Jax's ECM Application [UK]


Trial Game Master
Trial Game Master
Apr 5, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:606186424
Discord name: MrJax5364
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 6-7 months with 1103 hours played
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: UK
Time zone: BST
Character name(s): Jax Yates
Civilian name: N/A
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?: yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- Held: GSD Captain, E-11 PVT, NU-7 PVT, OSA, Site Advisor
- Holding: Site Manager, CI-B
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- None

What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why:

Create different RP:

what i mean by this is I want to create more secret and undercover RP that it between less people but i want to make a lot of it as well as doing the RP which i already do. SA even though you can create lots of RP most secretive RP things get spread far too quickly so you cant get into the story a lot which is the main thing i want to do with creating RP.

Help the site as much as possible:
I want to improve the site as much as possible because I believe that my efforts can lead to meaningful changes that enhance the overall experience for everyone. I will achieve this by implementing policy changes, introducing or refining roles and creating new opportunities for engagement. I aim to make the site more enjoyable for everyone. To achieve this I will collaborate closely with O5s, Ethics, SA, and SL ensuring that any changes are well-considered and beneficial to the community. Additionally I will actively seek input from the community through polls and meetings, making sure that everyone's voice is heard and that the changes reflect the collective vision of the site. Also even though SL listen to SA they listen to and work more with SL which is something i want to do as i think most of the problems facing the server are OOC so i will work closely with them to try and get changes done that will benefit everyone.

To develop a character on a greater level:
I want to have more freedom to develop a character on a greater level allowing me to explore complex storylines and deep character development. As a ECM I will have the opportunity to engage in high-stakes and meaningful scenarios which will challenge my character and allow for significant growth. Additionally I aim to support and encourage others around me to develop their characters by sharing my experience and offering guidance.

What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee?:
I am one of the most experienced SA members aside from Pennington and Tim. I have also gained valuable insights and skills from the roles I have held. I have dealt with high-pressure, intense and complex scenarios which have helped my ability to think quickly and make sound decisions under pressure. My dedication and commitment to improving my skills ensure that I am always learning and growing. Making me adaptable and prepared for the challenges that come with the ECM role. I am confident that my unique experiences and perspective will make me a valuable addition to the council.

RP Creation:
I have created an abundance of RP on Site consistently striving to improve the community's experience with engaging and immersive scenarios. Obtaining the ECM position will provide me more freedom to expand these creations on a larger scale bringing more impactful RP opportunities to the site. My goal is to craft RP that not only entertains but also challenges and develops the characters of those involved.

Some examples are:
This was an order for OSA's and ECA's to work on and go and interview MTF personnel to try and get a greater understanding of what i could do to change the problems plaguing these MTF's and it worked because we got changes made to E11 roles so they could access AA as an NCO as well as E11 getting override on all HCZ BD's.
This was an order for medical to have a check up on every Sr CL4 member on site and i plan to carry this on as well as holding medical up for the order not being completed this is all IC and just for RP, OOC i understand that medical is not very active and i need to bare with them.
This is a storyline with Kake and we have developed it into a whole server event that happens every now and again. This was just supposed to be for Jax Morgan but after -1 killed him the hand has gone between people and has developed into the big event that at the time of writing this is still going on.
I am also currently working on other RP things and also i do small RP things while i am on site, this is on top of my GM events that i do.

I have demonstrated leadership in all of the positions I have held consistently proving my ability to guide and manage groups effectively. As a GSD Captain I successfully took charge of large groups ensuring coordination in high-stakes situations. In my role as SA I led groups of CL4 personnel driving improvements across the site and ensuring that operations ran smoothly. I believe that strong leadership is key to creating a strong environment and I want to bring this approach to the Ethics Committee.
The main example of this was while i was Site Advisor where i made a thread called 'fixing the breach and raid problem' where we took on feedback and made changes like E11 NCO's getting override on AA and all E11 getting override on HCZ BD's. I also spoke with SL and was and still am pushing for changes to be made from an OOC point of view.

