Jeffrey nuts Overseer Assistant app 4th (USA)

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Out Of Character-Red

In Character-Blue

Added/Renewed something-Green
(This either happens if i get denied/edit it while its still open)

Speaking (Just the Names not the full Speech)-Purple

Steam ID:

Discord name:

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
Around Almost 2 years i have been on the server and around 103 days with the one year achivment (Ik i made the forum account like 1 year late so i dont have no 1 or 2 year achivment)

I am 15 years old at the moment.

In what country are you located?:
I live in Germany

Time zone:
GMT (+1)

Character name(s):

Foundation:Jeffrey nut

Chaos Insurgency: Andreas "Bacon"

Civilian name:Jermey "Tree"

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
I am applying for SCP-RP USA

Do you have a mic?:
(2nd time it happend)
No, my mic broke yesterday i will try to get a new one as soon as possible.

What are your total levels?:
Total Level 220
Combat Level 61
Dclass Level 55
Reseach Level 28
SCP level 27
Support level 49

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
( Added ci delta forgot about it).

I am currently only holding Senior Agent because i left the server for a few months.

I Held Nu7 CPL; A-1 SGT, Overseer Assistant, E11 LCPL, Special Agent, I also held CI Delta

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

- Yes, i have gotten 2 FailRP warns but they are both expired and i also got an fearrp warn when i rejoined the server due me like forgetting a lot of rules.

What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:
-I think the reason why i am an good candidate for an Overseer assistant is i have cl4 experiance and i have been an Overseer Assistant before.
-Also i think im fit because i know what 05 expects from me and the time it takes to write an good document, also if i make any mistakes i try to better me as fast as possible for the next time.
-Adding im pretty often on the server. (I dont have the best vtime currently, due to me just rejoing the server like 2 weeks ago.).
-I also think that im good recognisable guy around the site and have been on the server for a while now.

What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:
-Auth Sweeps (if no captains are avaible)
-Auth AA (if no High ups are on E.x. 05,Ethics,Site adminstration)
-Auth Kos past airlock.
-Enforce CoC and CoE.
-Execute Orders from 05.
-Be professinal at all Times.
-Work with Alpha-1 (E.x. Infobreaches about 05,Alpha 1 "RRH".)
-Assist 05 with Objectives.
-Write Documents and get information to make Reports (for Deparments) for the 05.

Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

{Welcome To SCIPNET}
{Opening File}
{Authorization For Cl5 Members and Alpha-1 Members}
{Start Of Protocall #544}

Jeffrey nut was an normal person with an normal 5 Day office job looking at documents from E-mails and either accepting them and sending them to his boss to either delet them or send back the Email , but one day an document from an unknown E-Mail came in...

-Foundation Report, SCP Contaiment Breach on the 5th (Redacted)-
-At 5:44 PM 079 was Hacked By CI, waves of MTF tried taking control of the siutation but it got worse and worse from the breach.-
{Incoming next Report}
-The Site is going into Fullsitelockdown the entire Site is falling. MTF Units got controll over 079 but before that 079 hacked out 682, 076 and of course 035 making it even more painfull to deal with the breach.-
{Incoming next Report}
-F... Code Black got called and i cant even leave im currently trapped inside Dblock Train Vents, if any staff is getting this Report,Please call this Number -{Redacted}, i might be still alive by then.- is
{End of Reports,this message will be {Auto}-delted in 4 Days}

Even though Jeffrey was confused and scared and didnt know if he just dosent want to do anything with it and delet the or report or just call the number for Information, he decided to call the number from the E-Mail and somebody with an deep, misterius voice answerd.
{Incoming Call}
{Accept Y/N}
Jeffrey "Hello?, i got an Email with this number on is anybody on the line?"
Unknown "Yes, Somebody is in the line, what type of Email are you talking about? and whats is ur Job as of now?"
Jeffrey "I work for an Document Center storing documents that are important? Also the Email is talking about an Breach? Mind if i get some feedback that everything is fine now?"
Unknown "Yes it's fine now... Mind if i get your location? It seems like some documents are lost."
Jeffrey "Sure i will print out the documents and hand them in to you when you get here, sir."
Unknown "Thanks A lot, I will end this phone call now see you in an bit."
Jeffrey "Alright see you t-"
{Call Ends}

