Jack G Blacklist Appeal [Ventz]

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[Specifically regarding Ventz]

Your in-game name:
Jack G
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:94146882
Your steam community link:
Date of ban: May 2023 I think
Alt Accounts: I had 1x alt acc which was for Pilot Man Raj when I was staff and I was asked to help out JAF at the time, never tried reconnecting to the server with it. It will have had a VPN however I’ve never tried to reconnect on this account so (I can get the link if needed)
What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect):

I haven’t tried connecting to the server however it is for failing to report a dox whilst in a staff position I believe. There’s a lot more to it than just that but to be quite frank, I would be repeating exactly what I wrote in a previous appeal and so at the end, I’ll link that.

To sum it up, 2/3 years ago I was sent a picture of Ventz, didn’t think much of it as at the time, I didn’t actually know what you even looked like. I was in a Discord call going through some DM’s and someone I knew closely at the time said that, that was someone that was obviously a picture of Ventz. I didn’t follow it up, failed to report it and ended up getting myself blacklisted as when I did report it, it was far too late.
Who banned you: Joint decision between Hydro, Cloak and Ventz.

Ban length?: Blacklist
Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the url):

MilitaryRP Rules

What will you do to stop this from happening again:

I would continue immediately report the person that sends me these Doxxed pictures and continue to help notify people that someone potentially has been doxed.
Again, as said in my last appeal the annoying part about all of this is that I defended Dox from I think 4x Doxs by going to Hydro and Cloak. One when CN was set up as a LLC and documents were being sent around, Two the doxing board, Three when that discord with Relman went about with the stickers and a few others to Cloak. This was months before my ban with no actual real reason to (I wasn’t staff at the time) other than because it was right.

So to sum it up, I would continue doing the latter and make sure to report anything sooner to the correct people.

Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned? Never received a ban, kick or warn ever.

Why should you be unbanned:
(Copied from my last appeal as this is quite literally the same)

I kinda miss the server, I accrued about 5,000 hours on the server. Its by far the most advanced war server that GMOD has to offer and I think I made a mistake which in the long run could have easily been prevented. Ventz had every right to have been annoyed and pissed off at me but it's months down the line and I doubt he's ever seen the times where I defended him from previous Doxings.

How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?:
Kind of mentioned prior, I just wont be stupid.
Why do you want to rejoin this server?:
I have quite a bit of free time and I would like to just be back in touch with previous players. MRP is still running smoothly and I'd like to return and just continue how I was playing helicopter regiments and a bit of ground work.

I also think that the community is kind of healing as quite a few old people have returned by the sounds of it as well as obviously the person that sent me the photo itself was unbanned.
I’ve done my part for the community by blacklisting pedophiles, people that sexually harass, defending doxed people and helping out a lot with staff, trainee programmes, content team etc.

I’m not asking to come back as staff as I believe having that right rescinded from me is fair enough, I’m just asking to come back and enjoy the community I used to play.

As I said, any evidence of screenshots from defending doxes and more information can be found in this old ban appeal however this one is shorter. I’m happy speaking to anyone if they want to clear things up.

Please read this before coming to a conclusion as I think it’s only right you see how I’ve defended you and that I truly know I did mess up. Cheers

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