Because of my experience in SA I have gained a deeper insight into how various departments operate including their strengths, weaknesses and the challenges they face. This understanding allows me ensure that solutions are not only effective but also sustainable. My insights enable me to anticipate potential issues before they arise and to work together with other leaders to address them. I am committed to using this knowledge to support the site in making informed decisions that benefit everyone, ensuring that all departments are functioning at their best.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:
- look over the O5 council and make sure they are not breaking any IC rules - for example they will get O1 and assistants to spy on the O5 and A1 to see what they are doing and then they will act accordingly if they find anything.
- oversee testing and d-class usage - for example they will make sure all tests are not breaking the FLC.
- authorisations of things like 008 and the use of more then 3 d-class
- enforcing and upkeeping the FLC - if they find something that needs to be changed then they will change it and make sure it is fixed
- tribunals and the trainings around them - train SA to be able to be a judge and hand out tribunals
- Call code 5
- Authorisation of AA
- Call code black
- Call ERT
- Nuke
- auth mass termination

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
- handle the applications of:
- ECMs
- ECAs
- O1 Commander

they also create RP and make sure the server's health is ok with the RP that they are creating.
Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Disclaimer: this lore document is very similar to my Site Advisor one because he is the same person in lore. (please do not kill me for this).

Last edited:
Feb 24, 2023

Hey Jax,

Unfortunately today I will be -supporting your application for the following reasons:
Your application is lackluster, I think you should expand on the following:

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:
This is a key question in the application, and in my experience the most important one. You don't actually answer all of the points, and the points you do answer some of which are shaky. You miss entirely about one of the most important pieces: The ability to call a code black, and detonate the alpha warhead. Now, funny one- a lot of people don't understand why this is extremely key: You have the ability at any point, to designate roleplay as finally lost, and to essentially kill everyone for a complete reset. You need to understand the steps and processes it takes to do this, something that is well known (I have heavily simplified this):
1. Call code 5
2. Authorisation of AA
3. Call code black
4. Await ERT
5. Detonate

And otherwise, there is general responsibilities you have failed to put on. I think a chat with an ECM, or even going through prior applications will benefit you.

Otherwise, your creation of roleplay. You are sound as a person, and penny believes in you in site administration so you have been able to expand your capacity to site manager, but something I would like to see is a piece of roleplay that directly effects players. Even if it isnt your storyline alone- or even a storyline. We as a GM team are on hand to help you, and any other player get your ideas down, and getting them into roleplay. (Something you are now apart of)

As well, what you wish to do as a committee member: you can already do as a site manager! Go try get it done! You've got this!

Otherwise, I think you would benefit massively from taking time to develop your site-wide roleplay skill, something that is imperative to have as a member of clearance 5, and possibly taking a position as an ECA to understand the committee better. Good Luck.


Trial Game Master
Trial Game Master
Apr 5, 2024

Hey Jax,

Unfortunately today I will be -supporting your application for the following reasons:
Your application is lackluster, I think you should expand on the following:

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:
This is a key question in the application, and in my experience the most important one. You don't actually answer all of the points, and the points you do answer some of which are shaky. You miss entirely about one of the most important pieces: The ability to call a code black, and detonate the alpha warhead. Now, funny one- a lot of people don't understand why this is extremely key: You have the ability at any point, to designate roleplay as finally lost, and to essentially kill everyone for a complete reset. You need to understand the steps and processes it takes to do this, something that is well known (I have heavily simplified this):
1. Call code 5
2. Authorisation of AA
3. Call code black
4. Await ERT
5. Detonate

And otherwise, there is general responsibilities you have failed to put on. I think a chat with an ECM, or even going through prior applications will benefit you.

Otherwise, your creation of roleplay. You are sound as a person, and penny believes in you in site administration so you have been able to expand your capacity to site manager, but something I would like to see is a piece of roleplay that directly effects players. Even if it isnt your storyline alone- or even a storyline. We as a GM team are on hand to help you, and any other player get your ideas down, and getting them into roleplay. (Something you are now apart of)

As well, what you wish to do as a committee member: you can already do as a site manager! Go try get it done! You've got this!

