How would a guy improve maturity?


MRP Supporter
Jan 2, 2021
Full credits go to @Mercer
i found this on the old forums thought it might help some people so enjoy

Hi there,

I will say that I agree with AntiGarry and Krage and I respect that you are asking this question, with whatever intention you have for it, as it shows that you do wish to improve. I will be answering this question from both a staff perspective and a personal perspective and take from my response whatever you wish. But before I start let me preface by saying that no answer written on this thread will be the "right" answer as there is none. People mature at their own pace, people need models to look at to try and find what maturity looks like, people act mature in different ways. The way you mature will be different than others and it will never stop being an ongoing process.

I will admit that I am not always the most mature person, but that does not mean I am not mature. Maturity in my eyes is a mixture of things such as responsibility, honesty, respectability, and smarts (the last one is weird but we will get there). When we look at people we notice things about them; how they handle situations, how they talk, how they play the game, and it leaves an impression on that person's character, for better or for worse. A person who, when you play with them just screams and breaks rules for the fun of it, and swears constantly or doesn't give a crap in sits isn't going to be seen as mature. A person who messes about, jokes around, goes to sits and listens to the admin and the other person intently comes off as more mature as they look like someone that can handle being spoken to, is able to understand that they're actions have consequences and works to play in a manner that doesn't hurt others for their benefit looks more responsible and grown up in a way. That doesn't mean be a stickler for the rules, but it means take responsibility when you make a mistake, and don't make rule-breaking your MO (Modus Operandi: look it up).

Language is also a huge thing, and this kind of acts as a blanket term as you can incorporate language into so many other points. How you speak to people, how you talk with new players, and how you communicate your own ideas also display a person's maturity level. This goes hand in hand with toxicity. If you call people names constantly, scream if people disagree with you, or act like a child, then you will not come off as mature. But being able to listen when people speak, express your views, talk to people in a way that doesn't come off as toxic and you will be fine. It's not as complicated as I make it sound, and I love joking around and being a dumbass with my friends and other staff, we all do, but being able to become serious when you need to be is a major plus.

Respectability is also a major component, HUUGE component. People may not like you, it's just a part of being human, and I know some people don't like me. They may disagree with my opinions, they may think I myself am too immature, they may think I don't do much, etc. But that does not mean that you should treat them the way they treat you. Being able to shake off criticism, listen to it but not be consumed by it is a real tell that someone is mature. If you treat someone with respect then they will treat you with respect, and if they don't then that is their problem, not yours. You may not like someone, and that is okay, you may express your disliking for some, that is okay too, but don't do so for the sake of hurting someone else. Don't be petty or unnecessarily spiteful especially in situations where you don't need to be. Being someone who a person can go to to talk to or just hang out with comfortably shows that you are probably mature.

Now smarts (I told you we would get here). Smarts in my eyes is similar to what Krage said, picking your moments of immaturity so that they don't overshadow your maturity. I will say I have RDMed my friends in-game at times, I have mic-spammed, I have messed about and trolled. EVERYONE HAS and whoever says they haven't is lying. BUT, I don't do it a lot, I don't do it when there are other people involved or around, and I try not to do it in a way that disturbs other players. Having fun is a part of playing the game, otherwise why would you play it. Making an immature joke can be funny, as long as you can be mature when you need to be. Doing immature acts at times does not ruin your maturity as long as you don't let those actions define your person. As staff, we mess around, but if a sit is called or a person has a problem with what we are doing we stop immediately and handle it in a professional manner. Think of it like a switch that you flip when you need to. Being immature is a part of having fun, but being able to shape up when you need to be shows that you can handle situations and won't be a nuisance for others to worry about.

[TL:DR] Maturity isn't something that happens overnight, it's something you develop over time. It's watching other people, like management or Supers (even though that's a dangerous game), and noticing how they act in different scenarios. Trying to emulate that and take that sense of confidence and adultness to your own actions. Not always giving in to your impulses but also having the control to mess around here and there. Being able to take responsibility for your actions and work to improve on your faults. These things go a long way in expressing maturity.

But again, these are only my thoughts. People may disagree and that's to be expected. You may not gain anything from this but it's here if you need it.
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