Im Genuinely Sorry That The Bible Crashed The Server.

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Well-known Member
Jan 29, 2023

[White] Appeal
[Red] Rant

Your in-game name:
[Ingame] Johan A Weatherman
[Steam] MeetMeat

Your steam community link:
Here (My profile is currently set to private, but I can show it to the staff if they are interested.)

What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect):
View attachment 9114
(Context In "Why should you be unbanned")

Who banned you:
Super Admin Luft

Ban length?:
As of now, it is permanent. However, I hope I can get it decreased to a permanent researcher ban because I enjoy playing on the server.

What server were you banned on?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
I am permanently banned on SCP-RP UK, and I haven't checked SCP-RP USA since I'm probably already banned on both servers for the "Crash Attempts"

Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the url):

What will you do to stop this from happening again:
To prevent this from happening, I would either stop writing documents completely or request a document despawn time. I was spreading the bible documents, thinking that they would despawn every 30 minutes and turn into blank documents.

Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned?
To my knowledge, my only recorded warning was for Rdm when I newly started playing on the server. All other warnings were either verbal or removed after a warn appeal, My warnings were Rdm, Fearrp and Failrp. (There may be other warnings, kicks, or bans that I probably forgot since I only started playing on the server again this month)

Why should you be unbanned:
I'm genuinely sorry that spreading the Bible caused lag. I knew I was somehow glitched however, I did nothing to cause the glitch. The credit limit affected me normally on both servers, UK and USA however, it didn't affect the Bible. Still thinking it was just a small entity that would despawn after a couple of minutes, I started sending them to every tube. After a hour, a chef in OOC chat asked, 'Why is he getting sent Bibles?' I went to check, and he had 3, so I asked him to spread them with the D-class. After that, I kept sending him Bibles. After I stopped, I started spreading the Bibles to the SCPs. I gave a Bible to SCP-049, SCP-682, and Type Green before the server started lagging. I am guessing that after I gave the Bible to Type Green, there were too many clipboard entities on the server, and it started lagging. (The clipboard/bible was a 37-page clipboard with 2000 characters on every page. Extremely shortened, I only wrote 6 out of the 27 NT books.)

[Rant] All I wanted was to roleplay as a stereotypical, overly excessive priest spreading the Bible to everyone and everything that can read. It was fun to argue with D-class and site staff in roleplay, who would say things like "If God was real, I wouldn't be in here" or "God already left this place, he moved to another site." I understand that I was glitched, and I abused it by continuing to use the printer, but this happened every time I printed the Bible? I didn't know better, I thought it was a harmless glitch that would feel like spam mail being sent to everyone (I also thought it would despawn after 30 minutes). The glitch that was happening to me was that my credit score wouldn't go under 2 when printing the Bible (It still affected my other documents) on both UK and USA servers. I've reconnected multiple times, and I still had the glitch, only now did I spread it to this extent (while thinking the clipboards would despawn).

How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?:
Even though what I did was completely unintentional, to ensure I wouldn't break this rule again, I would suggest either getting a perma researcher ban or adding a despawn cooldown on clipboards, making them despawn after a short time. I thought there was one that despawns documents after they haven't been picked up for a set amount of time but i was wrong.

Why do you want to rejoin this server?:
[Rant] I want to rejoin the server because it feels like this is the only SCP server where you can have fun. You can be a D-class and murder site personnel, feeling like a deep undercover assassin. Or, you can be Gensec stopping a wave of rioting D-class in D block, like it's the beaches of Normandy. You can be an agent arresting a chef who single-handedly armed every death row inmate on-site, or witness a tech expert dodging two SCP-939s to fix a door. I've only seen these unique experiences on this server, and it has been a blast. Even if I don't get unbanned, it's been really fun.

I've been part of D-class SCP breach groups, kidnapped and brainwashed to murder other site personnel, and even got pulled by God to lose all my money in blackjack. So, thank you very much for taking the time to read my appeal. Thank you, and have a nice day



Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Group Moderator
Jun 6, 2022
Hi, @MeetMeat

You were banned for Crash Attempts, you had exploited a known printer credit bug in order to get 37+ page documents with around 10~ documents in total and put them in D-Block.

You were also seen with a briefcase getting mass amounts of documents out within D-Block, the tiny vent area which had caused the server to lag to the point where players within D-Block started to crash.

Any relevant information, and or proof is listed within our trello. ( STEAM_0:0:169180207 )​


Well-known Member
Jan 29, 2023
Hello, Luft.

Once again, I apologize for the inconvenience caused by my actions. I understand that what I did was wrong, and it involved exploiting a bug. I sent multiple documents to the D-class kitchen as a joke (as shown in the video), thinking it wouldn't have any significant impact on the server's performance. I genuinely didn't believe it would cause actual problems since they were just clipboards.

Regarding the glitch, I only started playing again this month, and I wasn't aware of any printer credit bug. I understand that Abusing a glitch is a severe offense according to the rules, but I mistakenly believed it was just a harmless annoyance.



Well-known Member
Jan 29, 2023
Hello to anyone reading this appeal.

I'm making this to provide more context to this ban appeal. I am perma banned for giving out 37-page clipboard bibles around. However, I gave multiple copies to D-class kitchen for whoever was there at the time to spread them with anyone interested. I didn't provide any specific instructions on how to spread them, and I probably should have. Due to me giving multiple clipboards to D-block kitchen, they were all placed in the small D-block kitchen airlock, causing lag (I think this is why it caused lag?). I didn't intend any harm all I wanted was to give people bibles as a joke and see their reactions.

I hope this can give more context. Thank you.

Context for major glitch abuse
My printer credit was bugged even after rejoining, it still wouldn't go below 2 credits. I don't know how it happened, but all I knew was that my credit score wouldn't drop below 2 in both the UK and USA. It has been this way ever since I printed the bible. Thinking it was a harmless glitch, I used it to give out Bible clipboards.
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Well-known Member
Jan 29, 2023
Hi Rushi

After reading your message, I think I understand why the messages were deleted. However, I think it's good that the people I caused problems to are giving their opinions on my appeal. I caused problems for them, I ruined their roleplay, and I might have impacted the experience of some new players. I didn't mean to do any of that I only hoped to enhance their experience or roleplay with my own. All I'm saying is, I hope the messages from the people I caused problems for can remain, even if they're negative or positive.

As for the glitch, I blanked out the instructions to the glitch.
Rushis message.png

[Reposted after blanking instructions]
Hello Laqota
I got a notification from your message. However, I cannot see it because my internet connection is currently very bad. I am thankful that you told me what caused my glitch. As for the D class using the bibles as a weapon, I should have spread the bible more responsibly. I mistakenly thought no harm can be done by clipboards causing problems to be made on the server. Instead of a clipboard credit limit, I think the server should have a despawn time similar to flasks and vials.
Thank you to everyone who takes the time to read and reply to my appeal, and I hope I didn't ruin your experience or roleplay.



Community Supervisor
Community Sup.
Group Moderator
Mar 20, 2022
Appeal Accepted

Hi @MeetMeat ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.

After reviewing the evidence, it is clear the rules were broken however in regards to your sincerity, I hold a belief that you will not repeat this action and I believe fully that the time you have spent away from the server has allowed you the time to think about your actions.

Please make sure you do not conduct actions like this in the future.

Kind Regards,
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