Otherwise, I think you would benefit massively from taking time to develop your site-wide roleplay skill, something that is imperative to have as a member of clearance 5, and possibly taking a position as an ECA to understand the committee better. Good Luck.
thanks for your response, i have made some change to my application to hopefully change your opinion, i will keep improving it and improving as a whole.
Mar 20, 2022

Did you just copy paste Athena's list and change the last part? You cannot call ERT either.

Jax, you a good lad but when I played you struggled to create roleplay and I can't speak for anything you've done as of late as I no longer play. I won't leave a + or - Support as would be unfair to you.

Try and expand on the bullet points more. As it is, it shows you have very little understanding of the role and Ethics in general. Going for CL5 takes time and you should learn what the committee does.

I'll ask you this question (Someone will probably tell you anyway):

What bit of SCP Ethics lore is the server based on?

Good luck regardless Jax (y)


Trial Game Master
Trial Game Master
Apr 5, 2024
View attachment 18490

Did you just copy paste Athena's list and change the last part? You cannot call ERT either.

Jax, you a good lad but when I played you struggled to create roleplay and I can't speak for anything you've done as of late as I no longer play. I won't leave a + or - Support as would be unfair to you.

Try and expand on the bullet points more. As it is, it shows you have very little understanding of the role and Ethics in general. Going for CL5 takes time and you should learn what the committee does.

I'll ask you this question (Someone will probably tell you anyway):

What bit of SCP Ethics lore is the server based on?

Good luck regardless Jax (y)
thanks for the response. They have added a feature where u can call in ERT now for SD+. I will expand on the points asap. Also i do not know what part of ethics lore the server is based on if you can send me something to read on so i can educate myself then i will. I have also got much better at RP creation in my opinion but ill leave that for others to say if i am or not.
You cannot call ERT either.
He does not know,,,

Anyway pretty mid application overall for a CL5 position, you could expand a whole lot on your lore, short bullet-points for responsibilities with little to no expansion sends the message that you have no clue what an ECM actually does, you should probably fix this, though I'm overall not sure that you are ready for the role of ECM so for that I will be leaving you a -Support :(

Other than that best of luck on your application bud
You cannot call ERT either.


Suprisee 🥳

Anywho yeah Hi Jax,

On this application i'll be leaving you a -/+ Neutral, as i'm sure you'll understand why after our conversation prior to my exit from the server.

You are of course a very capable SIte Manager and member of SA in general, however when applying to a position in Site Command, it's not what position you're in but rather what you do with it, you may be a Site Manager, but are you using the RP standing and position to your advantage? Are you acting like the second in charge of the site? I don't think so just yet, I think you have potential to be in Site Command but you need to develop yourself in SA as an SM first, issue projects and make yourself a formidable presence around the site, then you look at moving upwards and onwards.

Furthermore, this application is a little bit dire, other than what's been pointed out, in general i think you're not selling yourself as well as you could and each question could use some extra pizaz or development.

Regardless of this,
I wish you the very best of luck, and if it's not this time, make sure it's the next time.
Mar 20, 2022
View attachment 18493

Suprisee 🥳

Anywho yeah Hi Jax,

On this application i'll be leaving you a -/+ Neutral, as i'm sure you'll understand why after our conversation prior to my exit from the server.

You are of course a very capable SIte Manager and member of SA in general, however when applying to a position in Site Command, it's not what position you're in but rather what you do with it, you may be a Site Manager, but are you using the RP standing and position to your advantage? Are you acting like the second in charge of the site? I don't think so just yet, I think you have potential to be in Site Command but you need to develop yourself in SA as an SM first, issue projects and make yourself a formidable presence around the site, then you look at moving upwards and onwards.

Furthermore, this application is a little bit dire, other than what's been pointed out, in general i think you're not selling yourself as well as you could and each question could use some extra pizaz or development.

Regardless of this,
I wish you the very best of luck, and if it's not this time, make sure it's the next time.
Very spicy

@jax Take a read of this: https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/tanhony-s-proposal

The server is based off this proposal so the fundamentals of the ethics committee stem from that article
Hello @jax , today I will be leaving a -Support on your application.

