Jug: M240 Bravo isn't horrible, however the M249 para would make more sense, with it being more modern
Field Operative: MPX, AR-15, CZ-805, EBR-14, MK18, GRY SBR
Marksman- AMR-2 isn't horrible, the Barret M82, the MK18 Mod, or the Osiris would seem more fitting, however, as Western-developed weapons.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?
I don't believe it has.

Possible Positives of the suggestion?
1) The weapons make a lot more sense, and could add a bit more immersion into GOC gunplay.
2) It's a refreshing new change up, with new weapons to learn and explore in certain roles.
3) Adds more variety between roles, giving members more drive to climb the ranks.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
1) I'm unsure about the strength of many of the weapons, so balancing may be an issue to them.
2)People may like their current weaponry, and not enjoy the change as much
3)People may be put out of their comfort zone with a new weapon that may not be used regularly.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
This suggestion should be accepted because of the fact that the positives outweigh the negatives; GOC has somewhat gone stale gameplay and RP-wise, so new weaponry may attract some people who enjoy guns and having varieties to their diet, so to speak. Another reason being the fact that immersion will grow greatly with weapons that actually make sense in the location, instead of a bunch of random Eastern weaponry being used in the North Western part of the world.
I see where you are coming from with realism but the CZ-805 is horrible please don't even give content team the idea of it being added.

I was DEA main when it was added to DEA and all I heard about it was how bad it is.

Furthermore I disagree that realism should take place over balance, unless you want a lot of the guns to also be rebalanced. The UN using Russian equipment isn't impossible (look for the UN Mi-24) and there's also the question of assault rifles from China, Russia, Europe and America in foundation.
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Reactions: FinnTheBee
Nov 16, 2022
50/50 on this, I can appreciate you're going for realism, but all the weapon stats on the server are created to give both sides in a combat scenario an almost equal fighting chance (special classes such as Enforcements, Snipers, TB & Jugg excluded). I personally think if accepted, should be left on the backburner for other accepted "more important" suggestions to be implemented into the server first, as I feel this wouldn't make the greatest RP impact for the server.
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Reactions: Willow
Oct 4, 2022
+/- Support
Kinda mixed on this. I like the realism idea, you did cook and I do agree some of the weapons for lower GOC ranks are doodoo but think the Solider (please give em the AR-15), Jug and Marksman suggestions are great ideas. The Field Ops AKZ is perfect and R&D isn't really that combative and more of a support unit used for sampling/capturing SCP's.


Well-known Member
Mar 14, 2024
ngl most of the guns mentioned here would need some crazy buffs or smthn. most of them are ass bruh.

keep jug gun the same. m249 para would be busted
any CO guns no. cus they're co guns
Dude what is a CO gun the idea of rank locking a weapon is foreign to me unless like, AA
Suggestion Denied
Hi @Willow ,Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion. The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.
GOC's guns already being quite powerful in their current state, as well as the UN are in all parts of the world and can use a large variety of weapons.
Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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