Internal Affairs Ambassador App (UK)

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Rick Dirks

Well-known Member
Nov 30, 2021
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:161238150

Discord name:

For how long have you played on CG SCP:

I started playing from beta and played for 2 months for personal reasons, Then I quit playing for 3-4 months and now I have returned for 2-3 weeks and will keep playing on this amazing server. Vtime is now 2 days but back in December and January vtime wasn't a thing so it did not record that time.

Age: 15

In what country are you located?:
The Netherland

Time zone:
GMT +1

Character name(s):
Rick dirks

Civilian name:
Ricky Dirks

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:
Yes, I have a working mic.
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

E-11 LCPL (CPL back in the days)

SCP 096

Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:

I have gotten one warning for RDM back in December when I first joined the server.
Why are you applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador?

I am applying for Ambassador because I believe I can help relieve the work pressure the team of ambassadors has at this moment. I see that there is an influx of agents and I would love to help them get the hang of the job and get them trained, sorted, and set for their job so they don't walk in the hallways not knowing what to do.
I also enjoy playing as an Internal Affairs agent and I would love to help along with the other ambassadors and gain a lot of experience! And pass it through to new agents and operatives.

What makes you suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador?:

I believe that I could be an enormous help to the team. I know all the rules, codes, and Code Of Conduct.
I have a very high leadership skill set and can handle situations with a lot of heat/chaos. I can handle complaints and discussions fairly easily. And I won't give new agents/operatives punishment because they are not trained. I would just train them and give them general information on how to work in Internal Affairs. I believe I am professional, Mature, and very competent. I learned a lot being an agent and I want to help future Agents and the agents now with everything they need! I believe that I can handle all situations that are being thrown at me.

How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:

I have now posted 2/3 documents but there will come a lot more. ( still have to write some arrest reports)
( couldn't do a lot since there wasn't a good arrest document at the time but it is fixed now )

What is a good document?

It has to contain these items:

-Frontpage. ( general information about the suspect's arrest) And the logo of our agency.
-Clearance Level 3 restriction.
-3-4 pages at a minimum.
-Posted in the right upload zone.
-Grammar and punctuation.
-Good description of the event.
-A conclusion.
-Page first: our logo, name of the suspect, Code/Law broken, Time spend in jail, occupation.
-Page second: Header ---> The Event. Explain what happened in great detail and grammar. ( If a long event could use more pages)
-Page third: ---> Conclusion explains what time he received and some extra information. Also, don't forget to put the signed by Agent (Your name)

What are the responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassador in RP?:

The responsibility is are:
-Giving orders to the operative-agents team.
-Make a lot of training and give information to new agents/operatives
-Ordering agents' locations to patrol/stick to and giving them specific orders.
-Overseeing the agents/operatives that are located at site-65
-Helping and listening to higher-ups when requested.
-Plan lecture's/training for agents/operatives to attend.

They should add the job of Internal Affairs trainee so an ambassador has to do a training and then give a test so we know for sure all of our agents know what they are doing.

Please give some lore about your Internal Affairs Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Lore Document
I have made a document describing my lore have fun reading!
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Rick Dirks

Well-known Member
Nov 30, 2021
-edits Fixed some grammar
+ at this time in the application I am inactive the reason for that is because I am learning and studying for my exams you will see me online again coming week.

Ben D

Active member
May 11, 2022
= Neutral

+Detailed Application
I haven noticed you have put some effort in IA, but I have only seen you for 3 days and I have never heard you speak once.
If this application gets denied don't get demotivated keep on trying. work on your communication and your leadership. Thanks for having me in your lore :D

Rick Dirks

Well-known Member
Nov 30, 2021
= Neutral

+Detailed Application
I haven noticed you have put some effort in IA, but I have only seen you for 3 days and I have never heard you speak once.
If this application gets denied don't get demotivated keep on trying. work on your communication and your leadership. Thanks for having me in your lore :D
Understood I'll try to get more time on IA I am trying to communicate but that's sometimes not very possible. But it is not possible that you have never heard me talk. I actually talk a lot on comms and I have talked a lot with you if I remember correctly It's just I am inactive now because of school exams.

Edit: the reason why I havent spoken in voice as IA recently was because I was very sick and was caughing a lot so i did not want to interfear with roleplay with my caughing
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Application Denied

Good day, Agent Dirks

Thank you for taking the time to fill out the application form, we truly appreciate your interest and effort. We've come to the conclusion that you are not qualified for the position of Internal Affairs Ambassador.

After discussion with the rest of the CL4 IA personnel, we've come to the conclusion that you're not ready to partake in ambassadorial duties. Here is a list of skills we would suggest working on before applying again in the future:

- Leadership: Make sure to guide and instruct new agents, don't be scared to come and look for ambassadors and ask them to give you tasks so you can be accordingly evaluated.

- Communication: We would like to suggest you prove to be efficient at communication and that you can effectively transmit messages to all agents.

Sadly, as you're on LOA, no one has really managed to see you enough to properly evaluate your skills. I suggest you let yourself be seen and instructed by the ambassadorial team once you're back so we can properly evaluate to what degree you're ready to become a CL4 member within IA.

Don't let this discourage you from applying again in the future and I hope you recover from your sickness,

Kindest regards,
Director Katona.
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