James Krane Inspector Application [UK]

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:465806201
Discord name: j.critical.k
For how long have you played on CN SCP: 11,497,680 seconds (133.075 days)
Age: 18
In what country are you located?: England
Time zone: GMT
Character name(s): James 'Critical' Krane
Civilian name: Event

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK

Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
A-1 CPLx2
Nu-7 PVT

IA Director
IA Ambassador x3
ISD Investigator

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
FearRP - Jan 18th 2023
Why are you applying for Internal Security Inspector?
I have always enjoyed IA/ISD when playing on CN SCP-RP and I believe it is the best department to create roleplay in that most players can access. I would like to make a return to ISD and restart my path on the server to see how far I can go and how much I can help develope roleplay. I believe in creating roleplay which the players enjoy, roleplay that doesn't feel like a chore which for most it can seem at times. The idea of ISD growing and becoming the strongest department once was a dream and then a reality. I believe it currently is a reality and would love to help maintain the strength of the department by brining old and new experiences into the department aiding it where needed.

ISD Inspector will allow me to ensure the department is following the required standards by setting an example to the ISD and other departments. Pushing the roleplay I can do across departments to encourage more roleplay is a key goal I have in mind. Overall, I want to get back into SCP-RP and the flow of how the server works. ISD sees most aspects of the server making this role the best to go into.
What makes you suitable for Internal Security Inspector?:
I would like to believe my past and present experience in ISD would make me a strong candidate for this role. Having dabbled in other roles as well should pose me as a strong candidate despite the time gap between now and then. I still retain a lot of my knowledge from what was Internal Affairs as the core aspects haven't changed. I have already been involved in a fair few RP situations occuring with ISD including some CL4 operations due to the nature of how I operate in ISD. As IA CL4 I was able to aid Site Administration in uncovering issues that lie with other departments whilst repairing broken inter-departmental relations, this ensured IA was co-operated with during their duties instead of blocked, delaying the job we are required to complete. This is an ability I would like to believe I still hold however most interactions have been on a 1:1 baisis due to my out reach ability.

As an individual, I am someone who can find a ballance with the role of ISD allowing me to be fair but enforcing. This is crucial as ISD needs to find the ballance between what is known as "1984 fun police" and the police force people believe don't care. I am also someone who can be approached to the benefit of others more so then myself (CI have kidnapped me a fair few times already). This allows people to bring up conserns and issues they have with ISD or other site personnel. The exception to this are the people who clearly only want to cause issues and have no reguard for player experience nor roleplay situations.
What do you think describes an ideal Internal Security Inspector?:
The ideal Internal Security Inspector is one who posesses the following traits:
  • Leadership - Guiding Agents/Operatives and Investigators through their duties to improve their skills and become more independent. Ensuring tasks are completed and organising personnel to get these tasks complated.

  • Role knowledge - Inspectors should have an idea of what their role is before stepping into the role. Should an Inspector not have prior knowledge of what to expect or do they may find it difficult to keep up or may loose interest due to them not expecting the role to be as it is.

  • Communication skills - Inspectors should be able to communicate well to their subordinates, supervisors and other site personnel to ensure information is passed correctly and duties are fulfilled. Alongside this, they are also required to have effective communication with other departments to resolve any unnecessary conflict.

  • Professionalism - The phrase from The Royal Military Police comes to mind when professionalism is raised: Exemplo Ducemus - By example; we shall lead. If CL4 personnel are not professional their subordinates may not be professional. This can make departments look like they don't take their duty seriously and thus isn't taken seriously.

How many major, roleplay-serving documents have you written? What makes a document of this nature good in terms of quality?:
I have written many major roleplay-serving documents. However, the one I most notibly refer to in all my applications due to it being the most public major roleplay document I have published is "Operation 'Sparta'" an investigation which originally began by a request to John Dear and 'Big Mike' to investigate the actions of Epsilon-11 on site following a recent trail of mass breaches. This investigation and the roleplay document I had created peaked the intrest of not only IA CL4 but also Site Administration who aided in turning the investigation into a mandated hearing which Epsilon-11 COs were told to attend in order to iron out the issues occuring in E-11. The aftermath of E-11 COs from that investigation is often refered to when departments are having issues with leadership.​

What makes a good document quality wise isn't necessarily what is on the document but how it is formatted. Documents need to be easy to read and understand. Documents should tell the reader exactly what they need to know and with images reference what is being talked about in the document. Format can change the impact a document has, poor format and the document may be discarded, a good format increases the likelihood of people to read and understand the document.
What are the responsibilities of the Internal Security Inspector in RP?:
The responsibilities of the Internal Security Inspector in RP are:

  • Uphold the departments core duties - Becomeing CL4 personnel in a department doesn't mean you neglect everything CL1-3 personnel do. As CL4 you are expected to guide lower personnel and show them how to conduct their duties. ISD Inspectors should be showing Agents and above the appropriate way to deal with situations, de-escalating them to ensure personnel don't kick off a fuss and cause issues for the department. But also ensuring ISD are not walked on by escelating some situations where it is required to ensure the FLC is upheld.

