Internal Affairs Ambassador (Blackthorne, USA)

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Steam ID:

Discord name:

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
Several months. I've recently become very active on the U.S.A server over the past week.


In what country are you located?:

Time zone:

Character name(s):
Alden Blackthorne (I just go by Blackthorne in game)

Civilian name:

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Currently Hold:
MTF E-11 Enlisted

Previously Held:
Security Captain & Chief

Site Advisor

O5 Councilman

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I have received one warning several months ago when I was chief of security for killing a D-Class in the airlock who I thought threw a grenade, but supposedly didn't. This warning may have since been removed.

Why are you applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador?
I'm applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador because it's been something I've found interest in since I first got involved in CG SCP-RP several months ago, but only now am pursuing. I've decided that I want to pursue Internal Affairs Ambassador over all else to keep high activity. I want to become an Ambassador here because I want to improve to experience of everyone else in the facility, and of other Agents. I've noticed while on and off Internal Affairs that several less experienced Agents hopped on the job and abuse their power, causing conflict, or be confused. I want to become an active Ambassador to supervise these Agents, make a positive impact on the community, and enforce change. With my complete knowledge of the Code of Ethics, Legal Codex, Department Protocols/Guidelines, and Code of Conduct, I find myself very capable of handling all situations that I run into. I can pass this knowledge down to other people and Agents and further improve everyones general experience, and do what I can to maintain professionalism and high standards within Internal Affairs as if it were a whitelisted position, and restore peoples trust in the department.

What makes you suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador?:
What makes me suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador is my experience, knowledge, dedication, my ability to work well in a team, and competency. I've been in CG SCP-RP for several months, holding various roles with heightened responsibilities such as Chief of Security, O5 Council, and Site Advisor. During my time as Security Chief, I've remade Security into a much better department and handled the implementation of the Riot Team and new models back then. That alone I believe can prove my experience in handling departments of any capacity, along with my experience in holding higher positions and being fairly successful in each one. Next is my knowledge of Internal Affairs and Site Law/Ethics. I review and memorize the Code of Ethics, Legal Codex, Code of Conduct and Department Protocols almost every day. I also have spent much time on Internal Affairs in both servers, which taught me through experience how to interact and handle different types of people in the server.

How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
In Internal Affairs, I haven't written any documents (in the USA server) due to the lack of situations that I've come into contact as a primary unit that would require a document. I've typically assisted others with such situations. However I've written several Documents as Research, Site Advisor, and O5 Councilman and became experienced in writing and formatting them in general. What makes a good document is having an excellent understanding of the English language, creative formatting, and good organization skills to make it easier to read. Having the ability to cut out unnecessary length to your document (useless/irrelevant information) also helps make a good document, making it easier to read.

What are the responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassador in RP?:
The Internal Affairs Ambassador is responsible for the supervision of Agents and Operatives within Internal Affairs as their primary responsibility. They supervise arrests, respond to questions and concerns, and enforce the rules upon other Agents. The Ambassador is also responsible for making and authorizing arrests on various personnel when necessary and when said person poses a threat while following protocol for arresting said people. The Ambassador can also authorize investigations on personnel and create interesting RP scenarios with the power that they have.

Please give some lore about your Internal Affairs Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Alden Blackthorne was born on May 19th, 2000. Originally Utah, he moved to Los Angeles when he was 18 years old. In Los Angeles, he applied to become an officer of the L.A.P.D and concluded his training and became a full officer when he was 21 years old. On April 7th, 2021, Blackthorne was responding to a domestic dispute. He arrived to a small white house in a low-income neighbourhood. There was blood on the door and he called for additional units. He breached the house alone after receiving no response. After clearing the house, he found a trail of blood leading to a mans body. The body had its stomach disemboweled and claw marks across its neck. Blackthorne called in a DOA, requesting homicide and he continued to clear the house. He heard growling from the basement and went downstairs. He slowly went down the stairs and saw a large, red creature with dagger-like teeth. Blackthorne was in shock, but remained vigilant. He stayed quiet as to not alert the creature and he noticed a young woman in her 20s hiding in the corner, holding her finger to her mouth to signify silence. She put her hand to her eyes to signify the creature was blind, and relied on sound. Blackthorne deactivated his radio and activated his panic button, then proceeded to the basement floor. He moved toward the woman and helped her up, she had a broken leg presumably from the creature when she fled. Blackthorne helped the woman up the stairs very slowly, and sirens could be heard approaching with a helicopter overhead. When Blackthorne and the woman got to the main floor, he quickly closed the basement door and locked it from the outside. He evacuated her outside and several other LAPD vehicles approached the home. Officers with rifles stepped out, and Blackthorne debriefed them about the creature. Everyone seemed to want to question it, but followed on Blackthornes command as primary unit. 6 Officers breached the basement and the creature charged them up the stairs. The officers opened fire immediately, with the recoil pushing the creature down the stairs. All of the officers magdummped the creature until it stopped moving. Once the creature was thought dead, Officers began to clear the scene and treat the womans injuries.

When Blackthorne went home that night, a team of unmarked and masked soldiers breached his home and held him at gunpoint. Blackthorne complied with their demands calmly and went with them. Blackthorne was then approached by a man in a suit, introducing himself as a "Regional Director for an organization that doesn't exist". The man was impressed with Blackthornes instincts and how he handled the situation with the creature, and offered to recruit Blackthorne. The man in the suit described the organization as a world wide, large and clandestine group dedicated to containing creatures and anomalous objects such as what Blackthorne saw, and protect the world from their dangers. Blackthorne thought this as an opportunity to make real change in the world above an Officer, and accepted their offer. Blackthorne was then assigned as a Security Officer in Site-15 located in California. He was later transferred to Site-56 after proving his worth to the Foundation and was assigned as an Epsilon-11 Operative and Internal Affairs.

Blackthorne would be involved in scenarios that preferred the safety of other people, and believing in the "greater good" such as killing one person to save dozens or even hundreds. However he still believes in proper treatment of others and ensuring they aren't treated poorly. He finds it unnecessary since they're already here, serving the world for the greater good.
+ Support
+ Active
+ Knowledgeable
+ Experience

Agent Blackthorne has proven himself to be a valuable asset to the department, when watching him do arrests and investigations he has always been professional and listened to all sides of the story. I believe that if given the chance to become an ambassador he will bring a fresh perspective to our department.

"Dirty" Dan

Active member
May 16, 2022
+ Support
+ Active
+ Good Knowledge
+ Experience

I've seen Agent Blackborne's duties in A-1 and has upheld his responsibilities along with spectating his disciplinary actions. I believe he would be a good addition to IA as an Ambassador.

- Ambassador "Dirty" Dan
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Application Accepted

Good Evening Agent Blackthorne,
Congratulations Agent Blackthorne, after reviewing your application and the positive support shown above, I have concluded that you would be a great fit for Ambassador. Thank you again for showing interest in becoming an Ambassador, I can't wait to begin working with you to make changes in our department.

Best wishes,
Director Dalton Bruno.
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