How to live peacefully in Garry's Mod

Lord Mirai (未来)

Junior Developer
Junior Developer
Programming Team
Game Master
Jan 5, 2021

Garry's Mod QOL
General Quality of Life addons and what they do


Why this post exists

Considering the amount of players CN constantly rockets and the highlights that come out of each one, I reached the conclusion that people's lives could be much nicer with just the smallest of additions. The below are my personal recommendations that I actively use all the time.

What to expect

  • In the enumerations below, you can expect to see workshop items, with their respective links, and other nice habits to form.
  • Keep in mind, not all may apply to you personally, but I believe a lot of people might benefit from this.
  • Also, all addons below are CLIENTSIDE ONLY, which means they should not have a meaningful impact on your real gameplay, nor should they be an issue for the server (therefore no trouble with admins)


The Gmod Sound Overhaul Project
Refer to this link for the entire collection

This is a great project which replaces almost all default HL2 sounds with modern-ish ones.
On our dear SCP:RP, this is probably most welcome when zombies are around, as I've seen countless clips where my ears were left bleeding.
The most noticeable one is the UI part, which covers menu and weapon switching sounds.

Simple Crosshair
  • If you've seen clips with a tiny green crosshair, this is it.
  • I recommend binding this to a key, so it's not hard to toggle
    bind - "incrementvar hud_draw_fixed_reticle 0 1 1"
    bind - "incrementvar hud_draw_fixed_reticle 0 1 1; incrementvar crosshair 0 1 -1"
  • I use this when the cursor is very hard to see, or when precisely pointing in a direction matters. Using it for hip-fire is also a thing yes.
  • You'll notice it is offset 1px to the right, it's not dead center. OCD havers, you were warned.



You may want to consider the following binds:
  • To stop sounds - bind semicolon stopsound OR bind semicolon snd_restart
  • PAC events chaining - To fire more than one event at once bind / "pac_event dance 2; pac_event hand 2; pac_event music 2"
  • Frequently used orders - especially for gensec, you want orders to leave and get down
  • Equipment strip - bind \ "/me strips weapons, comms, equipment and chemicals"
  • Crediting - bind ' "say !credit"

And you may also want to rebind "last weapon switch" to a mouse button if you have any. For example, my mouse4 ("Back") is bound like this
bind mouse3 lastinv
it's mouse3 not mouse2 because in source, left mouse button is Mouse0

Other habits

  • 1. When playing a combative, especially under conflict state (Code 1, Code 5), keep your gun out and your keycard as "last weapon", so you easily switch between them
  • 1.1. When opening a door, there's almost a full second before the door opens, so switch back to the gun while the door is cycling. This offers full response time without delay for weapon switch
  • 2. Routinely check remote areas. Places like the kitchen, biolab and lecture hall are often visited by "unwanted guests"
  • 3. Keep doors closed. Yes, we know he joke that E11 keeps spamming the announcement (I did it too), but it's genuinely a great way to stop people in their tracks and to prevent intel from being stolen
  • 4. When in a group of combatants, have one watch your back, or be yourself the one who does. You can save many lives looking backward than having everyone storm ahead mindlessly.
  • 4.1. In a "everyone for themselves" situation, let others go in first and watch how safe the route is before proceeding yourself.
    "Să moară și capra vecinului"
  • 5. As researcher, always keep a briefcase or satchel with you, especially when you actively handle documents or you're CL4. This lets you keep more documents, which may be important, not wasting time dropping or destroying another that you may hold.
  • 6. If you have a knife available, keep it on you at all times. Now I'm not saying to use it or show it off, but keep it in case you need it. Taking the time to equip it when you're being shanked might not work out for you.
  • 7. Always be nice. No matter how nasty people are to you, it always puts you in a good light if you're respectful and friendly.


I hope this helps some of you. I encourage you to at least try this and let me know how it went :)
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