Accepted How to entirely fix SCP-457 with just one easily editable stat.

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

CONTEXT : SCP-457 is an anomaly made entirely of flame. His upsides are that he has the ability to attack multiple at once using his flame (crowd control), has a decently large HP pool, and is the only SCP in Light Containment with a breach tool. His downsides are that he has the highest time to kill of any SCP excluding 323, has a sprint that wears off quick and leaves him crawling at a snail's pace when it's over for around 1/3 of a minute, and how it is difficult to justify hacking out 457 as CI due to how close his CC is to SS spawn.

?Balance & QOL Changes?

? [BUFF] Gives SCP-457 a higher HP pool, from 20,000 to 30,000.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

Many SCP-457 reworks have been proposed, but I find them a bit too complicated when the answer to fixing the fire man is so much simpler.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Instead of entirely reworking SCP-457, this is one of the simplest changes you could possibly consider for SCP-457, yet still perfectly works for SCP-457.
Makes SCP-457 a bit more playable, while keeping him more as a co-op SCP rather than a solo unit, which fits SCP-457.​

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

Think of SCP-457's biggest weakness, and biggest strengths.

- Decent HP
- Crowd control

- Very high time to kill
- Highly vulnerable to being rushed when sprint is over

The way I see it, if we just increased his HP to accomodate for how much of a damage sponge he can be when his sprint runs out, similar to 682, his stats would balance out. He'd be a decent solo SCP, and a great co-op SCP. So long as you protect 457, he can be a good asset, and this basically synergizes with that idea. Nothing to make him overpowered. His greatest utility would be as a crowd control tool, of which, I don't think a single other SCP qualifies besides maybe 096.

457 will still be uncomparable with 682, as he'd still be a terminate SCP with 10k less health, far much more burst speed, and far less overall DPS. Still, there are a lot of design similarities to the two, and I think that outside of a full rework this is the best thing for 457.

This also increases 457's synergy with 912, since 457 will usually be breach tooling 912 if he doesn't get the chance to go into HCZ. They'll have a far easier time protecting each other; 912 being able to pick off singular targets with high DPS with a longish reload, and 457 being able to handle anyone trying to rush down 912.
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not really

His flames deal around 5 damage per damage tick, and you'll have to reapply it to armored players to even kill them.
Compare this to say 076-2, 939, 049, or even the example I brought up 682, who can kill these same players in less than one second flat. Can you elaborate more so I can edit this post with a proper response so to speak?

I just think the ttk wouldnt be huge, more so balanced, after all, he does have the lowest ttk, that would be more positive than negative.

+Support as well.

Ah, I see the confusion friend. TTK means "Time to Kill", aka meaning a high time to kill would be bad, as a higher time to kill a target means more chances for them to fight back, and the longer it will take for you to deal with multiple opponents.
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His flames deal around 5 damage per damage tick, and you'll have to reapply it to armored players to even kill them.
Compare this to say 076-2, 939, 049, or even the example I brought up 682, who can kill these same players in less than one second flat. Can you elaborate more so I can edit this post with a proper response so to speak?
I just think the ttk wouldnt be huge, more so balanced, after all, he does have the lowest ttk, that would be more positive than negative.

+Support as well.
What about instead of a higher health pool, he gains health for the damage done to burning players. Similar to how 323 and 8855 get health.
It could get messy in that case. Imagine if you have an entire firing line set up with around like 10-20 people, and then 457 rushes in w/ his sprint and starts recovering more HP than he loses in the firefight while the rest of the SCPs bumrush & have at. 323 and 8854 are vastly different due to how there's a huge amount of space on surface, and firing lines are non-existent.

In general HP recovery in regular SCPs is a difficult idea to implement. The two times they've implemented it, it made the SCP ridiculously overpowered (7722), or did nothing besides help combat beams a little (9000s). "Simple yet effective" is always better than "difficult and has a chance of getting abused, having bugs tied to it or having unintended side effects."

Karl Smith

Active member
Nov 8, 2022
Caesar making great SCP suggestions, although the damage to health wouldn’t be too bad and lean more towards lore because fuel


Well-known Member
Feb 7, 2023
this seems like a good balance to make him more scary and a better SCP to play as and have more fun on.


Well-known Member
Feb 5, 2023
+support if any scp needs a little buff its him when he breachs he just gets bodied by a A1 on speed juice
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