I currently don't believe you have the right insight on the actual role of a committee member, I would highly suggest to you a look at prior applications for ECM to get a better understanding. Quite honestly the application lacks detail towards the end and your examples of RP creation seem narrow to say the least.

In addition,

Please take note of the following part of the format:

"Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:"

Unfortunately I'm unable to see what storylines you've been able to develop within your lore that you'd pursue within RP. With this all being said I do believe that you could improve your knowledge of the responsibilities, as mentioned by @Broda take a look at the lore surrounding them so you can better understand what position your trying to apply for. I'd highly suggest becoming a ECA if you wish to obtain this position as this will help massively with what I've mentioned. You could easily be a great candidate if you look to improve based on the feedback provided.

Nonetheless I wish you good luck,
  • Love
Reactions: 'Athena'
You cannot call ERT either.
get with the times old man
recent changes are experimenting with allowing site director and higher to call ERT waves, in the wake of suggestions that have asked for it - via this new funny red phone in the site director's office, as well as others present in ECO and FL3.


unfortunately while the specific SA skillset of "have next to zero server presence, be generally behind the scenes and gatekeep my department" doesn't particularly transfer well to SC, i think you have what it takes to do good as an ECM, even if i haven't really interacted with you all that much

Last edited:
Apr 19, 2024
Now this is just my personal opinion from what i've seen about you, but I feel you'd be better off going for 05 as you have more experience in that field, considering you are close to A1 and were previously an OSA.

Regardless, I will still be leaving a +support on your application as I feel you are great at talking to people and can get along well with many other peoples, and could still very well thrive in the position of ECM.


Trial Game Master
Trial Game Master
Apr 5, 2024
View attachment 18493

Suprisee 🥳

Anywho yeah Hi Jax,

On this application i'll be leaving you a -/+ Neutral, as i'm sure you'll understand why after our conversation prior to my exit from the server.

You are of course a very capable SIte Manager and member of SA in general, however when applying to a position in Site Command, it's not what position you're in but rather what you do with it, you may be a Site Manager, but are you using the RP standing and position to your advantage? Are you acting like the second in charge of the site? I don't think so just yet, I think you have potential to be in Site Command but you need to develop yourself in SA as an SM first, issue projects and make yourself a formidable presence around the site, then you look at moving upwards and onwards.

Furthermore, this application is a little bit dire, other than what's been pointed out, in general i think you're not selling yourself as well as you could and each question could use some extra pizaz or development.

Regardless of this,
I wish you the very best of luck, and if it's not this time, make sure it's the next time.
Thanks redmann i have i have been working on things since our chat and it has helped me a lot. Also with this 'in general i think you're not selling yourself as well as you could' i agree and am working on trying to do this, this is something i am not good at and am trying to improve on as an OOC POV. Also i have been trying to make more of a stand within the site and its going well i have some stuff planned its just i have been a bit busy making sure me health is ok (DW im fine i just fractured my thumb) but i am going to get back into the swing of things and i am going to roll out a lot of RP i have been planning.


Trial Game Master
Trial Game Master
Apr 5, 2024
Hello @jax , today I will be leaving a -Support on your application.

I currently don't believe you have the right insight on the actual role of a committee member, I would highly suggest to you a look at prior applications for ECM to get a better understanding. Quite honestly the application lacks detail towards the end and your examples of RP creation seem narrow to say the least.

In addition,

Please take note of the following part of the format:

"Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:"

Unfortunately I'm unable to see what storylines you've been able to develop within your lore that you'd pursue within RP. With this all being said I do believe that you could improve your knowledge of the responsibilities, as mentioned by @Broda take a look at the lore surrounding them so you can better understand what position your trying to apply for. I'd highly suggest becoming a ECA if you wish to obtain this position as this will help massively with what I've mentioned. You could easily be a great candidate if you look to improve based on the feedback provided.

Nonetheless I wish you good luck,
thanks for the feedback i am currently working on it as we speak. i have mentioned a lot of things in the reply to redmann so for more detail you can look at that.