James iron security captain application usa

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Well-known Member
Jun 2, 2023
Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:696374959

Discord name: paulexy

For how long have you played on CG SCP: for i assume probably played for 6+ i also took a break but 6 months should be it yes of active day to day playing(almost)

Age: 16

In what country are you located?:

Time zone: german time cet

Character name(s): james iron

Civilian name: as off currently i have none

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): usa

Do you have a mic?:

- yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

- mtf nu 7 spc

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

-yes metagaming micpsam rdm nlr bodyblcocking and way back a class x ban

Why are you applying for Security Captain?

-i personally am really passion for the gensec department and i really want to help the gensec grow and help et them to become more respect from the staff and i would enjoy bringing more organisation into the gensec department to work for a better future for the d block as well to train the next generation of gensec for the improvement and betterment of the foundation. as a captain you too grow as well we are their to teach teh next generation of gensec ansd punish those taht are blatantly breaking coc and coe because it gives departments a bad view/ opinion about us so i want to try to get the gensec just that little more respect in teh foundation to make the expierience as nice as posibble for everyone

What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:

- iam very strict with the enforcment of the code of ethics and code of conduct i love to help my fellow gensec members if they have trouble or dont know something to help them learn it i find the liscence also very cool and would love to do soem too to help getiting more people with thoose licenses that just have a bad timezone and cant get them without waiting till weekends or even weeks to get em i also take profesionallism very seriously taht they dont just go hang people around and really do their job and help if needed or wanted i also took part in sweeps and tryouts and spectated or participated which i think is very important to know as a captain one of the things i still didnt mention is we are also there to call ouzt sweeps code 2 and to enforce them as well as mentioring and guiding people with rpoblems or license if they have trouble or they want to obtain said licenses.

What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:
- teh responsebillitys of an captaina re to call out code 2 enforce teh sweep keep d blcok always undercontroll or get it undecontroll with all means necesarry punish his subordinates accordingly if they break code of conduct code of ethics as well as doing licenses and trainings on the regular to keep foundation personel of the security department always on the peak effieciency as well as managing organising and helping out or training newer personel and be a role model for gensec tow hich other departments and newer and older gensec can look up to as a role model for hwta it means to be human for what it means to be a gensec and just how important our role really is for what we have a big role keeping d block as well as the site safe.

Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:

well james was a special kid a special needs kid when he was born to a father in the department of security where he was currently a deprtment chief he was in young age already inspired to be like his dad he liked organising managing and tried to be as nice as possible which proved difficult because of his sever mental disability for which he could not really intepret the fellings of other and for that tried to be causios of their felling if possible and tried to improve upon it if it didnt interupt work he was able to learn from multipl security captains like dylan k and the bunch who liked him and understood even if it is difficult to be considerate of ones fellings there be not rude that he was a dedicated loyal lil fella and so he grew on and on evetually gettig the roll in teh security department where he enforced the code of conduct and ethics while trying to to maximise his performance in his department with his unwaivering dedication effort and at least as he thought it kindnees which he got teached by his father that a big maschine is only as good as his smallest part to become a captain which he would obtain after a few years.

thank you all for reading this yes i included my disabillity becaue it would be the truest to myself thank you dylan for letting me include you in this as always and thanks yall for giving me a chance to prove myself for the position of captain yall have a great day your james iron.
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From: Chief of Security "Speff"

To: Captain Applicant "james iron"

Hello james iron, your application has been DENIED

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me via discord - speff.
+/- support
The best goddamn GSD cadet i've ever seen
Incredibly loyal and trustworthy
He's basically 912 in the sense that he will follow every order/command to its core, and enforce it with every fiber of his being.

Only plays Cadet, pretty sure he hasn't even escorted into HCZ once.
He was allowed to assist IA due to his impressive knowledge of the FLC but decided to run around with cuffs and ended up doing more IA than actual GSD duties.
I haven't actually seen him in awhile. been a decent bit.

You're awesome James, it's always a pleasure to see you on site and talk with you. I've said this before, you'd be amazing in Internal Affairs. Perfect actually. I can see you being GSD captain easily, you're so very close, but you let go at the last moment. I encourage you to reapply as soon as possible and in the meantime, focus on GSD duties, socialize with other GSD, ask another GSD captain the duties of a Captain and what to expect, and I guarantee you, you will get it. As for your activity, I consider it to be a minor issue in comparison to the other issues I've highlighted in red because you can easily be a reserve captain.
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