Internal Affairs Ambassador application

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Johan Liebert

Mar 11, 2022
Steam ID: 76561198093500005
Discord: astari#4949
Age: 18
Time on CG SCP RP: just over 55 hours of in game as of making this, however I have played across 2/3 months.
In what country are you located?: UK
Time zone: GMT
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Character name(s): Johan Liebert
Civilian name: N/A
Do you have a mic?: yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
I was a bottom rank CI member for a while but stopped playing as them, as of now I have not ever been part of MTF
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Yes, honestly when I first began to play on this server (before really learning the rules) I had quite a few warnings yet never had any bans or kicks. These warnings have only been with FailRP as I hadn't learned all the rules yet and was unaware as to what I could/could not do. I have actively now revised and looked across the rules of the server and each role I play as.
Why are you applying for internal affairs ambassador?:
I would like to have a larger role to play in the facility mainly, as the role suggests, to do with keeping order and legality within the facility. I enjoyed being a internal affairs operative and agent a lot and took pride in the job and my role. I would like to be able to help new internal affairs agents on how to operate, what it is we do and how to carry out successful interrogations and mainly how they should also focus on not breaking protocol or any of the rules internal affairs must apply by. I would like to help keep the internal affairs system fair on others as well as keep the actions of the facility fair and just.
What makes you suitable for internal affairs ambassador?:
(Server Activity)
I am very active on the server, often playing from 6/7PM - 12/1AM (GMT) on weekdays but also playing during the day on weekends. Majority of these hours are spent playing as Internal Affairs/Intelligence operative/agent as it is the main role I enjoy/have passion for.

(Role as Internal Affairs)
I make sure to carry out everything by the book and maintain a level of professionalism whilst still being friendly and welcoming to those around me. I stay calm and respectful even when other plays are yelling, swearing or just generally mic spamming as I have good patience and understand that any retaliation would only escalate the situation.
I always pay attention to comms and respond as soon as someone calls for me, I never really go AFK whilst playing and if so it will only be two minutes maximum so I am always there to respond when needed, be that to attend an interrogation or to respond to queries about internal affairs.
I am more than happy to bring up issues with internal affairs guidelines to higher ups if something does not seem fair or justified and I find that usually when I play later at night most agents/operatives have no one to direct them - I would make sure that all agents/operatives have a purpose and responsibility, not just to help us but to make them feel useful and enjoy their time in Internal Affairs.


I rapidly and efficiently respond to what is needed from me by higher ups as well as all other situations the facility may face such as Code-5 containment breach or whatever it may be. I always make sure I have a purpose and those around me know what they are doing.
What are the responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassadors in RP?:
The Internal Affairs Ambassador is a crucial part of the Department of Internal Affairs, they make sure that everything within the facility is up ethical standard, no violations are committed by those within the facility and to get rid of corruption. They make sure the Internal Affairs agents/operatives have a purpose and are aware how to carry out their roles correctly and maintain justified and ethical interrogations. the Ambassador's will also carry out these investigations themselves as well as interrogations, working with direct orders from the Director of Internal Affairs but also taking initiative to carry out investigations when deemed fit.
Please give some lore about your Internal Affairs Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Johan Liebert was born in Germany and spent most of his earlier years there, studying Law and Literature. He became well educated in literature of the past and sought to keep building his knowledge. He lost extreme amounts of key socialisation years during this time of university and therefore lost a lot of himself in his pursuit of knowledge.
His adoptive father [REDACTED] Liebert was working with [REDACTED] Agency in Germany and Czech Republic, working in the legal section to keep their routines ethical and justified. Shortly after Johan left university he became completely detached and alienated from most of society, choosing to lock himself away with all his knowledge - he began to resent all that was lawful, seeing no point in the practices of law and especially in the role of his father.
His father eventually discovered a large scale corruption group within his agency and attempted to stop it however, it was simply beyond his control - he left all his findings (in the forms of documents, photos and video tapes) within his will to Johan. When the day came that the corrupt group tore down the agency, killing Johan's father in the process, Johan received his fathers findings of what the [REDACTED] were doing.
Whatever it was that his father had found was so horrifying that it caused Johan to have a mental break. After seeing the potential of unmonitored corruption, Johan promised to his dead father that he would do whatever he could to follow in his footsteps and dedicate his life to maintaining ethical order and destroying any forms of corruption that arise.
In the following years, Johan moved to [REDACTED] and shortly began to work as an Internal Affairs Operative within the facility, hoping to rise the ranks to have the greatest chance of stopping the kinds of corruption that his father could not.
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