Even though Jeffrey thought it was rude to just hang up the phone in the middle of speaking he didnt think about it twice and forgot about it.
After around 2 Hours his workshift ended and he left the offices,before he could have enterd his car he was Bagged and cuffed.
Losing the Time sense he could not know how long they went for an drive and he even fell asleep in the car.
2 Hours after his Kidnap he woke up still cuffed and bagged but not in an car anymore, after Jeffrey yelled some somebody enterd the room he was in.

Unknown "Your finally awake i thought for an moment you died, took a hell lot of hours to wake up huh?"

Then Jeffrey was moved and the bag on his head was removed. Seeing an person with an gun he instantly got scared and started to cry and scream.

Jeffrey instantly yelled "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME? LET ME LEAVE! PLESE!"
An A1 Operative answered "You will be taken in for Questioning, please remain silent as of now."

Seeing the gun on the A1 he didnt want any trouble so Jeff didnt Scream or talked for a while till somebody else entered an room, an Person in an Suit.

05-{Redacted} "Seems like you have found some documents that we own... i will give you an offer either you work for me, or we're going to make you disappear if you know what i mean."

Jeffrey "YES, Im sorry for screaming... i would like the accept the first offer, please."

05 "Alright,You will be handed an suit and an Clearance level 3 Keycard, This means you cant leave but you will get enough Food and Water to survive in your new office. Also you will be getting an little tour of our Facility,but before we beginn please sign this contract to not say anything."

With around 3 Months experince the 05-{R} Comes into His offices

05 "Hey, you have been doing good work for the past few months, you will recive full autheriation for leaving this office and an cl4 too, you will be Promoted to my Assistant, lets see how good you really are,Remember i have trust in you now."

Jeffrey "Do not worry sir i will handle you with Respect and will be Loyal to you at all cost."

05 "Good, knock him out"

A1 "Goodnight."

Jeffrey "WAI-"

After Jeffrey has been an Overseer Assistant for a while now he started to get some thoughts about leaving the Assistant part and retiring from the foundation for sometime due the Work stress.

Jeffrey "Hey -2 i have been thinking for an while, thinking about leaving the my Job behind, and retiring from the Foundation."

O5 "Alright, Go back to your office i will be there shortly."

Jeffrey "Okay sir."

After around 10 minutes -2 enterd his office.

O5 "Sign this contract, Do not tell anybody or anything what you saw,learned or heared about in the Facility, if you tell anybody about anything, you know the what will happen to you."

Jeffrey "Alright, thank you sir."

O5 "Maybe, we will see us again at some point, you did an good job. Stay safe."

Around 3 months later Jeffrey was walking around pinewood, as an normal civilian, he knew about the foundation, but forgot about most stuff. During an walk with his dog he saw an Briefcase in the snow, with the SCP logo on it.
*What is this* Jeffrey thought he didnt recognise the logo, then he opened the Briefcase. *Something about the Overseer Council?, somewhere i heared about that... oh wait! i know where this belongs i schould hand it back in*
When he got to the front gate an Nu7 LT grabbed him and the Briefcase, and then brought him down to floor 3.

O5 "Here we see us again, Jeffrey Nut. Seems like you found an Document, If you havent read it its about you."

Jeffrey "I havent read it yet but why about me and why do i find it?"

O5 "Maybe its an sign you schould return to us, to the foundation."

Jeffrey "Maybe it is, i havent gotten an good job in the past few months, may i return?"

O5 "Yes. Just sign the contract again, and proof your loyality."

Jeffrey "Thanks sir, i will show my loyalilty"

{End Of Protcall}
{Closing File}
Last edited:
Jun 4, 2023


Hello @Jeffrey Nut,

We thank you for your interest in becoming an assistant to the Site Inspectorate. After a lengthy evaluation, we've determined that you are fit for this position. As such, your application has been marked as ACCEPTED. Reach out to my secretary (@_.shark._) for training before receiving your assignments.
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