What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Pretty simple (Hope so), some of the prices for heavy and regular gun dealers are off...
I suggest changing prices for said roles to follow "quantity discounts" like other weapons do.
Said prices are :
1. RPK-16 3,500$ per one , 40,000$ per shipment {10} (Shipment costs 5,000$ more)
(Change to : 34,500$ per shipment? 500$ discount)
2. MP-443 1,300$ per one , 2,000$ per shipment {10} (I don't think I have to explain that one)
(Change to : 220$ per one? 200$ discount on shipment)
3. Uzi 200$ per one , 2,000$ per shipment {10} (0 discounts)
(Change to 250$ per one? 500$ discount on shipment or Change 1,800$ per shipment? 200$ discount)
4. CZ-805 1,500$ per one , 16,000$ per shipment {10} (Shipment costs 1,000$ more)
(Change to 14,000$ per shipment? 1000$ discount)
5. MK-18 Mod 3,500$ per one , 40,000$ per shipment {10} (Shipment costs 5,000$ more)
(Change to : 34,500$ per shipment? 500$ discount)
6. UMP-45 3,500$ per one , 40,000$ per shipment {10} (Shipment costs 5,000$ more)
(Change to : 34,000$ per shipment? 1000$ discount)
7. AR-15 1,300$ per one , 14,000$ per shipment {10} (Shipment costs 1,000$ more)
(Change to : 12,000$ per shipment? 1000$ discount)

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Don't believe it was. Hard to find.
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
-Don't have to lose time on buying weapons separately just to not lose money.
-Not losing money because you bought it before doing math.
-Fixed prices, more reasons to play gun dealers.
-I will be able to sleep at night (hopefully)
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
-Don't really see any... more people with guns??
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
-Postives outweigh negatives
-People will stop wondering about CN math when it comes to buying weapons.
Pretty simple (Hope so), some of the prices for heavy and regular gun dealers are off...
I suggest changing prices for said roles to follow "quantity discounts" like other weapons do.
Said prices are :
1. RPK-16 3,500$ per one , 40,000$ per shipment {10} (Shipment costs 5,000$ more)
(Change to : 34,500$ per shipment? 500$ discount)
2. MP-443 1,300$ per one , 2,000$ per shipment {10} (I don't think I have to explain that one)
(Change to : 220$ per one? 200$ discount on shipment)
3. Uzi 200$ per one , 2,000$ per shipment {10} (0 discounts)
(Change to 250$ per one? 500$ discount on shipment or Change 1,800$ per shipment? 200$ discount)
4. CZ-805 1,500$ per one , 16,000$ per shipment {10} (Shipment costs 1,000$ more)
(Change to 14,000$ per shipment? 1000$ discount)
5. MK-18 Mod 3,500$ per one , 40,000$ per shipment {10} (Shipment costs 5,000$ more)
(Change to : 34,500$ per shipment? 500$ discount)
6. UMP-45 3,500$ per one , 40,000$ per shipment {10} (Shipment costs 5,000$ more)
(Change to : 34,000$ per shipment? 1000$ discount)
7. AR-15 1,300$ per one , 14,000$ per shipment {10} (Shipment costs 1,000$ more)
(Change to : 12,000$ per shipment? 1000$ discount)

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Don't believe it was. Hard to find.
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
-Don't have to lose time on buying weapons separately just to not lose money.
-Not losing money because you bought it before doing math.
-Fixed prices, more reasons to play gun dealers.
-I will be able to sleep at night (hopefully)
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
-Don't really see any... more people with guns??
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
-Postives outweigh negatives
-People will stop wondering about CN math when it comes to buying weapons.
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