Denied IA need revolvers

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Removes CZ-75 B From Internal affairs, Adds either the 44 Magnum OR the Smith & Wesson Model 29 to internal affairs

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: I do not believe so

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
The current handgun that internal affairs carries is quite frankly dogshit and does not fit IA at all, I think I speak for the entire department that Nobody likes the current handgun
The S&W Model 29 looks badass, have you ever seen dirty harry? Like holy fuck, we need this.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Literally none, maybe the guns are a bit loud but that's fine.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
There is no reason why this should be denied, I NEED a revolver, I don't want to get on the server every day and abuse 914 to get a 44 magnum I should just spawn with a revolver, revolvers are amazing and every IA agent should have one, whenever I have a revolver it makes me feel euphoric, truly. Also did I mention that our current pistol is shit?


Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Sep 16, 2023
Would be very nice, and make IA a bit more unique.

Also, for the people complaining that IA is non-combative, they literally aren't. They are combative but aren't allowed to seek out breaches and invaders. If you e.g. try shooting other people around them, even if they aren't in danger, they can still kill you. If they see CI, they can still shoot them. If they see an SCP, they can still shoot them. They just aren't allowed to seek out breached SCPs and hostile invaders.


Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Sep 16, 2023
Would be very nice, and make IA a bit more unique.

Also, for the people complaining that IA is non-combative, they literally aren't. They are combative but aren't allowed to seek out breaches and invaders. If you e.g. try shooting other people around them, even if they aren't in danger, they can still kill you. If they see CI, they can still shoot them. If they see an SCP, they can still shoot them. They just aren't allowed to seek out breached SCPs and hostile invaders.
Also, a fancier pistol isn't going to cause anyone that wouldn't already to start breaking the IA combat rules. Nobody is going to start seeking out CI or SCPs because they think they can take them down with a revolver.
+/- Support

Current guns for IA are absolute trash
Being semi-combative =/= give them shit guns
A revolver would be cool, but i'd prefer loadout options similar to GSD officer & SRU

Magnum is way too powerful
Are we really focusing on a sidearm vs... IA's actual firearm the p90 which is absolute trash?
Funny suggestion but IA needs a lot more done than... this

I would love if IA got a revolver, but the current magnum is too powerful for an IA agent/operative to have Imo. I understand the reasoning why IA has those weapons as their standard issue, it's because they aren't meant to be the most powerful, Afterall, we aren't supposed to plan on being combative. However, this does not mean we should be given a literal peashooter, GSD cadets get a better gun than we do. The CZ pistol is actually unusable, I never find myself using it often but that thing on a point blank headshot against someone with full hp and armor does a whopping 30 damage... you can't even john wilkes booth someone with that shit, its pathetic. I don't want to spend too much time commenting on the p90 & CZ because I could go all day frankly.

IA (atleast on US) we're trying to get a middle role between agent/operative & Ambassador because we definitely need one. The agent>Ambassador transition is very sudden and can be overwhelming. I think we should focus on that over a sidearm change. Now if we were changing the whole standard base kit for IA, then i'd be a lot more comfortable with this. If you haven't figured this out already, I despise the p90 and CZ, I trade out the p90 for the RGP-5 or FAMAS whenever I get the chance. The CZ again I never use but I think i'd prefer the 5 damage candy cane over that trash.
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