Iroh's Overseer Assistant Application [USA]

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Well-known Member
Oct 8, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:524281329

Discord name: jibneh

For how long have you played on CG SCP:

I played last year for a bit and recently picked up my activity and started playing very frequently. I have a total of 345 hours played.

Age: 21

In what country are you located?: Canada

Time zone: EST

Character name(s): Iroh, "Black Beard"

Civilian name: Perry Floyd

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA

Do you have a mic?:
- Yes.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- Actively have the following positions:
DEA Special Agent
096 (not sure if this counts but I'll leave it here)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Most of my offenses are pretty outdated aside from the NLR warn that was around a month ago, it was a genuine mistake that I learned from.

What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:
I have a genuine interest in the position as most of my current roles are primarily combative. I see this position as a way to expand my understanding of the server and enjoy one of its many branches. I want to begin roleplaying as an Overseer assistant to get into different parts of the server that I haven't experienced. I played in various departments of the server, one of my favorite ones being research due to the roleplay. I believe that I would be easily able to adjust to the role for its administrative purposes. I am also no stranger to roleplay as I have been playing roleplay servers for years now.

As mentioned above, I have been playing roleplaying servers for years and have gotten far in a few, thus putting me in leadership roles which I am also no stranger to. Not to sound arrogant but it is fairly easy to lead as long as you follow a few key concepts. Ensure that the respect you expect from others is also given to them, you abide by the rules and don't overstep your boundaries, and have a friendly and approachable demeanor. I feel as if these key components is essential to being a good leader in these roleplay-type positions.

What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:
I see it in a very simple way, the main responsibility is in the title, an assistant. They are the bridge of communication between foundation personnel and the 05 council. Obviously, the information must be pertinent and filtered for it to reach the members of 05. You also enforced their orders if given out with full authority depending on certain circumstances. You are also considered the eyes and ears of the 05 council and must report any significant findings/information to them.

There are also other miscellaneous duties that Overseer Assistants are designated to do such as enforcing the code of conduct on foundation personnel. It is an important standard that must be upheld and instituted by not only foundation members but also those who enforce them as well. Overseer assistants hold the authority to grant AA authorization when certain circumstances are met.
To summarize the duties, Overseer assistants have numerous duties that are heavily roleplay based. You are mainly tasked to help manage the foundation by following orders from 05 and aiding them in the tasks mentioned above. It is important to maintain professionalism due to you representing the 05 council and leaning to a diplomatic and assistant-like demeanor when conducting your duties within the foundation.

Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:


Mr.█████████, AKA Special Agent "Iroh" has been a part of the DEA for approximately 2 years. During his service, he had been a great benefit to the Foundation. He worked in countering the Chaos Insurgency, establishing and maintaining diplomatic relationships with UNGOC, and ensuring that all general external duties were upheld and maintained. Special Agent Iroh was pronounced dead on █/██/2024, and body cam footage was recovered.

Recording -Start-
Special Agent Iroh was involved in a high-profile hostage exchange. Multiple Clearance level 3 DEA and MTF personnel were captured by the Chaos Insurgency and negotiations were handled primarily by Iroh. Upon reaching an agreement, both sides met at the rendezvous location and began the exchange. While Special Agent Iroh was escorting the personnel back to the foundation in a helicopter piloted by MTF, he was inspecting one of the unconscious DEA Agents. He managed to jolt him awake and upon regaining consciousness he began murmuring loudly and pointing to his chest. Confused, Iroh removed his vest to investigate and discovered a bomb strapped to the man's chest. The bomb began beeping loudly as the time stamp displayed that there was no more than 5 seconds until the detonation of the bomb. Iroh quickly slid open the helicopter door and threw out the agent but the explosion wounded the helicopter and caused it to spiral out of control and crash. There were no survivors.
Recording -End-

The Foundation scoured the wreckage in the hopes of recovering anything of value. They discovered Special Agent Iroh in critical condition and rushed him to intensive care. Iroh considered himself lucky for surviving, but he would never be the same. That accident had halved his life span and would ensure he would never be able to fill a combative role again. While lying in bed, a nurse walked by and placed a tablet on his bedside tray. He reached over and grabbed it for inspection. The tablet displayed an entry for his Foundation credentials and a biometric scan of his eye. Upon filling these fields, the tablet loaded for about a minute and then displayed a video of a man with a blurred face speaking.

"Hello, Special Agent Iroh. I hope that your recovery has been progressing quickly. We are well aware of the incident that took place and how it has affected you. However, you cannot die on us yet. We still require you to serve the foundation, and more importantly, us. I know you probably have many questions but fear not, they will be answered soon. You will be briefed on your new position once you've had some more time to recover, until then, do not speak of this message to anyone."
Warning: Message Received... Processing Message.

Incoming Message from: @kennedy.inspector@scip
To: Iroh

Greetings, the council have reviewed your application and have decided you would be an acceptable candidate for our assistant program. Please contact your nearest RAISA officer to receive your dossier as well as contact a member of the council for your new Uniform.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact any member of the Council for any Information.

Glory to the Foundation, Signed O5-2.

Application Accepted
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