Jeandre 's application V2

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New Member
Apr 17, 2022
Steam ID: 09465935
Discord name: Jplazz#6526
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 5 days 16 hours 4 mins
Age: 14
In what country are you located?: South africa
Time zone: GMT+2
Character name(s): Jeandre De Klerk
Civilian name: John deviliers
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): I am aplling for the uk
Do you have a mic?: Yes and I m willing to use it
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: I do not have any
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: yes warning 4 that is Ltap,failrpX2, RDM for killing a d class as a d class
Why are you applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador?
- because I would like to rank higher and I want to interact with more people and I want to be able to help new people so that they know what to do when it happens again
What makes you suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador?:
- I am open headed and I like to play fair because before I ruined others RP because I was to lazy to read the rules and if I could I would do it over and ask for forgiveness
How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
- I have ritten about 60 docs and what makes my docs good is that. I make them very ethical like for example" I will be testing on 999 and try to get a sample to help us better understand what weird substance he is made of and what im make you vision purple"
What are the responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassador in RP?:
- to deal with Internal affair Agents that abuse their power and do not do as they are told and to keep stuff in check
Please give some lore about your Internal Affairs Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in: I stared of as a hopeless d class then some one gave me a chance to prove myself and that I did I became IA agent one of the most trusted people and so now some one is giving me a chance for even greater and to help the people in need of help and not to let d class suffer for what is called unethical
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Bush von Mann

Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 12, 2022

- You still haven't said what you are applying for
- Doesn't fit the general Ambassador requirements
- Research documents should not apply to an IA application
- "Ask for forgiveness" does not mean you should become an ambassador
- No experience as an Agent
- General minge
- Lackluster application
- I'm pretty sure you have more warnings
- Barely any leadership skills and irresponsible

If you really want to make it up to the server as you say, then you can do it as an Agent and stop the minge. I personally don't think you are qualified, nor have the skillset to become an Ambassador, as you quite frankly lack both the knowledge and the experience. You are clearly underestimating the role of Ambassador and its effect on the IA Department. Have a nice day.

- Bush Mann
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New Member
Apr 17, 2022
bruh just becuase you where toxic and beang racis does not mean you have to come at me


Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 27, 2022
Hey man,
We've had a lot of encounters together so I'll just explain some of the noticeable ones;

-I've had to arrest you multiple times a day for mainly Breaches of Conduct/Ethics. These mainly stem from you not knowing the CoC + CoE and performing tests that breach these codes or are a result of you hurling abuse at personnel.
-A few days ago you were being arrested for letting D-Class out of their cells and you decided to start mic spamming and calling us a lot of shit. A mod, who was playing as an Agent, had to jag you and verbally warn you for being toxic. When you were ungagged you called us the n-word and got banned.
-I took a half-hour to sit with you throughout one of your sentences and talk you through all the expectations of you as a researcher and how to make your tests ethical. To your credit, you did seem very interested and were asking lots of questions. You stated you wanted to join IA and I gave you pointers to improve your performance in RP.
-However 5 minutes after you got out, you decided to go to the hole in the wall and you got a gun. You then used this gun to mow down another IA agent and a GENSEC cadet before being downed and arrested again. During this arrest, you called me and the other Agents present, "little f***king b***hes".
-Every time you get arrested you call an Admin sit and act extremely immature. One example I can think of is when I gave you a 5 minute jail time for sending D-Class down the stairs just to watch them die on the headcams. You told me you thought it was okay and you were new. I was extremely lenient with you and linked you the CoC and CoE and told you that you were getting arrested for 5 mins and to use the 5 mins to read the information on the links. When you heard you were being arrested you called me a "pu**y little f**k" and called an Admin sit where you complain about the sentences being handed out and always state you did nothing wrong. After speaking to multiple mods and other Agents I've seen you do it to them as well. You even harassed a new Agent to give you a lower time because "you're a mod and you'll get him banned".
-Any time I have to deal with you I absolutely dread it as I have to spend the next 5 minutes afterwards waiting for an Admin to come so you can tell them how you don't deserve this time

If your serious about becoming an ambassador then get some experience as an IA agent first and read up on the CoE, CoC and codex. All linked bellow




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New Member
Apr 17, 2022
Hey man,
We've had a lot of encounters together so I'll just explain some of the noticeable ones;

-I've had to arrest you multiple times a day for mainly Breaches of Conduct/Ethics. These mainly stem from you not knowing the CoC + CoE and performing tests that breach these codes or are a result of you hurling abuse at personnel.
-A few days ago you were being arrested for letting D-Class out of their cells and you decided to start mic spamming and calling us a lot of shit. A mod, who was playing as an Agent, had to jag you and verbally warn you for being toxic. When you were ungagged you called us the n-word and got banned.
-I took a half-hour to sit with you throughout one of your sentences and talk you through all the expectations of you as a researcher and how to make your tests ethical. To your credit, you did seem very interested and were asking lots of questions. You stated you wanted to join IA and I gave you pointers to improve your performance in RP.
-However 5 minutes after you got out, you decided to go to the hole in the wall and you got a gun. You then used this gun to mow down another IA agent and a GENSEC cadet before being downed and arrested again. During this arrest, you called me and the other Agents present, "little f***king b***hes".
-Every time you get arrested you call an Admin sit and act extremely immature. One example I can think of is when I gave you a 5 minute jail time for sending D-Class down the stairs just to watch them die on the headcams. You told me you thought it was okay and you were new. I was extremely lenient with you and linked you the CoC and CoE and told you that you were getting arrested for 5 mins and to use the 5 mins to read the information on the links. When you heard you were being arrested you called me a "pu**y little f**k" and called an Admin sit where you complain about the sentences being handed out and always state you did nothing wrong. After speaking to multiple mods and other Agents I've seen you do it to them as well. You even harassed a new Agent to give you a lower time because "you're a mod and you'll get him banned".
-Any time I have to deal with you I absolutely dread it as I have to spend the next 5 minutes afterwards waiting for an Admin to come so you can tell them how you don't deserve this time

If your serious about becoming an ambassador then get some experience as an IA agent first and read up on the CoE, CoC and codex. All linked bellow




thank you I will do and I admit I acked very inmuture and I take full responsebilyy of that but there is you thing rong that you said I was one of the d class with the headcam and got killed lol.

that aside I will keep in mind what you said thank you so much this helps me alot

Application Denied

Good day, Agent De Klerk

Thank you for taking the time to fill out the application form, we truly appreciate your interest and effort. After discussing with Dpt. Director Moat, we came to the conclusion that you are currently not qualified for the position for several reasons:

- Recent misbehaviour, getting yourself arrested in multiple ocasions

- Recent and frequent server rules breaking

- Lack of knowledge regarding the CoE, CoC and LC

- Lacking application form

- Toxic attitude towards other community members

- Bad attitude overall

The best tip we can give you right now is to improve your behaviour in general, make sure to follow server rules and learn about all of the mistakes you've committed, because as far as we're aware there have been a lot. Once you've managed to improve as a user, we can talk about how to make you a suitable IA member for the ambassador promotion. Until then, please refrain from causing any more trouble or there will be dire consequenes.

If you want further information, please do not hesitate from asking Director Moat or me. Furthermore, please do not let this dishearten you from re-applying in the future.

Kindest Regards,
Directors Moat & Katona.​
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