James S Carter Lore Request

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Mar 14, 2024
Carter spent his late teens and early 20's in the United States Army where he was deployed in the Middle East on various missions. One mission would involve Carter's squad being ambushed an ORIA team equipped with paratech, despite the advantage held, Carter's squad was able to inflict heavy casualties on the ORIA operatives. Having acquired some of the weapons from the team they reported to their lieutenant back at base. Their lieutenant, being an "undercover" operative from PENTAGRAM [The United States Paranatural Warfare Command], reported the incident to their superiors where members of Carter's squad including himself were recruited. Carter passed basic training and subjected himself to various augmentations to enhance his combat effectiveness, these augmentations improved his strength, endurance, and agility. After only a year within PENTAGRAM, Carter was discharged for unknown reasons and kept under observation for an indefinite amount of time. The Foundation, having known about him from their own undercover agents, extended a hand and recruited him, having joined their Security Department, he's been reliable, helping the Foundation whenever possible, and keeping D-Block relatively under control.
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