  • Training the next generation - Training new Agents/Operatives boarders the line of IC and OOC but is still considered a key responsibility of ISD Inspectors. By training new Agents/Operatives you give them the opening as to how their job is to be conducted, ensuring you teach them right the first time and don't have to deal with the conserquences of Agents/Operatives that don't understand how to perform their duties.
    First interactions are key, you must make sure their first interaction sets them on the right path.

  • Arrests/Tribunals - Inspectors are seen as experienced, senior members of ISD and thus trusted to give the right calls on arrests. Inspectors should be able and willing to help ISD personnel out with FLC questions they may have, guiding personnel down the right thought path for the future instead of just telling them with no lesson/learning provided.
    Inspectors are also expected to aid in the tribunal process, should Agents/Operatives and above request a tribunal. Tribunals are a rare situation and should be treated with respect. Since returning I have been in 1 tribunal as prosecution with a successful trial.

  • Leading the Agents/Operatives+ - As a CL4 role you are expected to lead CL1-3 personnel in your department. By leading lower personnel in your department ISD Inspectors have to ensure they lead by giving their subordinates the tools required to develope in their roles and eventually join the ranks of yourself and other CL4 personnel. Leading is a case of providing your experience to others in lessons, teach them the paths they can take as opposed to giving them 1 route. In the long run it is better for an Agent to understand their job as opposed to being told situatio by situation what to do.
    Under leadership is also ensuring our own operatives are kept in line. ISD Inspectors are expected to hand out appropriate disciplinary actions for operatives what go against the ISD guidelines.

  • Inter-department relations - In RP department relations are a massive part to performing duties as ISD. If site personnel are not co-operative with ISD this can pose issues for making arrests, investigations and performing the daily duties of ISD. ISD is utilised to pick out the weaknesses in site security and improve them typically by negative reinforcement (jail time) and advising how to correct their actions for the future. If we cannot do this, the site cannot improve.

Please elaborate on why you think you'd be a good leadership position holder for Internal Security:
I believe I would be a good leadership position holder for the Internal Security Department because I hold the skills and knowledge necessary to take on such a role. I have a large amount of experience in police regiments/departments and have found the ballance in the role which I would like to pass down to Operatives/Agents+ to improve the department. I have also shown leadership in the past and present with ISD assigning personnel to positions to ensure our checkpoints are properly manned, assigning investigations to personnel, conducting patrols with other ISD to key locations in order to provide more security in those areas. Setting an example to other ISD during Code-Blacks by escorting personnel to garage and ensuring no one escapes to surface.

I always ensure roleplay is a priority and encourage others to priorities roleplay. The more interactions, especially positive interactions, the better. I push towards the RP situations others might ignore and guide people towards them as well. I am always committed to what I do and will always work towards achieving it.​
Please give some lore about your Internal Security Inspector character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Personnel file of: James 'Critical' Krane
Ehem Ehem,
/Time check?

(Could you send a picture of your /time?)
This came across rather rudely. /time check isn't required for the application and you make it seem like it is mandatory...

However, attached in a screenshot of my VTime. If you have questions about my activity please do ask and I will answer them.
This came across rather rudely. /time check isn't required for the application and you make it seem like it is mandatory...

However, attached in a screenshot of my VTime. If you have questions about my activity please do ask and I will answer them.
Im sorry that you feel it came across as rude it was not my intention, /time checks are usually requested (but not mandatory) when someone makes an app and you haven't seen them around which in this case I haven't.

Have you been on a LOA or recently come back?
Im sorry that you feel it came across as rude it was not my intention, /time checks are usually requested (but not mandatory) when someone makes an app and you haven't seen them around which in this case I haven't.

Have you been on a LOA or recently come back?
I have been playing on CN MRP since I left SCP-RP. I have been in the Police regiment since and have reached the rank of LTCOL, my resignation date is this Sunday. I have already been commended to apply for Inspector considering my past experience. The two days gap on day 26 and 27 was my attempting to reach my staff requirements for MRP
I have been playing on CN MRP since I left SCP-RP. I have been in the Police regiment since and have reached the rank of LTCOL, my resignation date is this Sunday. I have already been commended to apply for Inspector considering my past experience. The two days gap on day 26 and 27 was my attempting to reach my staff requirements for MRP
Alright, Good shit

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